Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden.


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile​

He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden. It’s false, and here’s how Biden should respond.​

You can’t say you weren’t warned: At the upcoming presidential debate on June 27, Donald Trump plans to highlight a handful of horrific murders—allegedly by undocumented migrants—and blame them on President Biden. We know this because Trump told us so right on his Truth Social feed.

“We have a new Biden Migrant Killing—it’s only going to get worse, and it’s all Crooked Joe Biden’s fault,” Trump seethed, referring to the horrible death of a 12-year-old Texas girl. “I look forward to seeing him at the Fake debate on Thursday. Let him explain why he has allowed MILLIONS of people to come into our Country illegally!”
Are you saying that no immgrants that trump let in while he was president didn't ever kill people? Is that what you are pretending?
Trump didn't let in MILLIONS of illegals including many from Venezuelan prisons. Some of these murders were apprehended at the border then RELEASED by Biden's administration into the US. Remember Trump was all about preventing illegal immigration and Biden reversed his E.O.
Trump didn't let in MILLIONS of illegals including many from Venezuelan prisons. Some of these murders were apprehended at the border then RELEASED by Biden's administration into the US. Remember Trump was all about preventing illegal immigration and Biden reversed his E.O.
But but...did he let in illegals? Yes. Did some of those illegals kill? Yes.
So why isn't the same standard applied?
But but...did he let in illegals? Yes. Did some of those illegals kill? Yes.
So why isn't the same standard applied?
No he didn't LET in illegals . His EO were designed to prevent illegals from getting in. That is why Biden erased Trump's EOs. Biden actually paroled some of the murders into the country like the guy that killed Laken Riley. And the guys that strangled the 12 year old in Houston. Now if you know of a illegal that Trump paroled into the US that murdered someone provide a link or STFU.
No he didn't LET in illegals . His EO were designed to prevent illegals from getting in. That is why Biden erased Trump's EOs. Biden actually paroled some of the murders into the country like the guy that killed Laken Riley. And the guys that strangled the 12 year old in Houston. Now if you know of a illegal that Trump paroled into the US that murdered someone provide a link or STFU.
Joe Biden sends back more illegals than trump ever did..

  • Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is right that there have been more migrant returns and removals in the past nine months than in any single fiscal year since 2015, Department of Homeland Security data shows.
  • But to someone unfamiliar with deportation metrics and jargon, it could sound as if the past nine months of returns and removals exceeded any full year of deportations since 2015. If we include Title 42 expulsions, the numbers change.

Joe Biden sends back more illegals than trump ever did..

  • Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is right that there have been more migrant returns and removals in the past nine months than in any single fiscal year since 2015, Department of Homeland Security data shows.
  • But to someone unfamiliar with deportation metrics and jargon, it could sound as if the past nine months of returns and removals exceeded any full year of deportations since 2015. If we include Title 42 expulsions, the numbers change.

Biden left in over 7 million (that we know of), so when that many more are left in, it's easy to say he sent more back.
But if you use the numbers and change them to percentages (the math might be above your grade), on average, Trump sent more back.
Biden left in over 7 million (that we know of), so when that many more are left in, it's easy to say he sent more back.
But if you use the numbers and change them to percentages (the math might be above your grade), on average, Trump sent more back.
Not according the DHS.
No he didn't LET in illegals . His EO were designed to prevent illegals from getting in. That is why Biden erased Trump's EOs. Biden actually paroled some of the murders into the country like the guy that killed Laken Riley. And the guys that strangled the 12 year old in Houston. Now if you know of a illegal that Trump paroled into the US that murdered someone provide a link or STFU.
Immigrants of all types have lower crime rates.

Checkmate, bitch.
Immigrants commit crimes at a lower level than the American citizenry. They lower the crime rate. They are there for economic opportunities that their countries do not have. Have some crazies made the trek? Sure. That in no way says anything about Biden.