Trump, Once The Man Who Couldn’t Be Bought, Is Now Up For Sale


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Well, well, well—what a surprise! The man who once bragged about being the one guy who "couldn’t be bought" is now practically holding a yard sale on his dignity. Yep, that’s right. Trump, the "billionaire who didn’t need anyone's money," is now auctioning off his influence like he's on some political eBay.

The article dives into how Trump has completely flip-flopped, moving from self-proclaimed independence to embracing donor cash like it’s his new best friend. His 2024 campaign is now leaning heavily on big donors, many of whom have their own special interests. And let’s not forget all those MAGA followers, still forking over their hard-earned dollars for his legal fees. Seriously, this guy is crowd-funding his own defense. Talk about a "man of the people," right?

The best part? He once claimed that politicians who take money are puppets. Guess what? He’s now tangled up in those same strings, dancing to the tune of whoever throws in the most cash. The article paints a picture of a man who, despite all his chest-pounding about being unbought, is now up for grabs. His base still thinks he’s some maverick? Well, they better look again, 'cause this guy is just another player in the political money game.

In short: the myth of Trump as the untouchable outsider is officially busted. Dude’s on sale.

Now, almost a decade later, he is running as a candidate who is openly for sale. He has said he’ll offer plum jobs to major donors like Elon Musk, promised favors to oil executives, bragged to the wealthy about the tax cuts he can deliver and has even taken time away from his campaign to pitch a cryptocurrency project for his sons.

Americans can even buy DJT on the stock market, in the form of shares in the publicly traded holding company that owns his social media site, Truth Social. That company’s revenues are meager, with the share price hitting all-time lows, but it’s still being propped up by the former president’s loyal political fandom.

“He just thinks he operates in his own world,” Fred Wertheimer, a veteran of decades of fights over campaign finance and government ethics, told HuffPost. “What he’s doing is incredibly brazen in both asking for large amounts of money and telling people what he’s going to do for them in return.”

“Bottom line, I’ve never seen anyone do what he’s doing,” Wertheimer said.
Well, well, well—what a surprise! The man who once bragged about being the one guy who "couldn’t be bought" is now practically holding a yard sale on his dignity. Yep, that’s right. Trump, the "billionaire who didn’t need anyone's money," is now auctioning off his influence like he's on some political eBay.

The article dives into how Trump has completely flip-flopped, moving from self-proclaimed independence to embracing donor cash like it’s his new best friend. His 2024 campaign is now leaning heavily on big donors, many of whom have their own special interests. And let’s not forget all those MAGA followers, still forking over their hard-earned dollars for his legal fees. Seriously, this guy is crowd-funding his own defense. Talk about a "man of the people," right?

The best part? He once claimed that politicians who take money are puppets. Guess what? He’s now tangled up in those same strings, dancing to the tune of whoever throws in the most cash. The article paints a picture of a man who, despite all his chest-pounding about being unbought, is now up for grabs. His base still thinks he’s some maverick? Well, they better look again, 'cause this guy is just another player in the political money game.

In short: the myth of Trump as the untouchable outsider is officially busted. Dude’s on sale.

Now, almost a decade later, he is running as a candidate who is openly for sale. He has said he’ll offer plum jobs to major donors like Elon Musk, promised favors to oil executives, bragged to the wealthy about the tax cuts he can deliver and has even taken time away from his campaign to pitch a cryptocurrency project for his sons.

Americans can even buy DJT on the stock market, in the form of shares in the publicly traded holding company that owns his social media site, Truth Social. That company’s revenues are meager, with the share price hitting all-time lows, but it’s still being propped up by the former president’s loyal political fandom.

“He just thinks he operates in his own world,” Fred Wertheimer, a veteran of decades of fights over campaign finance and government ethics, told HuffPost. “What he’s doing is incredibly brazen in both asking for large amounts of money and telling people what he’s going to do for them in return.”

“Bottom line, I’ve never seen anyone do what he’s doing,” Wertheimer said.
It's bad but the Democrat party has been China's concubine for years
It's bad but the Democrat party has been China's concubine for years
Oh, China's concubine, you say? How quaint. Let’s get one thing straight—if anyone’s been playing the role of concubine here, it’s the guy who couldn’t stop fawning over Xi Jinping while letting China walk all over us. Remember when your guy, Donald Trump, was drooling over Xi's ability to rule for life? That wasn't Democrats. And while he was busy gushing over China's "greatness," Ivanka was raking in trademarks in China like it was a yard sale at Mar-a-Lago. She scored all those lucrative deals while Trump was supposedly "negotiating" with Beijing.

And speaking of negotiations, let’s not forget the ZTE controversy, where Trump gave a sweetheart deal to save the Chinese tech giant after national security experts flagged it as a threat. Why? Oh, that's right—because China was tossing millions at Trump businesses and Ivanka's brands like confetti. But, hey, what’s a little national security risk when there’s money to be made, right? Oh, and I won't even mention the fact that Trump maintained a bank account, IN CHINA.

So, you want to talk about Democrats being concubines? Your guy sold out America’s interests for a few cheap trademarks, business deals, and who knows what else. Maybe get your facts straight before you throw your next punch
It's bad but the Democrat party has been China's concubine for years
haha.gif are a card. You ought to get into television. Late night!

You could wow 'em.
Oh, China's concubine, you say? How quaint. Let’s get one thing straight—if anyone’s been playing the role of concubine here, it’s the guy who couldn’t stop fawning over Xi Jinping while letting China walk all over us. Remember when your guy, Donald Trump, was drooling over Xi's ability to rule for life? That wasn't Democrats. And while he was busy gushing over China's "greatness," Ivanka was raking in trademarks in China like it was a yard sale at Mar-a-Lago. She scored all those lucrative deals while Trump was supposedly "negotiating" with Beijing.

And speaking of negotiations, let’s not forget the ZTE controversy, where Trump gave a sweetheart deal to save the Chinese tech giant after national security experts flagged it as a threat. Why? Oh, that's right—because China was tossing millions at Trump businesses and Ivanka's brands like confetti. But, hey, what’s a little national security risk when there’s money to be made, right? Oh, and I won't even mention the fact that Trump maintained a bank account, IN CHINA.

So, you want to talk about Democrats being concubines? Your guy sold out America’s interests for a few cheap trademarks, business deals, and who knows what else. Maybe get your facts straight before you throw your next punch
Yes biden works for Xi
Well, well, well—what a surprise! The man who once bragged about being the one guy who "couldn’t be bought" is now practically holding a yard sale on his dignity. Yep, that’s right. Trump, the "billionaire who didn’t need anyone's money," is now auctioning off his influence like he's on some political eBay.

The article dives into how Trump has completely flip-flopped, moving from self-proclaimed independence to embracing donor cash like it’s his new best friend. His 2024 campaign is now leaning heavily on big donors, many of whom have their own special interests. And let’s not forget all those MAGA followers, still forking over their hard-earned dollars for his legal fees. Seriously, this guy is crowd-funding his own defense. Talk about a "man of the people," right?

The best part? He once claimed that politicians who take money are puppets. Guess what? He’s now tangled up in those same strings, dancing to the tune of whoever throws in the most cash. The article paints a picture of a man who, despite all his chest-pounding about being unbought, is now up for grabs. His base still thinks he’s some maverick? Well, they better look again, 'cause this guy is just another player in the political money game.

In short: the myth of Trump as the untouchable outsider is officially busted. Dude’s on sale.

Now, almost a decade later, he is running as a candidate who is openly for sale. He has said he’ll offer plum jobs to major donors like Elon Musk, promised favors to oil executives, bragged to the wealthy about the tax cuts he can deliver and has even taken time away from his campaign to pitch a cryptocurrency project for his sons.

Americans can even buy DJT on the stock market, in the form of shares in the publicly traded holding company that owns his social media site, Truth Social. That company’s revenues are meager, with the share price hitting all-time lows, but it’s still being propped up by the former president’s loyal political fandom.

“He just thinks he operates in his own world,” Fred Wertheimer, a veteran of decades of fights over campaign finance and government ethics, told HuffPost. “What he’s doing is incredibly brazen in both asking for large amounts of money and telling people what he’s going to do for them in return.”

“Bottom line, I’ve never seen anyone do what he’s doing,” Wertheimer said.
Everything about trump stinks of irony. He also railed against Hillary demanding that the criminal be 'locked up'. I think he said something about candidates being disqualified if they are being investigated, as well.

He railed against teleprompters. He begged Russia for private Clinton emails, but when his staff was hacked recently he screeched like a baby about the use of confidential emails.
Well, well, well—what a surprise! The man who once bragged about being the one guy who "couldn’t be bought" is now practically holding a yard sale on his dignity. Yep, that’s right. Trump, the "billionaire who didn’t need anyone's money," is now auctioning off his influence like he's on some political eBay.

The article dives into how Trump has completely flip-flopped, moving from self-proclaimed independence to embracing donor cash like it’s his new best friend. His 2024 campaign is now leaning heavily on big donors, many of whom have their own special interests. And let’s not forget all those MAGA followers, still forking over their hard-earned dollars for his legal fees. Seriously, this guy is crowd-funding his own defense. Talk about a "man of the people," right?

The best part? He once claimed that politicians who take money are puppets. Guess what? He’s now tangled up in those same strings, dancing to the tune of whoever throws in the most cash. The article paints a picture of a man who, despite all his chest-pounding about being unbought, is now up for grabs. His base still thinks he’s some maverick? Well, they better look again, 'cause this guy is just another player in the political money game.

In short: the myth of Trump as the untouchable outsider is officially busted. Dude’s on sale.

Now, almost a decade later, he is running as a candidate who is openly for sale. He has said he’ll offer plum jobs to major donors like Elon Musk, promised favors to oil executives, bragged to the wealthy about the tax cuts he can deliver and has even taken time away from his campaign to pitch a cryptocurrency project for his sons.

Americans can even buy DJT on the stock market, in the form of shares in the publicly traded holding company that owns his social media site, Truth Social. That company’s revenues are meager, with the share price hitting all-time lows, but it’s still being propped up by the former president’s loyal political fandom.

“He just thinks he operates in his own world,” Fred Wertheimer, a veteran of decades of fights over campaign finance and government ethics, told HuffPost. “What he’s doing is incredibly brazen in both asking for large amounts of money and telling people what he’s going to do for them in return.”

“Bottom line, I’ve never seen anyone do what he’s doing,” Wertheimer said.
Oh this again.

DEMOCRATS have ten times the problem with this, since you want to call it a problem.
Oh, China's concubine, you say? How quaint. Let’s get one thing straight—if anyone’s been playing the role of concubine here, it’s the guy who couldn’t stop fawning over Xi Jinping while letting China walk all over us. Remember when your guy, Donald Trump, was drooling over Xi's ability to rule for life?
You are describing Obama.
That wasn't Democrats.
Obama is a Democrat.
And while he was busy gushing over China's "greatness," Ivanka was raking in trademarks in China like it was a yard sale at Mar-a-Lago. She scored all those lucrative deals while Trump was supposedly "negotiating" with Beijing.
You are describing Obama.
And speaking of negotiations, let’s not forget the ZTE controversy, where Trump gave a sweetheart deal to save the Chinese tech giant after national security experts flagged it as a threat. Why? Oh, that's right—because China was tossing millions at Trump businesses and Ivanka's brands like confetti. But, hey, what’s a little national security risk when there’s money to be made, right? Oh, and I won't even mention the fact that Trump maintained a bank account, IN CHINA.
You are describing Obama.
So, you want to talk about Democrats being concubines? Your guy sold out America’s interests for a few cheap trademarks, business deals, and who knows what else. Maybe get your facts straight before you throw your next punch
He is correct.