Trump Saved The Electoral College


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Hillary Clinton failed to steal the election; but she did steal the only thing she has going for her comeback: THE POPULAR VOTE. Take away her illegal votes and she lost the popular vote big time. California alone provided enough illegal aliens to give her the ‘popular vote.’

Neither she nor Al Gore won the popular vote. In 2000, Democrats tried to get the Supreme Court to abolish the Electoral Collage:

Whether or not Democrats win or lose the general election across the board this November, Hillary Clinton & Democrats are determined to abolish the form of government that made this country the greatest country the world has every seen. Democrats, most especially Hillary Clinton, will never stop trying to implement their interpretation of democracy.

Bottom line: Handing the Parasite Class the popular vote —— WITHOUT RATIFYING A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT —— is a backdoor entrance to democracy.

NOTE: Democrats dropped their strategy to abolish the Electoral College because it is no longer necessary. Casting so many illegal mail-in ballots will give catatonic Biden the Electoral College as well as the popular vote.


Democrat Party ‘ethics’ required to justify stealing elections are no longer necessary; nevertheless, the democracy-loving Parasite Class are being forced to drop its scheme to abolish the Electoral Collage.

Donald Trump gets credit for unwittingly making monkeys out of the popular vote crowd.