Trump Veers Off into grievance land In NC

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Trump opened his speech with off-script attacks on the media and aired his grievances over the Democrats swapping Vice President Kamala Harris for President Joe Biden atop their ticket. He referred to San Francisco, where Harris was once the district attorney, as “unlivable” and went after his rival in deeply personal terms, questioning her intelligence and saying she has “the laugh of a crazy person.”

Trump said that his aides wanted him to focus on economic concerns but that he was “not sure” he agreed the economy is the most important issue of the election.

In some of his off-script moments, Trump ventured into familiar misrepresentations of fact, including when he mocked wind energy by suggesting people would face power outages when the wind wasn’t blowing.

Mona Shope, a 60-year-old from nearby Candler, said Trump, despite his own wealth, “understands working people and wants what’s best for us.” o_O

“No matter what he says, one thing is certain: Trump has no plan, no vision, and no meaningful interest in helping build up the middle class,”
Trump and the American people have been massively victimized by an illegal illegitimate regime.

Talking about it is the right thing to do.