Trump is right. Heidi Cruz belonged to the CFR. She's a globalist and traitor

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
The Council on Foreign Relations wants to end american sovereignty - in fact they want the whole planet to be just one country with elites like themselves in control. Heidi is a traitor and we must talk about this. Don't gimme that "wives are off limits" crap. If she was a klansman, we'd be talking about that and being a CFR member is far worse. Here's a WND article from last year about her and the CFR.

NEW YORK – With Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, setting his sights on the Oval Office, some of his critics are once again confronting him with the issue of his wife’s former membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and her role in the crafting of a CFR document espousing North American unity.

The national spokesman for Cruz’s presidential campaign, Rick Tyler, emphasized in a response to WND that the senator has never been a member of CFR and harshly criticized the organization during his 2012 U.S. Senate campaign as a threat to U.S. sovereignty, even though his wife was a member at the time.

Tyler explained that Heidi Cruz, then an energy investment banker for Merrill Lynch in Houston, served as a CFR term member.

Her term expired in 2011, Tyler said, and she was one of 31 members assigned to the task force that produced the “Building a North American Community” report.
Public knowledge. This wouldn't be "spilling any beans."

I can guarantee you, 100%, that Trump was not referring to this w/ his tweet. He was responding emotionally - as he usually does - and shooting from the hip w/ a completely baseless accusation.
Public knowledge. This wouldn't be "spilling any beans."

Public knowledge?? HAHAHA. Most americans have never even heard of the CFR. And you america-haters want to keep it that way and that's too bad. Cat is out of the bag. Heidi also worked for Goldman Sachs!!! Reminds me of the 1960 movie Manchurian Candidate where the senator was controlled by his anti-american wife.
Public knowledge?? HAHAHA. Most americans have never even heard of the CFR. And you america-haters want to keep it that way and that's too bad. Cat is out of the bag. Heidi also worked for Goldman Sachs!!! Reminds me of the 1960 movie Manchurian Candidate where the senator was controlled by his anti-american wife.

When did your belief in white supremacy become the dominant force in your life, TDK?
If heidi the globalist has her way, there will be no borders anywhere in the world and all of africa and asia and south america will be free to come here and go on welfare.
I find Jerome R. Corsi types fascinating in their way. Obviously he is a intelligent person even though his work seems stupid and off point to most people. There is a audience for this nonsense and even given the opportunity to challenge their nonsense many still follow and believe.

The hard question is why does this nonsense persist and can it even be countered? Stanley Fish talks about it below.

"The question is, why do arguments like these often have so much force? At first glance it seems odd, Even bizarre, to discount the cumulative effects of many blows, or to deny that habitat degradation constitutes a harm to individual birds, or to announce that massive patterns of societal discrimination leave minorities in the same position as everyone else, or to decide that white Timothy McVeigh talks like a militia member, walks like a militia member, thinks likes militia member and hates like a militia member, what he does has nothing to do with the militia culture .... How is the trick done? Well, first of all by a sleight of hand. The eye is deflected away from the whole -- history, culture, habitats, society and the parts, now freed from any stabilizing context, can be described in any way one likes - but why is the sleight of hand successful? Why don't more people see through it?" [Stanley Fish]

On topic, I don't know enough about Cruz's wife to comment, neither do most others, they simply do this because she fits into the 'foe box' and for some opposing the 'foe box' allows anything at all.
ted cruz is a con man

hes phoney religious

he lies and cheats whenever he can

he is a sociopath

why do christians always fall for sociopaths?