Trump’s concession

“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20” - Trump, Jan 7.

Some people interpret this as Trump conceding that he lost the 2020 election. Others say he had no choice, because his cabinet members were queuing up to resign after Jan 6.

But my question is this: how could Trump know there would be no more attacks on Congress if he had nothing to do with the first one?

Did BLM/Antifa/FBI promise not to do it again?
“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20” - Trump, Jan 7.

Some people interpret this as Trump conceding that he lost the 2020 election. Others say he had no choice, because his cabinet members were queuing up to resign after Jan 6.

But my question is this: how could Trump know there would be no more attacks on Congress if he had nothing to do with the first one?

Did BLM/Antifa/FBI promise not to do it again?

ANTIFA nor BLM had no part in Trump's 1/6 Brain Fart!

If you have some kind of evidence, please share!

"What Trump nailed was three ginormous lanes that we can all agree with now.

None of us wanted these wars.

Everybody believes that the border needs to be closed.

And everybody believes that China has taken advantage in a way that has really hollowed out the middle class in America...

He actually had enough executive function to nail the three biggest themes of our current lifetime."
The Regime does not give a flying fuck about you.

Learn at least this you stupid motherfuckers.

And Buckle Up.

Stupid Hurts.
So you think the FBI was behind it?

On Fox News, host Tucker Carlson called for “rounding up the FBI operatives that rioted” on 6 January.

Would Tucker say that if it wasn’t true???!!!

Yes, Tucker wouldn't even say it- if it were True. He is the messenger of lies, not the truth! His career is centered around making accusations and allegations that are not true, strictly made up lies, just to intentionally raise suspicion and intentionally create chaos and confusion to a cult choir that will believe anything he says. Because it plays directly into a politically motivated narrative, he has already placed in their minds. The more bizarre the allegation, the more his audience, loves it, regardless as to whether they actually do believe it or not, they will spread the allegations and chaos on their media outlets of choice- such as JPP.

That is just how Hate Radio and Hate News Cable TV stations like Fox News and Tucker's New Talk Show work.

No, I do not believe that the FBI was anywhere involved in the actual 1/6 insurrection. But, I am not so sure about Donald Trump's personal Secret Service Agents or Mike Pence's private Secret Service agents. Mike Pence refused to get in the car with his Agents, because he feared they might be thinking of taking him away from the Capital Building so that he could not formerly announce Joe Biden as the president- and because he didn't trust Trump.

And Donald Trump clearly was on the microphone telling his Secret Service Agents to allow people with guns in, because as Donnie put it- THEY WERE NOT THERE TO HARM HIM, and so the SS allowed them to come on into the mob scene to hear Trump's Speech and dog whistle'd call to arms.

So, The Secret Service agents may already be under some kind of plea deal to squeal and to save their careers, and the reason why they have not been indicted. They already Squealed! Spilled their guts on Donald Trump's intent on 1/6, which was enough information to kick off the investigation into Donald Trump and his actions that day on 1/6.
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"What Trump nailed was three ginormous lanes that we can all agree with now.

None of us wanted these wars.

Everybody believes that the border needs to be closed.

And everybody believes that China has taken advantage in a way that has really hollowed out the middle class in America...

He actually had enough executive function to nail the three biggest themes of our current lifetime."
The wall is climbed over easily. There are tunnels under it. You can boat around it. You can walk around it. You can fly in.
The middle class was gutted by the ownership society moving manufacturing to countries with cheap, unprotected labor and no environmental regulations. As China's labor costs go up and the country tries to handle the environmental disasters their greed brought them, the costs go up. So owners move to other 3rd world countries.