Trump pardons Jack Johnson


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Good on him. Convicted of transporting white woman across state lines.

Will Republican base abandon him now?
If your going to start a troll thread at least tell the whole story first!

"May 24, 2018

President Trump on Thursday pardoned Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight champion, who was convicted in 1913 of transporting a white woman across state lines.
Decades after Johnson was convicted under the Mann Act, his case drew significant attention as a gross miscarriage of justice and a symbol of the depths of racism in the American justice system.
Johnson was convicted in 1913 of violating the Mann Act on charges that he transported a white woman across state lines “for immoral purposes.” The woman Johnson transported, Belle Schreiber, worked as a prostitute and had been in a steady relationship with the heavyweight champion.
Johnson was sentenced to a year in prison, but he fled the country for several years, returning in 1920 to serve his sentence."

No Republicans hate racism and will applaud Trump for this. The lefties on the other hand will condemn him for waiting so long.
Trust me, it sure as hell wasn't the Transporting Part the Pissed-Off Old Racist Whitey ... ;)

Jack Johnson was changing the minds of White Women all over the world ... :cool:

Once you go Black ... Mamma Gone for Good. :rofl2:
If your going to start a troll thread at least tell the whole story first!

"May 24, 2018

President Trump on Thursday pardoned Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight champion, who was convicted in 1913 of transporting a white woman across state lines.
Decades after Johnson was convicted under the Mann Act, his case drew significant attention as a gross miscarriage of justice and a symbol of the depths of racism in the American justice system.
Johnson was convicted in 1913 of violating the Mann Act on charges that he transported a white woman across state lines “for immoral purposes.” The woman Johnson transported, Belle Schreiber, worked as a prostitute and had been in a steady relationship with the heavyweight champion.
Johnson was sentenced to a year in prison, but he fled the country for several years, returning in 1920 to serve his sentence."

No Republicans hate racism and will applaud Trump for this. The lefties on the other hand will condemn him for waiting so long.

Maybe we should have waited for Sheriff Joe to die first ... just saying
a symbolic act of solidarity with people of color mistreated by the criminal justice system seems a little off brand for Trump. But Johnson’s case is far enough back in time — and has enough support from old, white, male, conservative boxing fans — that moving forward was unlikely to trouble anyone in Trump’s base

I guess he was dead enough to pardon.
Trust me, it sure as hell wasn't the Transporting Part the Pissed-Off Old Racist Whitey ... ;)

Jack Johnson was changing the minds of White Women all over the world ... :cool:

Once you go Black ... Mamma Gone for Good. :rofl2:

If Jack Johnson had been a white man, it would have been a dating couple taking a road trip.
Johnson has some baggage about abusing women. That is why other presidents were reluctant to pardon him. This is not the first time Johnson's pardon has come up to a presidents desk.