Trump was forced to listen silently as potential jurors offered their unvarnished


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NEW YORK (AP) — He seems “selfish and self-serving,” said one woman.

The way he carries himself in public “leaves something to be desired,” said another.

His “negative rhetoric and bias,” said another man, is what is “most harmful.”

Over the past week, Donald Trump has been forced to sit inside a frigid New York courtroom and listen to a parade of potential jurors in his criminal hush money trial share their unvarnished assessments of him.
NEW YORK (AP) — He seems “selfish and self-serving,” said one woman.

The way he carries himself in public “leaves something to be desired,” said another.

His “negative rhetoric and bias,” said another man, is what is “most harmful.”

Over the past week, Donald Trump has been forced to sit inside a frigid New York courtroom and listen to a parade of potential jurors in his criminal hush money trial share their unvarnished assessments of him.

The accused has a right to be in court. The judge does not have the right to force the accused to be in court. What the judge is doing is not legal.
NEW YORK (AP) — He seems “selfish and self-serving,” said one woman.

The way he carries himself in public “leaves something to be desired,” said another.

His “negative rhetoric and bias,” said another man, is what is “most harmful.”

Over the past week, Donald Trump has been forced to sit inside a frigid New York courtroom and listen to a parade of potential jurors in his criminal hush money trial share their unvarnished assessments of him.

What did you expect from a bunch of New York City liberals and Democrats that vote in some of America's stupidest politicians?
NEW YORK (AP) — He seems “selfish and self-serving,” said one woman.

The way he carries himself in public “leaves something to be desired,” said another.

His “negative rhetoric and bias,” said another man, is what is “most harmful.”

Over the past week, Donald Trump has been forced to sit inside a frigid New York courtroom and listen to a parade of potential jurors in his criminal hush money trial share their unvarnished assessments of him.

They made the court cooler because he kept nodding off. It was for his benefit.
The accused has a right to be in court. The judge does not have the right to force the accused to be in court. What the judge is doing is not legal.

That is one of the basic rights of a court. Courts have had the right to compel people to be in court since the beginning of the English Law system. It was especially important before there were lawyers present.

Missing court dates means that your bail will be revoked, and you have to stay in jail.
NEW YORK (AP) — He seems “selfish and self-serving,” said one woman.

The way he carries himself in public “leaves something to be desired,” said another.

His “negative rhetoric and bias,” said another man, is what is “most harmful.”

Over the past week, Donald Trump has been forced to sit inside a frigid New York courtroom and listen to a parade of potential jurors in his criminal hush money trial share their unvarnished assessments of him.

Donnie has been falling asleep and sharting his britches in the courtroom, drooling, and grunting, according to sources in the courtroom.

It is pretty obvious, as his attorneys seem to be the closest and having to smell it, and making horrible faces when it happens, but his farts are heard and smelled throughout the courtroom.

The Judge was reported to have heard it, and looked directly in the direction of Donald Trump who was fast asleep, and his attorneys and asked them, "Was that a Fart

Just look at the totally embarrassed look on the faces of his attorneys! :palm:

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This is at best a STATE persecution, and probably just a county one at best.

There is no such thing as a "county prosecution." Laws are made by the states, and so prosecutors represent the state.

Trump's lawyers seem to think the judge has some leeway here.

Without doubt the judge had leeway. It was the right of the judge to decide. It is not for trump to decide.

That being said, if the judge does allow trump to skip the trial, trump can claim that he missed facts by not being there, and needs a retrial. A defendant needs a good reason to avoid his trial.
That is one of the basic rights of a court. Courts have had the right to compel people to be in court since the beginning of the English Law system. It was especially important before there were lawyers present.

Missing court dates means that your bail will be revoked, and you have to stay in jail.

Feseral law. This is a NY State case.
Donnie has been falling asleep and sharting his britches in the courtroom, drooling, and grunting, according to sources in the courtroom.

It is pretty obvious, as his attorneys seem to be the closest and having to smell it, and making horrible faces when it happens, but his farts are heard and smelled throughout the courtroom.

The Judge was reported to have heard it, and looked directly in the direction of Donald Trump who was fast asleep, and his attorneys and asked them, "Was that a Fart

Just look at the totally embarrassed look on the faces of his attorneys! :palm:


The stench in the court room was just the state's case.