Trump supporters are not idiots, they are scared, little fearful children


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Okay, the Donald is a bully. His supporters support his bullishness. Because they are scared. They are scared of immigrants. They are scared of terrorists. They are scared of their own shadow. These are not the founders of this country. The founders decided to take on the most awesome military presence on the face of the planet at the time. And they prevailed. They prevailed by courage, diligence, persistence, and belief in freedom. Trumpsters want everyone to just get out of their country. Go away if you can't show allegiance to the crown. But ironically, they at the same time, hate the crown. They want the crown to be just as scared as they are. This is not the time for that. This is the time for America to show the world that a melting-pot can lead the world to a better place. If you don't want to be a part of our greatness, then please, show us how we can go forward by going back.
Trumpkins like authoritarianism.

Many of them support him because they want revenge, like a weakling who sucks up to a big man because of the beatings they've endured in the past.
The founders went forward. Lincoln went forward. Teddy Roosevelt went forward. LBJ (asshat that he was) went forward. Republicans and Democrats have a history of going forward. Doesn't matter the party, it matters if you believe in democracy and all citizens have a right to the American dream. There were always those that want to go back. And they did not make this country great again. They made this country a monopolistic terror. Glass Steagal ended the depression. You have the ability to influence the regulators to re-enact Glass Steagal. Don't do it because you hate banks, do it because you hate inequality in our country.
I'm still trying to figure out how it's patriotic to maintain that America isn't great, and needs to be made great "again". :dunno:
Maybe Trumpkins think America was great until January 20, 2009.

That is the day when many of them feel they "lost control".


Okay, the Donald is a bully. His supporters support his bullishness. Because they are scared. They are scared of immigrants. They are scared of terrorists. They are scared of their own shadow. These are not the founders of this country. The founders decided to take on the most awesome military presence on the face of the planet at the time. And they prevailed. They prevailed by courage, diligence, persistence, and belief in freedom. Trumpsters want everyone to just get out of their country. Go away if you can't show allegiance to the crown. But ironically, they at the same time, hate the crown. They want the crown to be just as scared as they are. This is not the time for that. This is the time for America to show the world that a melting-pot can lead the world to a better place. If you don't want to be a part of our greatness, then please, show us how we can go forward by going back.

And the lying, incompetent, power hungry felon Hillary Clinton is your example of "courage?"

Gary Johnson is the only true classical liberal/conservative, constitutionalist candidate that will be on all 50 ballots in the United States.