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All of the great Conservative political leaders of the West in the modern era be it Ronald Reagan in the US, or ,Margaret Thatcher, in Britain have two things in common:. ONE, is a strong and unshakable faith in their Conservative principles, beliefs and values. I would group these under the philosophical umbrella of "Classical Liberalism," this is basically: GOD; ("IN GOD WE TRUST") LIBERTY (INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM) WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE CONSENSUALLY ESTABLISHED LAW OF OF THE LAND ; SMALL GOVERNMENT, and FREE MARKET CAPITALISM. Trump is the same.

TWO, is that they govern through their "gut instincts." They don't take advice/lessons from faggot, Left/Progressive, Globalist "THINK TANKS like the "Brookings Institute". the "CAP" or the "CFR" among dozens others Nor do they listen to BLACK Marxist "scholars"/administrators working in the academy like Harvard's incompetent DIVERSITY HIRE, Claudine GAY, to name one of 100s/1000s ?). Donald Trump, like all of the other great Conservative statesmen, can look across America and read the mood of the people precisely - he can pick up the (political) scent "on his fingers", like he did in 2015, then he goes with his instincts and intuitions and slams the pedal to the metal. Like a political Bloodhound, he doesn't sit around "twiddling he thumbs" he "just goes for it"... BIG TIME !! .And on all the critical policy issues he has always been "bang on the money".

He the latest "little" example of a Trump campaign policy zinger. It was simple , Trump announced his government would levy NO MORE TAXES ON TIPS - "
NO TAX ON TIPS !!." That announcement had a massive political impact right across Americs. It was another "King Hit" to the Biden Democrats. All the Democratscan respond with it the same old, same, booooring BS: "Trump's a RACIST"; Trump's a CONVICTED FELON; Trump paid HUSH- MONEY to Stormy Daniels (I mean, WhoTF ACTUALLY GIVES A SHIT); Trump's a FASCIST - a DICTATOR !! etc, etc. It would be refreshing if Beden's Democrats could manage to generate some positive, forward-looking during the campaign cycle. But they're so inept and incompetent they are simply unable.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Patriot Trump is already one of the the class of Washington, Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR.
l The "blueprint" for the American republic was all set down by John Godwin and published in his great text , the "Second Treatise on Government in London in 1690.

Jefferson used the "Second Treatise" to write the "American Experiment" was Declaration of Independence". The first US Constitution is also perfused with John Locke's political philosophy, referred to today as "Classical Liberalism."

The "Two Treatises" was written during the 17th - century and is one of the extraordinary jewels that were produced by White, North- Western European culture during the 17th/18th century Enlightenment.

The American experiment with Democracy, because it's Founding Documents were essentially the work of a White English political philosopher, who grounded all of his political reasoning on his devout Christian faith (Locke was a Protestant/Puritan). John Locke was formed by the Western-European cultural tradition.

Culture... beliefs, values, behaviours, religious orientations, world-views. Cultures are passed down from generation to generation, and they are known to have a genetic component (how much of a racial/ethnic groups culture is genetically - determined is as yet unknown with any degree of certainty. However, the research to date suggests the it is substantive (at least).

So when the Founding Fathers warned that American experiment was only intended for a White (NW European) and Christian people, from countries that were culturally Western. This was naturally because Black Africans, "Musselmen" (Muslims), people from the Indian Sub-Continent, Chinamen and so on,were races/ethnicities whose cultures were markedly incongruent with White Western culture and would never have any interest in American culture (which is NW European culture).

From the mid-1960s to date, America has been flooded with countless millions of legal/illegal non-White (non-NW-European) immigrants from the Third World. The effect of this to date has been to destroy America's native, cultural homogeneity; which has lead to the increasingly rapid fracturing and fragmentation of native White (Western European) American culture, which has undermined its institutions, and will eventually result in the wholesale breakdown of mainstream American society.

The great (and tragic) irony here is that White, Western culture was/is the most OBJECTIVELY SUPERIOR culture EVER to have emerged in the past 6,000 years of human civilisation.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
All of the great Conservative political leaders of the West in the modern era be it Ronald Reagan in the US, or ,Margaret Thatcher, in Britain have two things in common:. ONE, is a strong and unshakable faith in their Conservative principles, beliefs and values. I would group these under the philosophical umbrella of "Classical Liberalism," this is basically: GOD; ("IN GOD WE TRUST") LIBERTY (INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM) WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE CONSENSUALLY ESTABLISHED LAW OF OF THE LAND ; SMALL GOVERNMENT, and FREE MARKET CAPITALISM. Trump is the same.

TWO, is that they govern through their "gut instincts." They don't take advice/lessons from faggot, Left/Progressive, Globalist "THINK TANKS like the "Brookings Institute". the "CAP" or the "CFR" among dozens others Nor do they listen to BLACK Marxist "scholars"/administrators working in the academy like Harvard's incompetent DIVERSITY HIRE, Claudine GAY, to name one of 100s/1000s ?). Donald Trump, like all of the other great Conservative statesmen, can look across America and read the mood of the people precisely - he can pick up the (political) scent "on his fingers", like he did in 2015, then he goes with his instincts and intuitions and slams the pedal to the metal. Like a political Bloodhound, he doesn't sit around "twiddling he thumbs" he "just goes for it"... BIG TIME !! .And on all the critical policy issues he has always been "bang on the money".

He the latest "little" example of a Trump campaign policy zinger. It was simple , Trump announced his government would levy NO MORE TAXES ON TIPS - "NO TAX ON TIPS !!." That announcement had a massive political impact right across Americs. It was another "King Hit" to the Biden Democrats. All the Democratscan respond with it the same old, same, booooring BS: "Trump's a RACIST"; Trump's a CONVICTED FELON; Trump paid HUSH- MONEY to Stormy Daniels (I mean, WhoTF ACTUALLY GIVES A SHIT); Trump's a FASCIST - a DICTATOR !! etc, etc. It would be refreshing if Beden's Democrats could manage to generate some positive, forward-looking during the campaign cycle. But they're so inept and incompetent they are simply unable.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Anyone who deludes him/herself into thinking Trump was "America's greatest president ever" fucking nuts. Normally, I'd say he/she is a fucking moron, but this goes way beyond being just a moron. This points to a lack of sanity.

Trump will go down in history as if not the worst president ever, among the three worst presidents ever. Trump is a fumbling moron who has helped turn the GOP into a non-functioning cesspool.

Anyone who deludes him/herself into thinking Trump was "America's greatest president ever" fucking nuts. Normally, I'd say he/she is a fucking moron, but this goes way beyond being just a moron. This points to a lack of sanity.

Trump will go down in history as if not the worst president ever, among the three worst presidents ever. Trump is a fumbling moron who has helped turn the GOP into a non-functioning cesspool.

That Depends frankie

If the future of this country mattered to you at would abandon Trump like tuna fish left out on a summer week. But I forgive you for your stupidity, because you are a fool. Anyone expecting more than stupidity from you if being just as foolish.