Trump Versus McCain


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Remove the late John McCain’s unique heroism in Vietnam from his résumé and he could not have been elected dog catcher. To hear media mouths tell it John McCain was George Washington and Thomas Jefferson combined in one political genius. Allow me to dispute media pundits.

President Trump is catching media hell for speaking his mind about the late John McCain. “Do not speak ill of the dead” is being bandied about. That old chestnut is true for average people. Democrats love saying it because speaking ill of dead Democrats opens a Pandora’s box of ills.

After all is said and done, it comes down to a choice. Can presidents speak their mind? or can media mouths dictate what presidents are allowed to say? As far as I am concerned, I prefer hearing everything Trump has to say.

Incidentally, John McCain’s laugh reminded me of Tommy Udo. For those too young to remember Tommy (Richard Widmark). Udo was a character played by Widmark in the 1947 movie Kiss of Death. The role brought instant fame to Widmark as well as making movie psychopaths lovable forever after. Perhaps psychopath is too harsh for Udo. He would be no more than a social misfit in today’s Hollywood. After all, the only questionable thing he did was to push a wheelchair bound old lady down a flight of stairs.

Let me remind everybody that Republican John McCain led the Gang of Eight. That alone should have convinced conservatives they need a party of their own.

Had John McCain won the election, Democrats and media mouths would have united behind him when he did the same things Democrats always do. I never thought McCain would do less. Once McCain did what Democrats wanted him to do the MSM would have praised him with standard pap “Democrats put the country first and united behind a Republican president.” Democrats putting the country first qualifies as one of the biggest lie media mouths tell.

John McCain and amnesty for illegals

Candidate McCain was lying through his teeth when he claimed he would secure the borders with a few miles of fence along the U.S.-Mexican border; knowing damn well that he and his Democrat pals intended to give amnesty to every illegal that breached their porous fence.

NOTE: If Democrats give President Trump’s wall the same support they gave to John McCain’s campaign talk about a wall it would be a good first step on the road to ending mass migrations forever.

Remember when John McCain claimed he was a fiscal conservative? Also remember his “bipartisan endeavors” showed that he was a social liberal in many areas costly to taxpayers; most notably amnesty for illegal aliens. I waited with bated breath for the man who admitted he was weak on economics to announce that he knew enough to con voters into believing there is such a thing as fiscal conservative and a social liberal in the same body. No admission ever came.

The next thing that I want to address is the myth that says John McCain was the only Republican that can beat Hillary, and by extension Obama who beat Hillary out of the nomination. I never did buy into that one because it originated with the mainstream media. Media pundits had to know that McCain would play hell getting enough votes to beat the Democrat while he campaigned on Democrat policies. I do not know who lies the most —— media pundits or the people they stooge for?

This was not John McCain’s finest hour:

“I had the presidential nominee of our own party come after me and castigate me on the Senate floor for raising questions about the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in our government – John McCain,” Bachmann recalled. “I had my own Speaker of the House, John Boehner, go after me. I had my own committee chair of the Intelligence Committee [Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich.] come after me, the ranking member, the minority leader, come after me, as well as members of Congress in my own state. It was stunning to see the entire lineup come after me in solid voice.”

Bachmann: Whistleblower was my source
Posted By Paul Bremmer On 07/11/2016 @ 9:15 pm

Then-Senators John McCain and Hillary Clinton were drinking buddies in the good old days. So McCain was not too quick to wave the flag after Michele Bachmann was vindicated. He dared not play the hero card lest someone ask him to comment on the loyalties of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin. Needless to say John McCain’s apology to Bachmann was never uttered.

Speaking of loyalty, John McCain disgraced himself when he went fishing for the VP slot on traitor John Kerry’s ticket in 2004. Kerry is a Democrat tried and true; whereas, McCain was a “Republican” who would have switched parties for the VP job if Benedict Arnold was the top of the ticket.

This next McCain gem was at least humorous:

John McCain opposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge because he polled soccer moms and found out they were against drilling. They thought it sounded too much like going to the dentist. McCain wanted to ensure that he remained beloved by the two pillars of his base: "centrists" and New York Times reporters.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
McCain: Pump This!
By Ann Coulter!-n1316794

Incidentally, it is the easiest thing in the world for RINO in high office to prove conservative critics wrong. All they have to do is announce that they will never give one iota of American’s independence to the United Nations, or to any international organization. Do not hold your breath waiting to hear such a declaration from any of them, and that included super-patriot John McCain.

He said the United States must set an example for other democracies and renewed his call for creating a new global compact of more than 100 democratic countries to advance shared values and defend shared interests. Later, he told reporters he discussed his League of Democracies idea last week with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

McCain: Collaborate more with allies
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer,4675,McCainForeignAffairs,00.html

Senator McCain’s League of Democracies got some play when the MSM was touting his political acumen because he called for yet another global organization.

I first commented on McCain’s League in May of 2007 when it was only a concept —— before he offered details. McCain wanted two international organizations. That is why he never committed to taking this country out of the U.N. Why settle for one “world body” when you can have two?

This question was never asked: How much of America’s sovereignty will John McCain give away?

Senator McCain said that he favors a League of Democracies. I could not understand why he called it a league. The word league invokes the League of Nations. There are better, less offensive, words. He should have used society or organization or association.

Over the years, concerns about America’s independence combined with disgust for the U.N. prompted comparable suggestions from many others. Coming from McCain the League of Democracies concept suddenly had legs.

There was a major glitch in McCain’s proposal. At that point he was not calling for the U.S. to get out of the U.N. McCain appeared to be courting media liberals when he suggested his League could act where the U.N. fails to act. That recommendation came dangerously close to the U.S. military functioning as the world’s police force.

Happily, McCain did not find many American taxpayers thrilled at the prospect of underwriting two world bodies and their avaricious agencies. It did not take long for all mention of McCain’s League of Democracies to disappear from sight never to be heard from again.

The U.N. was always been a train wreck for the American people; so there was no chance this country would get involved with foreign governments in a League of Democracies. The Devil lives in the details. Nevertheless, Senator McCain is dangled some tantalizing possibilities in front of conservatives. Start with two global institutions competing against one another.

America withdrawing from the U.N. leaves little doubt that participation in the U.N. would quickly shrink in the face of a rival world body. U.N. member states would have been reduced to Communist countries, and those Third World governments committed to absolute control over their people. Naturally, China would be the coach and star player on the other team.

Liberals applauded China as a success story much the same way they glorified the Soviet Union throughout its predatory life. The explanation for the optimism is that China is moving towards a market economy, and more individual freedoms for its people; proving that Socialism works. Do not believe a word of it. The Communist government in China is totalitarian to the utmost degree and not likely to change direction voluntarily. The question is this: Can China afford to advance Socialism after First World countries stop contributing to U.N. agencies? My guess is that China’s “free market economy” would have been forced to support those puppet governments enslaving their peoples. That meant that China would eventually go the way of the Soviet Union.

Also, those countries signing on for a new approach to cooperation among sovereign nations would free themselves from the relentless advances being made toward the U.N.’s global welfare objectives. McCain’s League would not have totalitarian global government as its end game. That was an assumption on my part. I cannot see a reason for initiating a League of Democracies if it only meant a slightly different approach to Third World entitlements from U.N. crusades like the Millennium Development Goals.

Eliminating poverty does seem to be the main reason the U.N. is always demanding more money. Notice that U.N. agencies spend more time and money in pursuit of social programs than it spends on the pursuit of peace.

Senator McCain never did release the details of his contemplated League of Democracies.

I can on forever about McCain’s complete absence of governing ability. Instead, I will close with a personal musical farewell to John McCain just to show that I forgive him for all of his idiotic politics. The lyrics to Thanks say it all:

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It took less than a week to hand this piece of garbage a microphone on one of FOX’s top rated shows:


Former interim Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile was full of posthumous praise for the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) on Wednesday’s edition of Fox News’ Special Report with Bret Baier.

President Trump is catching media hell for speaking his mind about the late John McCain. “Do not speak ill of the dead” is being bandied about. That old chestnut is true for average people. Democrats love saying it because speaking ill of dead Democrats opens a Pandora’s box of ills.

As soon as she planted her fat ass on Bret Baier’s panel she stunned her co-panelists with her brilliance:

Brazile, who Fox News recently hired as a contributor, began by criticizing the president for speaking ill of the dead.

Pollak: Donna Brazile Trashed John McCain While He Was Alive; Now She’s His Biggest Fan
20 Mar 2019

Alas, Donna Brassiere’s mouth is the stuff Pulitzer Prizes are made of.
Let's compare Trump and McCain

Trump defeated someone Obama called the most qualified to ever run for the office while McCain couldn't beat someone that those voting for him thought was qualified because of skin color.


Sounds more like the last kiss to Obama's ass.

Trump defeated the person Obama said was the most qualified ever to run for the office and Brain Tumor McCain was left to kiss the black ass of the person that was considered "qualified" because of his skin color.
Sounds more like the last kiss to Obama's ass.

Trump defeated the person Obama said was the most qualified ever to run for the office and Brain Tumor McCain was left to kiss the black ass of the person that was considered "qualified" because of his skin color.

&, your pO' worthless soul is still tormented w/ these demented thoughts & delusions after all these years....... You enjoy your pudding this afternoon & tv time... :)
McCain was a piece of shit, and he's no hero. He produced anti-American propaganda videos for a room in a civilian hospital, as a POW (not that I blame him, but he's not a hero).
&, your pO' worthless soul is still tormented w/ these demented thoughts & delusions after all these years....... You enjoy your pudding this afternoon & tv time... :)

They're facts. I laugh when I think about McCain not being able to beat, then kissing the ass, of an unqualified black while seeing Trump as President having defeated the person the black said was the most qualified to run for that office.

It seems you're still crying that you realize Obama wasn't qualified and the only way he got elected was skin color and that Hillary got her political ass kicked.
They're facts. I laugh when I think about McCain not being able to beat, then kissing the ass, of an unqualified black while seeing Trump as President having defeated the person the black said was the most qualified to run for that office.

It seems you're still crying that you realize Obama wasn't qualified and the only way he got elected was skin color and that Hillary got her political ass kicked.

I'm guessing you really like to hear yourself talk, a lot...........

I was very critical of Obama, starting very shortly after he took office.......

That said he was far, far more qualified than the POS you support...........

Now you enjoy your trillions more in debt like a good fecal conservative........
McCain was a piece of sh1t. And, he was no hero. He made anti-American propaganda videos for Vietnam in the war -- not the act of a hero. He didn't even join out of bravery, but out of family obligation, and he chose what usually is one of the safest military roles.
I'm guessing you really like to hear yourself talk, a lot...........

I was very critical of Obama, starting very shortly after he took office.......

That said he was far, far more qualified than the POS you support...........

Now you enjoy your trillions more in debt like a good fecal conservative........

You mean the $10 trillion Obama added to the debt? Go enjoy that like a good little nl left winger.
If you mean to have a fight, wait till your opponent is safely dead. Trump's moral standards sweep America.
If you mean to have a fight, wait till your opponent is safely dead. Trump's moral standards sweep America.

In McCain's case, if you can't beat an unqualified black in an election, wait until you're almost dead to kiss his ass.