Trump- Joe Biden “is letting millions of people from jails, from prisons, from insane asylums, from mental institutions, drug dealers pour in.”

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai

We fact-checked a similar statement by Trump about Venezuela and rated it False. Here, we will examine Trump’s statement that "millions" of immigrants are pouring in from jails and mental institutions — a frequent Trump talking point that reporters have examined and debunked before.​

Fact checking here is inappropriate.
Trump doesn't report facts.
He entertains his trumpanzees.
His shit doesn't go over whatever we call their equivalent of heads.

We fact-checked a similar statement by Trump about Venezuela and rated it False. Here, we will examine Trump’s statement that "millions" of immigrants are pouring in from jails and mental institutions — a frequent Trump talking point that reporters have examined and debunked before.​

Too late. They will believe it. Wait and you'll see posts "proving" him correct. Waiting on you, T.A.

We fact-checked a similar statement by Trump about Venezuela and rated it False. Here, we will examine Trump’s statement that "millions" of immigrants are pouring in from jails and mental institutions — a frequent Trump talking point that reporters have examined and debunked before.​

What an absolutely shit article that was.

Quoting Trump as a source? Then you have circular referencing (ie., quoting yourself):

Then Politifact says this:

Under Biden, the U.S. has expelled, removed or returned people out of the U.S. around 3.8 million times
This is a red herring defense since it doesn't mention that about 10 to 15 million illegals have entered in the same time , nor does it mention attempted reentries by those deported.

Other MSM sources are 180 degrees out of line with Politifact too.

So, Politifact is full of shit with their useless, almost totally unsourced, and badly written article on this. I rate them as:
