Trumpism Is Emptying Churches The former president’s embrace of White Christian militantism coincides with a precipitous decline in religious


Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump raped E. Jean Carroll

Trumpism Is Emptying Churches​

The former president’s embrace of White Christian militantism coincides with a precipitous decline in religious affiliation in the US.

What might catch the attention of some evangelical conservatives, however, is that Trump’s ostentatious embrace of White Christian militantism coincides with a precipitous decline in religious affiliation in the US. According to the Public Religion Research Institute, one-quarter of Americans in 2023 said they were religiously unaffiliated. “Unaffiliated” is the only religious category experiencing growth. In a single decade, from 2013 to 2023, the percentage of Americans saying that religion is the most important thing, or among the most important things, in their life plummeted to 53% from 72%.

“The drop in the percentage of Americans saying religion is important in their lives is stunning, especially in just a short 10-year period,” said Michael Emerson, a sociologist at Rice University and author of several books on American Christianity. “The now-intimate tie between religion and a host of political and social positions, for many people, either drives them away from religion altogether or leads them to distance themselves.”

In effect, militant Christian conservatism, now tightly wrapped in the gaudy corruption of Trumpism, has produced a backlash. “An increasing number of Americans have an allergic reaction to the mixture of religion and conservative politics, including the MAGA movement,” said David Campbell, a political scientist at Notre Dame University and coauthor of Secular Surge: A New Fault Line in American Politics. “To these people, religion is equated with conservative politicians and policies. If that is not their politics, they want nothing to do with religion. This was true before the emergence of Trump and the MAGA movement but has accelerated since so many evangelical leaders have embraced Trump.”
Hope you feel better!


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Oh more!

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    Earl reacted to your post in the thread The debate! with
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Poor pEarl. He is so easily triggered and so very, very stalkerish. He uses his impotent emojis to get your attention, since his boy stuff doesn't work any more. :laugh:

He must be very upset that the Cult is destroying Americans' desire to belong to a Christian church. Apparently he is incapable of understanding that this is what happens when you worship false idols.

Materialism is the cause for the decline in religious affiliation. It started with boomers and has been debated for over 50 years. It became a keeping up with the Joneses thing once boomers got high paying and secure jobs with military contractors.

Quite a few zoomers drive $100k cars and worship money.
Trumpism Is Emptying Churches
I appreciate this thread about you. I know, I know, you thought you had created a thread about Trump and declining Christianity, but you didn't say anything real or truthful. Instead, you spoke volumes about yourself, about your terminal TDS, your irrational HATRED for Christianity and your extreme malleability that has been used by others to completely manipulate you and to totally control your thinking.

You are one of those individuals that the left HATES because they consider you to be a sexual FREAK ... which is why the left lumps you in with all the other LGBTQIAMPIPPRBUMSVI+, as though you are all the same, i.e. FREAKS. Just remember, the right did not do this; the left did, and all the slaves on the left happily picked their respective individual letters and OBEDIENTLY fell right in line. You have allowed your leftist slave-masters to own you outright, and that includes mandating what you are to believe, who you are to HATE, when you are to become triggered and when you are to attack ... all without question or even hesitation. Thank you for clarifying all of this in this thread.

Along these lines, you have been ordered to surrender your own interests out of OBEDIENCE ... er, ummm, I mean out of SOLIDARITY to your Marxist masters. The first thing you were required to do is to HATE anyone who supports the United States, anyone who tries to improve society, anyone who tries to improve the economy, anyone who tries to bring value to society (or worse, anyone who actually succeeds) or anyone who tries to bring happiness to others. Tell us again how bad it would be for the USA to make America great again. Remind us how bad it would be to improve the US economy and the overall average financial situation of Americans. Refresh our memory as to just how bad a policy it is to put America first. Many of us need a reminder and you are exactly the right person to do it.

You HATE Trump even though you can't think of a single reason he wasn't the best President in US history, considering only official duties as President (no irrelevant crap like tweets, campaign ads, personal affairs, etc). To the best of your knowledge, you are unaware of any reason Trump isn't the absolute best there ever was, but you are too much of an irrational HATER to even support your own self-interests.

You have been ordered to HATE and to attack Christians who never did anything to you. You have allowed yourself to become manipulated into doing the dirty work of cowardly others who won't ever show their faces. Manipulating you was easy; you were simply told repeatedly that Christians hate you, therefore you need to attack Christians. You fell for it once they had you bent over furniture and had reamed you sufficiently. Now, you are no better than an attack dog that growls when ordered, knowing that you will be rewarded by being allowed to drink all you want from the toilet.

What might catch the attention of some evangelical conservatives, however, is that Trump’s ostentatious embrace of White Christian militantism coincides with a precipitous decline in religious affiliation in the US.
Let's break this down:
1. Your statement isn't truthful and really should not catch anyone's attention
2. Trump hasn't embraced any militantism, Christian or otherwise
3. There hasn't been any actual decline in religious affiliation
4. You were very slippery in using the word "coincides with" and in allowing your readers to make the mistake of mentally substituting in the word "causes" so that you can later say "I never said 'causes'."

According to the Public Religion Research Institute
Nope. PRRI is a leftist political organization in Washington DC (less than a kilometer north of the White House) that dishonestly publishes the opinions they are told to promulgate as though they are the results of unbiased, dispassionate studies. Their sole purpose is to employ the standard Marxist tactic of pretending to speak for Christians, e.g. to declare that 80% of Christians somehow demand abortion remain legal and that the Christian faith reveals the clarity of Climate Change.

Here, you are illuminating PRRI's attempt to instill fear and panic in Christians by declaring that "people are fleeing Christianity in droves!" and that "Trump is causing it!"

@Christians - show of hands, how many of you were fooled?

In effect, militant Christian conservatism, now tightly wrapped in the gaudy corruption of Trumpism,
What does any of this mean? Would you mind taking a moment to define "militant Christian conservatism" and explain how it differs from regular, plain old vanilla Christian conservatism?

“An increasing number of Americans have an allergic reaction to the mixture of religion and conservative politics, including the MAGA movement,”
This is where you get to explain why any American would have an allergic reaction to making America great again.

Trumpism Is Emptying Churches​

The former president’s embrace of White Christian militantism coincides with a precipitous decline in religious affiliation in the US.

What might catch the attention of some evangelical conservatives, however, is that Trump’s ostentatious embrace of White Christian militantism coincides with a precipitous decline in religious affiliation in the US. According to the Public Religion Research Institute, one-quarter of Americans in 2023 said they were religiously unaffiliated. “Unaffiliated” is the only religious category experiencing growth. In a single decade, from 2013 to 2023, the percentage of Americans saying that religion is the most important thing, or among the most important things, in their life plummeted to 53% from 72%.

“The drop in the percentage of Americans saying religion is important in their lives is stunning, especially in just a short 10-year period,” said Michael Emerson, a sociologist at Rice University and author of several books on American Christianity. “The now-intimate tie between religion and a host of political and social positions, for many people, either drives them away from religion altogether or leads them to distance themselves.”

In effect, militant Christian conservatism, now tightly wrapped in the gaudy corruption of Trumpism, has produced a backlash. “An increasing number of Americans have an allergic reaction to the mixture of religion and conservative politics, including the MAGA movement,” said David Campbell, a political scientist at Notre Dame University and coauthor of Secular Surge: A New Fault Line in American Politics. “To these people, religion is equated with conservative politicians and policies. If that is not their politics, they want nothing to do with religion. This was true before the emergence of Trump and the MAGA movement but has accelerated since so many evangelical leaders have embraced Trump.”