Trump lied about Revolutionary War army taking over the airports!!!! LOL!!!!

I can only imagine how 3rd graders across the nation are going to have a big laugh about this one!

Airports? :whoa::palm::laugh:

His speech writers probably wrote SEAPORTS but Donnie can't even read his prompters!

And too stupid to realize there is no way AIRPORTS could have been written in that speech about the Revolutionary War Era!!
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The Redcoats Are in a Holding Pattern Over La Guardia Airport
Revolutionary War airports? President Trump revised history in his Fourth of July speech, to the internet’s amusement.

When Trump goes off script, stupidity comes out. Trump is actually a dumb person.

Okay, we shouldn't elect Trump. By the same standard, we shouldn't elect Biden.


Our elections have become like shopping at a Dollar General store during a looting... We should be able to do better.
But does Biden think stealth planes are invisible?

Get a look at the guys behind the Know-it-all in Chief. Could you keep a straight face? :|

And aside from his obvious cluelessness about what "invisible" means in the context of military aviation, at the end he took all the credit and LIED about having single-handedly cut the cost of the plane, when in fact price negotiations had been going on for years before Trump.

Besides, the F-35 price tag was already coming down anyway, as Lockheed Martin developed more efficient manufacturing methods and took advantages of economies of scale, wherein because of more planes being ordered, they were able to negotiate better deals for more materials, labor, and overhead.

Typical Trump.
Nobody with a reasonably functioning brain gives a fat flying fuck

about ANYTHING Trump says.

That aside, however, SOMEBODY should be taking over our airports and airways

because they suck beyond all comprehension.
Okay, we shouldn't elect Trump. By the same standard, we shouldn't elect Biden.


Our elections have become like shopping at a Dollar General store during a looting... We should be able to do better.

Have you not listened to Biden talk? He speaks in complete sentences. He has an adult vocabulary. He gaffes and always has, due to a stuttering problem. Biden covers a subject. Trump wanders like he is overdosed on Adderall. No, they are not the same.
Have you not listened to Biden talk? He speaks in complete sentences. He has an adult vocabulary. He gaffes and always has, due to a stuttering problem. Biden covers a subject. Trump wanders like he is overdosed on Adderall. No, they are not the same.

Also Biden knows from experience what he is talking about.

Trump has no idea about what he is talking about. Trump just says things to enrage people over things that are not even real, inflame their emotions, and then claims he is their only savior and salvation.

But only stupid, hateful, and disgruntled people looking for a fight already, fall for his Bullshit and contribute money towards his campaign of DOOM AND GLOOM. They are too stupid to understand that they have been scammed into contributing to pay his legal fees and float his Billionaire lifestyle- while he laughs at his suckers all the way to the bank.

There should be a law against it. More than likely there is, and he is already under investigation for it. The IRS and the Voting Commission will eventually catch on to him. I know the Vocal and Moral majority of voters has been on to him for years now. The public at large has known Donald Trump is nothing more than a grifter and a scoundrel since day one of his presidency.
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Trump went around telling everyone that Lincoln was a Republican, which wasn't exactly news to most of us. But as Trump is known to lie a lot, it may have been an attempt at a bluff or even a double bluff. Or he could just be dumber than anyone thought. I think we should check.

More generally, why does he say things like that? I don't think he's the sort of person who can make jokes about himself, so WTH is he up to? Maybe his admirers could give us a clue ...
Okay, we shouldn't elect Trump. By the same standard, we shouldn't elect Biden.


Our elections have become like shopping at a Dollar General store during a looting... We should be able to do better.

Trump was much younger then but his brain was already gone. Full on dementia and it is only worse now.

This thread is not about Biden. We should not talk about him.