Trump, the Traitor


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He pressures the Georgia SOS to “find” 11,000+ votes.

From the Post:

“President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.””

Fucking traitor
[FONT=&quot]Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent who caucuses with the Democrats and was Biden's toughest competition in the 2020 party primary, called the effort "pathetic" and its aims "unconstitutional."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"What all of this comes down to is that Donald Trump and right wing extremists are refusing to accept the will of the people and the fact that Trump lost the election," Sanders said in a statement. "In their contempt for democracy, they are using lies and conspiracy theories about 'voter fraud' in an attempt to overturn the election results."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]He was joined, among others, by another former Biden primary rival, Democratic Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, in cutting through the façade of concern projected by their GOP counterparts.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"For a group of my Republican colleagues to claim that they want an additional federal 'commission' to supersede state certifications when the votes have already been counted, recounted, litigated, and state-certified," Klobuchar said, "amounts to nothing more than an attempt to subvert the will of the voters."[/FONT]
He pressures the Georgia SOS to “find” 11,000+ votes.

From the Post:

“President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.””

Fucking traitor

Trump needs to face a firing squad.
“President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.
So the only person openly advocating massive vote fraud is Trump himself
"Ba ba ba aint seen nuthin yet.... heres sumthin your never gonna forget.... ba ba ba baby aint seen nuthin yet!" :cool:

For once you are right. We haven't seen anything yet. And that's the point. Do you promise to show up to eat crow and be laughed at, or will you change personae? Make a commitment.