Trump Wanted to See Crowd Outside Trial.


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A crowd of 50,000 minus 49,950 Trump supporters gathered outside Trump's trial to protest the trial?!!

Outside the Manhattan Criminal Court on Monday, a “Christian conservative rapper” who identified himself as “Shawn DVS 7.0” awaited the arrival of Donald Trump.

“Sometimes I have my disagreements with Trump, but nobody compares,” he said, resting a full-size American flag pole on his shoulder. Democrats, he added, “couldn’t get him with collusion, they couldn’t get him with all the other stuff before, so now they’re going with all these side angles.”

He was one of about 50 Trump-stanning protesters who gathered for the start of jury selection in the first of Trump’s four criminal trials. Penned up outside 100 Centre St., they carried signs reading “Trump 2024, Save America,” and “The Purge Begins, Tuesday November 5.”

They were easily outnumbered by the phalanx of reporters and police—which left at least one of them disappointed.

“I thought more people would be here,” said the woman, who gave only her first name, Sophia. She had taken the subway an hour and half from Queens to lower Manhattan to sort-of attend the first-ever criminal trial of a former president.

“When they do finally take our freedom of speech away and screw us over, nobody better say anything about it,” she added. “Shut up, you didn't fight for your rights.”

The courthouse sideshow included some familiar Trumpworld figures, including far-right conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer and Andrew Giuliani, the son of former Trump attorney and New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Asked about the weak turnout on the street, the younger Giuliani replied: “I’m more worried about what’s going on in that courtroom than out here.”

There was a small crowd of counter-protesters, who marched by around 9 a.m., carrying signs reading “Election interference is a crime,” and chanting, “No one is above the law.” They stopped briefly in front of the barricades before being hurried along by police, earning little more than some snide comments from the Trumpers.

One pro-Trump protester and a counter-protester briefly tangled physically on the sidelines of a press conference Loomer and Giuliani gave. No one was arrested. (“Pushing is not assault,” a police officer who witnessed the altercation told the counter-protester, an older woman from New York who identified herself as Bebe.)

Loomer did not seem to notice the mini-skirmish, telling the crowd through a megaphone that their job was to ensure the media did not only cover the left-wing protesters—which seemed unlikely given that the number of reporters in the pro-Trump pen outnumbered the protesters themselves.
Trump has admitted to making the payment through Michael Cohen. Cohen has already gone to prison for making the payment. Trump's signature is on the checks. Both women have admitted to getting the payments, which were falsely filed as business expenses to the State of New York.

Trump is guilty, without question, and he's going to be convicted. Time to wake up from your fever dream, Trumpers.
Trump has admitted to making the payment through Michael Cohen. Cohen has already gone to prison for making the payment. Trump's signature is on the checks. Both women have admitted to getting the payments, which were falsely filed as business expenses to the State of New York.

Trump is guilty, without question, and he's going to be convicted. Time to wake up from your fever dream, Trumpers.

That’s a brave prediction. If the jury follows the law… he will be convicted.

Especially in such an emotionally charged environment some jurors might not follow the law.
More media reporters than anyone else outside of the Court House, besides, a visible red hat cultist in NYC is about as common as a Democrat in Wyoming