Trump PAC scramble to claw back a $60 million donation


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Those this mean that Trump is going to fleece his feeble mind supporters????

Trump PAC scramble to claw back a $60 million donation 'signals a potential money crisis': NYT

Donald Trump's Save America PAC, which has been paying the crushing legal bills the twice-indicted former president and close aides have racked up due to multiple investigations, might be in the throes of a cash crunch reports the New York Times' Maggie Haberman and Shane Goldmacher.

According to the Times, "The political action committee that former President Donald J. Trump is using to pay his legal bills faced such staggering costs this year that it requested a refund on a $60 million contribution it made to another group supporting the Republican front-runner, according to two people familiar with the matter."
$60 Million Refund Request Shows Financial Pressure on Trump From Legal Fees

The political action committee that former President Donald J. Trump is using to pay his legal bills faced such staggering costs this year that it requested a refund on a $60 million contribution it made to another group supporting the Republican front-runner, according to two people familiar with the matter.
The numbers will be part of the Save America Federal Election Commission filing that is expected to be made public late on Monday.

That $40 million was in addition to $16 million that Save America spent in the previous two years on legal fees. Since then, Mr. Trump has been indicted twice and has expanded the size of his legal team, and his two co-defendants in the case related to his retention of classified material work for him. The total legal spending is roughly $56 million.

It Trump was not running for President he could not get the PAC money.
The democrats are trying to bankrupt Trump and tie him up in court so he can't campaign.

They know they can't win without resorting to dirty tricks to try and win.
The democrats are trying to bankrupt Trump and tie him up in court so he can't campaign.

They know they can't win without resorting to dirty tricks to try and win.

I thought that Trump is a billionaire, if so that should be pocket change for him.
A whole bunch of Trump supporters here are going to suddenly find out the last time they donated they signed up to an auto donate program and find their bank accounts wiped. AGAIN.

Tears incoming.
The democrats are trying to bankrupt Trump and tie him up in court so he can't campaign.

They know they can't win without resorting to dirty tricks to try and win.

How are the Democrats Bankrupting Trump?

The Democrats are happier than a dog with two dicks about Donnie being the front runner.

Because we already know we can beat him in the 2024 election!

Is there something you missed about the Democrats out voting the Republicans and winning the last 3 Federal elections?
And now we know how to fight the Russian bot hole farms

Ukraine just offed a Russian bot hole farm in the Ukraine

They now own the Russians eguipment

Poor Putin

It’s going to cost Him a lot to replace the equipment

And we now know all about their current tactics