Trump says he wants foreign nationals who graduate from US colleges to ‘automatically’ receive green cards

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
How will the rubes spin this?

Former President Donald Trump proposed “automatically” giving green cards to foreign nationals who graduate from a US college – comments that break from his efforts to curb both legal and illegal immigration while in office and stand in stark contrast to his inflammatory anti-immigrant rhetoric on the campaign trail.

“What I want to do, and what I will do, is you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country,” the presumptive GOP nominee said on “The All-In Podcast,” which aired Thursday.

He continued, “And that includes junior colleges too.

Back in 2019 ...

White House Spokesman Says Trump Wants To 'Attract Best And Brightest' To The U.S.​

MAY 16, 2019
“And that includes junior colleges too"
Part of Trump's leadership style is to float ideas to see what American citizens (known to White LIbs as "the peasants") actually want from their gov't.

In 2018 ...

Trump Floats Possible Citizenship to Holders of H-1B Visas

The New York Times › what-are-h1b-visas

Apr 6, 2018 — H-1B visa petitions en route to a government processing center in ... In one highly publicized case in 2015, some Disney employees said ...'
Part of Trump's leadership style is to float ideas to see what American citizens (known to White LIbs as "the peasants") actually want from their gov't.

In 2018 ...

Trump Floats Possible Citizenship to Holders of H-1B Visas

The New York Times › what-are-h1b-visas

Apr 6, 2018 — H-1B visa petitions en route to a government processing center in ... In one highly publicized case in 2015, some Disney employees said ...
Automatically rube ? :)
do you see any difference between allowing college graduates to legally immigrate and allowing rapists and murderers to illegally immigrate?......if you think that difference is just "spin" you should be allowed no say in US immigration policy........
How will the rubes spin this?

Your point?
Anyone can get a junior college degree from a private college. So trump is basically throwing open the gates to anyone who wants to enter the USA. And there are no limits, so we are talking rapists, murders, spies, terrorists, anyone.
How will the rubes spin this?

That’s a good idea actually.
Now that the World can see what US Universities have become, what America has become, demand for university seats will plummet.

Paying to have you mind warped by a death cult is moronic.
Now that the World can see what US Universities have become, what America has become, demand for university seats will plummet.

Paying to have you mind warped by a death cult is moronic.
Where did you attend University and what did you major in?

Now I’m in agreement that there are a lot of University Majors that are grossly overpriced considering they have little to no value in the market place. There are many trade jobs now with high demand that with 6 months to 2 years training and education will pay more now than many University degrees but not all. It is also true that something needs to be done about the ridiculous cost of a University education.

Having said that my STEM field education defies all the stereotypes you’re generalizing about. I wasn’t brain washed with liberal ideologies. In fact I was a leader in the Young Republicans group on my campus. I took far more liberal arts classes than was required by my pre-med major because I wanted to be more than just a solid science geek. I wanted to become a well rounded person too, which is a major goal for a liberal arts education which, at present, is the finest type of higher education one can receive but that predicated on that as a person you have more than just narrow economic interests at heart. Which though I met all the Requirements for a BS upon advice from my academic advisor I chose a BA because I had done the extra work. My advisor was proven correct as my BA did help me to get selected for graduate school over students with BS degrees and better GPA’s. Namely it helped because it better prepared me for the MCAT exam in which I scored a 40. Which to put that in perspective the average score for the MCAT at that time was 30 (the MCAT, is an Allied Health care graduate school entrance exam with, at that time a scoring system of 0-50 with 50 being a perfect score).

So I went to Med School for a year and went broke, started my Environmental career in recycling as a way to earn savings to get back into med school but ended up getting a Masters in Materials Science of all things.

I haven’t looked back on that decision as I’ve loved my career in the environmental field and have been earning well above an average income while not suffering from the crippling debt of Med School.

So this taking the posturing of a handful of liberal arts majors and academics as being representative of Universities being progressive brain washing machines is not even close to being representative of the educational experience most University Students have.

I’m proud of what I accomplished at University as I was able to accomplish what only about 5% of university students can achieve. A graduate education in a STEM field and no I don’t consider social sciences a STEM major. It was bullheaded determination and lots of hard work and devestating frustrations at times and despite serious obstacles I had to overcome just to get into University. I not only succeeded in having a financially successful career but a damned interesting and adventurous one to and I succeeded in the goal of becoming a better more well rounded person as is the goal of a liberal arts education. Not only that a owe a lifetime debt to those professors who inspired me, encouraged me, who motivated me and instilled the confidence in me that I could succeed in doing something incredibly hard to do because they believed in me having the ability and talen to succeed in my goals that I seriously lacked at that time. The high school I graduated from told me the entire time I was in high school that I wasn’t college material, that I didn’t have the intelligence (despite having a 136 IQ) for college let alone majoring in a STEM field. But thanks to my parents belief in me and the generous support, encouragement and inspiration I received from these selfless University professors who mentored me I overcome those obstacles and flourished.

This is also why I consider my University years some of the best years of my life.
How will the rubes spin this?


What a bunch of horseshit. Many of the foreign nationals in college I knew had no intention of staying in the USA, or had any particular loyalty to America. They were planning on going back to their country.
Because we need immigrants due to our current demographics with an aging population and a low birth rate. This would be a legal, controlled point of entry that would bring the best and the brightest of immigrants from around the world who would be productive with high skill sets and the ability to assimilate into our culture. We need those sort of immigrants particularly now with the manufacturing base in the U.S. seeing massive growth during and after the COVID international supply chain collapse. To keep our domestic industrial growth growing we will need all the young talent we can get to prevent the top heavy aging demographic situation from occurring that is currently a mass problem for countries like Germany and China or as what happened to stagnate the Japanese economy in the late 80’s and 90’s.

This is why I think it’s a good idea.
Because we need immigrants due to our current demographics with an aging population and a low birth rate. This would be a legal, controlled point of entry that would bring the best and the brightest of immigrants from around the world who would be productive with high skill sets and the ability to assimilate into our culture. We need those sort of immigrants particularly now with the manufacturing base in the U.S. seeing massive growth during and after the COVID international supply chain collapse. To keep our domestic industrial growth growing we will need all the young talent we can get to prevent the top heavy aging demographic situation from occurring that is currently a mass problem for countries like Germany and China or as what happened to stagnate the Japanese economy in the late 80’s and 90’s.

This is why I think it’s a good idea.
What's up Mott. I agree completely with what you wrote. We have a demographic issue in this country and need more young workers. To your point, why not get the best and brightest?

Now if this were to ever get enacted into law I'm sure it would be negotiated so that not every single person is allowed a green card (there would be some type of vetting system). I saw someone argue American colleges are already hard enough to get into and this would only encourage more foreigners to apply.

But like you, I'm for it.
do you see any difference between allowing college graduates to legally immigrate and allowing rapists and murderers to illegally immigrate?......if you think that difference is just "spin" you should be allowed no say in US immigration policy........
While you were vigorously defending your Messiah's dumb ass idea, it actually took Trump less than 48 hours to backtrack and abandon his plan to give all foreign nationals graduating from our universities permanent legal residency.

The man has no principles and will flip flop on a dime, leaving you in a lurch to defend his horseshit ideas
While you were vigorously defending your Messiah's dumb ass idea, it actually took Trump less than 48 hours to backtrack and abandon his plan to give all foreign nationals graduating from our universities permanent legal residency.

The man has no principles and will flip flop on a dime, leaving you in a lurch to defend his horseshit ideas
are you daring to compare your stupid fuck who protects illegals who rape and murder 12 year olds....close your fucking mouth......
So trump's plan is to throw open our borders to anyone who gets a degree from a for profit junior college, which is anyone who can pay a few thousand dollars. This does not seem well thought out.