Trump Non-Disclosure finally disclosed.


Shaken, not stirred!
Man, this is just a bad day for Cheeto Jeezus! Once you get over the horrible Trump voice by the host, you get to here what took 20 years for the American public to know. Enjoy:

Trump's NDAs in the Apprenticeship days have ended for at least one of them. He has talked about what Trump was like with his racism flashing red. Trump used the N-word on a person who should have won and denied him the victory based on color
Trump was always his lecherous self and treated women badly too. It is who Trump is and it is ugly.
This only makes him more popular with magats.
I know! The man has a record of using them as doormats, and they just bend over the chair with a smile on their faces asking for another one! I remember Roslyn Carter was once asked why Reagan was such a popular president. Her response was, "he makes us feel comfortable with our prejudices". Man, that makes Cheeto Jeezus Reagan 2x in that department!
I know! The man has a record of using them as doormats, and they just bend over the chair with a smile on their faces asking for another one! I remember Roslyn Carter was once asked why Reagan was such a popular president. Her response was, "he makes us feel comfortable with our prejudices". Man, that makes Cheeto Jeezus Reagan 2x in that department!
Kind of like you animals bending lady liberty over the table and having your way with her just so you can "get trump". Use any means necessary to "get trump" am in right?
Yaky is on my ignore list. What's great about this old format is that even when others respond to his drivel, I don't see it.

BTW dummy, if someone is on your ignore list you look really stupid commenting.