Trump's 'Lifetime Of Lies' Exposed In Author's Damning New Video

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Author Don Winslow returned to hammering former President Donald Trump with the release of a new video this week.

The bestselling writer called out Trump’s many, many lies in a new 4-minute clip that he shared on YouTube Wednesday.

He captioned it: #DonaldTrumpLifetimeOfLies.

Winslow ripped Trump as nothing more than an “infomercial” and “five-decade-long marketing campaign” who used “salesman language” to manipulate supporters.

The author of multiple New York Times bestsellers also debunked many claims made by the former president, from his self-styled persona of a “great businessman” to his purported devout Christianity.
Why doesn’t he make a video about Biden’s lies?

Oh yea, he’s a partisan piece of shit going after Trump.

Fuck him

Because Biden is as honest as possible for an American politician. But you rightys go straight to diversion when a post about Daffy Donald's utter lack of respect for the law starts. Trump bragged about ignoring laws and regulations his whole life. Trump is a crook.
Because Biden is as honest as possible for an American politician. But you rightys go straight to diversion when a post about Daffy Donald's utter lack of respect for the law starts. Trump bragged about ignoring laws and regulations his whole life. Trump is a crook.

Biden’s entire career is filled with lies
Biden’s entire career is filled with lies

Then list them. Trump had 5300 while in office. Since all Joe does is lie, I am sure you can come up with thousands. Biden has never been seen as a liar. Trump always has. But you rightys just pretend they are all the same and the thief-in-chief was a normal president. For the millionth time, as bad as Trump is, the real problem is you and other rightys who are able to lie to yourselves and believe them all.
Then list them. Trump had 5300 while in office. Since all Joe does is lie, I am sure you can come up with thousands. Biden has never been seen as a liar. Trump always has. But you rightys just pretend they are all the same and the thief-in-chief was a normal president. For the millionth time, as bad as Trump is, the real problem is you and other rightys who are able to lie to yourselves and believe them all.

No he didn’t, that’s a bunch of liberal lies
Yes! By all means knock yourself out!

Let's see your list of allegations!

Here are just a small sample of his most recent ones

Earlier this month, Biden once again claimed he “was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania,” a lie he has repeated countless times.

Biden never taught a class, taking nearly $1 million from the school and only visiting the campus nine times over a two year time frame.

While Biden took this money, average undergraduate tuition increased by 8 percent.

Last month, Biden lied for the fourth time as president about a 2004 fire at his home, claiming that “all three stories” were filled with smoke and that “every piece of furniture had to be replaced.”
Biden’s house didn’t burn down, it was simply a “small fire that was contained” in his kitchen.

As recently as last month, Biden repeated his frequent lie that he was part of the civil rights movement as a kid.

Biden repeatedly claims that he “desegregated restaurants and movie theaters” and attended a Black church – despite there being no evidence this happened.
Biden never helped to desegregate restaurants and movie theaters and was not out marching – something he admitted in 1987 after being caught lying about it during his failed presidential campaign.

On at least eight occasions, Biden made up a “bizarre” story about an Amtrak conductor.
Biden claimed that in his “fourth or fifth” year as Vice President, he was headed home to see his mother when an Amtrak conductor named Angelo Negri congratulated him on riding more than 1 million miles on Air Force Two and 1.5 million miles on Amtrak.
Angelo Negri retired in 1993 and passed away in 2014.
Biden’s mother died in 2010 during Biden’s second year as Vice President.
Biden did not reach 1 million miles on Air Force Two until his seventh year as Vice President.

Biden has twice claimed that he “used to drive” a tractor-trailer.
Biden has never driven a tractor-trailer, with the White House admitting that Biden only rode in an 18-wheeler once.

On at least 22 occasions as president, Biden has repeated a “long-debunked claim” to have “traveled 17,000 miles” with Xi Jinping.
The Washington Post gave this lie a “bottomless” Pinocchio.

Biden often lies about the number of times he has visited Iraq and Afghanistan, claiming from “30” to “50” combined visits.
Biden has only visited these countries a combined 21 times.

Biden has twice claimed he almost walked on to an unnamed NFL team and thought he “could make it to the pros.”
There is zero evidence of this – Biden barely played any college football before his father forced him to quit the team because of bad grades.
A fellow teammate at the University of Delaware said Biden “wasn’t a great quarterback. I don’t think he ever got into a game with the varsity.”

Biden has claimed three times now that his grandfather was an All-American football player at Santa Clara University.
Santa Clara and NCAA records show no evidence that Santa Clara had a serious football program when Biden’s grandfather was there, let alone any evidence that he was an All-American.

Biden has repeatedly claimed to have spoken with the “inventor” of insulin.
Biden’s claim is impossible; multiple scientists are credited with discovering insulin; two died before Biden was born and there is no evidence Biden met the others.

Last year, Biden claimed to have been “arrested” while taking part in a civil rights protest, a complete fabrication and a lie.
This is the fourth story Biden has told about being “arrested” – with zero evidence that any of these arrests occurred.

In February 2020, Biden said he was arrested in South Africa in the 1970s while trying to see Nelson Mandela – a lie that The Washington Post gave four Pinocchios.

In December 2016, Biden said he was arrested for wandering onto the Senate floor in the 1960s – which he admitted did not happen on a different occasion.

In 2008, Biden made-up a story claiming to have been arrested at Ohio University during his college years for “following” women into an all-female dorm room.

In December 2022, Biden said that after he was elected vice president, he awarded his Uncle Frank with a Purple Heart.
There is no evidence any of that is true — and Biden's uncle died in 1999, while Biden wasn't elected VP until 2008.

In November 2022, Biden claimed he “could have been an All-American” football player.
Biden only played on the freshman football team for part of one semester in college after his father forced him to quit because of bad grades
Biden barely played any college football before his father forced him to quit the team because of bad grades.
In 1972, Biden admitted “I really didn’t have much of a football career at Delaware” and that “I probably couldn’t even make the freshman team down there now.”

In October 2022, Biden claimed he was “raised in the Puerto Rican community” of Delaware.
There is no evidence of this: In Delaware in 1970, only 2,154 people — 0.39 percent of the state population — were of Puerto Rican descent.

In July 2022, Biden claimed oil refinery pollution is the reason “I and so damn many other people I grew up have cancer.”
Biden does not currently have cancer, and his doctors said the cause of his previous non-melanoma skin cancer was sun exposure – not pollution.

In May 2022, Biden claimed he “was appointed to the [Naval] Academy in 1965.”
There is no record of Biden being nominated to the Naval Academy, and Biden graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965 — making it impossible.

In February 2022, Biden claimed to have left a dead dog on a Delaware woman’s doorstep when he was a County Council member.
The year before Biden told the same bizarre story but said he removed the dog.

In December 2021, Biden claimed in front of Jewish community members and Rabbis that he was invited by Prime Minister Golda Meir to serve as a “liaison” during Israel’s Six-Day War.
With Biden still in law school during the Six-Day War and Golda Meir not yet Prime Minister, there is no evidence for this claim.

Biden didn’t travel to Israel until six years later, a visit in which he met with the Prime Minister and was critical of Israel and Jewish voters.
In September 2021, Biden falsely claimed his “first job offer” came from Boise Cascade, an Idaho lumber business.
Lisa Tschampl, a spokeswoman for Boise Cascade responded, “we have no record of President Biden’s application or of him having worked for the company.”

In September 2021, Biden lied about visiting Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue after the 2018 mass shooting.
Barb Feige, the executive director of the Tree of Life said Biden had not visited the Tree of Life Synagogue, the location of the worst anti-Jewish hate crime in US history.

In July 2021, Biden made up a story about hitting a 386-foot shot at his second Congressional Baseball game “at the old stadium” in Washington D.C.
Biden actually went 0-2, and the game was played in Baltimore.

In May 2021, Biden claimed his “great-grandpop was” a coal miner.
Biden’s grandfather was a mining engineer and state senator, not a coal miner.

In February 2021, Biden falsely claimed he was “shot at” overseas.
The former legislative director for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Patrick Campbell, responded, “veterans don’t like it when people mischaracterize their service, people who overstate what happens to them. We have names for them.”
Here are just a small sample of his most recent ones

Earlier this month, Biden once again claimed he “was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania,” a lie he has repeated countless times.

Biden never taught a class, taking nearly $1 million from the school and only visiting the campus nine times over a two year time frame.

While Biden took this money, average undergraduate tuition increased by 8 percent.

Last month, Biden lied for the fourth time as president about a 2004 fire at his home, claiming that “all three stories” were filled with smoke and that “every piece of furniture had to be replaced.”
Biden’s house didn’t burn down, it was simply a “small fire that was contained” in his kitchen.

As recently as last month, Biden repeated his frequent lie that he was part of the civil rights movement as a kid.

Biden repeatedly claims that he “desegregated restaurants and movie theaters” and attended a Black church – despite there being no evidence this happened.
Biden never helped to desegregate restaurants and movie theaters and was not out marching – something he admitted in 1987 after being caught lying about it during his failed presidential campaign.

On at least eight occasions, Biden made up a “bizarre” story about an Amtrak conductor.
Biden claimed that in his “fourth or fifth” year as Vice President, he was headed home to see his mother when an Amtrak conductor named Angelo Negri congratulated him on riding more than 1 million miles on Air Force Two and 1.5 million miles on Amtrak.
Angelo Negri retired in 1993 and passed away in 2014.
Biden’s mother died in 2010 during Biden’s second year as Vice President.
Biden did not reach 1 million miles on Air Force Two until his seventh year as Vice President.

Biden has twice claimed that he “used to drive” a tractor-trailer.
Biden has never driven a tractor-trailer, with the White House admitting that Biden only rode in an 18-wheeler once.

On at least 22 occasions as president, Biden has repeated a “long-debunked claim” to have “traveled 17,000 miles” with Xi Jinping.
The Washington Post gave this lie a “bottomless” Pinocchio.

Biden often lies about the number of times he has visited Iraq and Afghanistan, claiming from “30” to “50” combined visits.
Biden has only visited these countries a combined 21 times.

Biden has twice claimed he almost walked on to an unnamed NFL team and thought he “could make it to the pros.”
There is zero evidence of this – Biden barely played any college football before his father forced him to quit the team because of bad grades.
A fellow teammate at the University of Delaware said Biden “wasn’t a great quarterback. I don’t think he ever got into a game with the varsity.”

Biden has claimed three times now that his grandfather was an All-American football player at Santa Clara University.
Santa Clara and NCAA records show no evidence that Santa Clara had a serious football program when Biden’s grandfather was there, let alone any evidence that he was an All-American.

Biden has repeatedly claimed to have spoken with the “inventor” of insulin.
Biden’s claim is impossible; multiple scientists are credited with discovering insulin; two died before Biden was born and there is no evidence Biden met the others.

Last year, Biden claimed to have been “arrested” while taking part in a civil rights protest, a complete fabrication and a lie.
This is the fourth story Biden has told about being “arrested” – with zero evidence that any of these arrests occurred.

In February 2020, Biden said he was arrested in South Africa in the 1970s while trying to see Nelson Mandela – a lie that The Washington Post gave four Pinocchios.

In December 2016, Biden said he was arrested for wandering onto the Senate floor in the 1960s – which he admitted did not happen on a different occasion.

In 2008, Biden made-up a story claiming to have been arrested at Ohio University during his college years for “following” women into an all-female dorm room.

In December 2022, Biden said that after he was elected vice president, he awarded his Uncle Frank with a Purple Heart.
There is no evidence any of that is true — and Biden's uncle died in 1999, while Biden wasn't elected VP until 2008.

In November 2022, Biden claimed he “could have been an All-American” football player.
Biden only played on the freshman football team for part of one semester in college after his father forced him to quit because of bad grades
Biden barely played any college football before his father forced him to quit the team because of bad grades.
In 1972, Biden admitted “I really didn’t have much of a football career at Delaware” and that “I probably couldn’t even make the freshman team down there now.”

In October 2022, Biden claimed he was “raised in the Puerto Rican community” of Delaware.
There is no evidence of this: In Delaware in 1970, only 2,154 people — 0.39 percent of the state population — were of Puerto Rican descent.

In July 2022, Biden claimed oil refinery pollution is the reason “I and so damn many other people I grew up have cancer.”
Biden does not currently have cancer, and his doctors said the cause of his previous non-melanoma skin cancer was sun exposure – not pollution.

In May 2022, Biden claimed he “was appointed to the [Naval] Academy in 1965.”
There is no record of Biden being nominated to the Naval Academy, and Biden graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965 — making it impossible.

In February 2022, Biden claimed to have left a dead dog on a Delaware woman’s doorstep when he was a County Council member.
The year before Biden told the same bizarre story but said he removed the dog.

In December 2021, Biden claimed in front of Jewish community members and Rabbis that he was invited by Prime Minister Golda Meir to serve as a “liaison” during Israel’s Six-Day War.
With Biden still in law school during the Six-Day War and Golda Meir not yet Prime Minister, there is no evidence for this claim.

Biden didn’t travel to Israel until six years later, a visit in which he met with the Prime Minister and was critical of Israel and Jewish voters.
In September 2021, Biden falsely claimed his “first job offer” came from Boise Cascade, an Idaho lumber business.
Lisa Tschampl, a spokeswoman for Boise Cascade responded, “we have no record of President Biden’s application or of him having worked for the company.”

In September 2021, Biden lied about visiting Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue after the 2018 mass shooting.
Barb Feige, the executive director of the Tree of Life said Biden had not visited the Tree of Life Synagogue, the location of the worst anti-Jewish hate crime in US history.

In July 2021, Biden made up a story about hitting a 386-foot shot at his second Congressional Baseball game “at the old stadium” in Washington D.C.
Biden actually went 0-2, and the game was played in Baltimore.

In May 2021, Biden claimed his “great-grandpop was” a coal miner.
Biden’s grandfather was a mining engineer and state senator, not a coal miner.

In February 2021, Biden falsely claimed he was “shot at” overseas.
The former legislative director for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Patrick Campbell, responded, “veterans don’t like it when people mischaracterize their service, people who overstate what happens to them. We have names for them.”

This is the most pettiest, politically biased, making mountains out of molehills, over exaggerated, quotes taken out of context, psychobabble I have ever witnessed.

Let me know when you have something substantial that proves Biden is lying!
No he didn’t, that’s a bunch of liberal lies

They were listed in the paper when Trump gave a speech and pointed out after a talk. Newspapers and TV kept an ongoing tally.
It was funny how he was fact-checked and lied so much. When Trump gave his talk on Fox with Baier, his lies were enumerated and Bret stopped him. Were you in grade school when Trump was in office?
53,000 plus lies in 4 years.
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This is the most pettiest, politically biased, making mountains out of molehills, over exaggerated, quotes taken out of context, psychobabble I have ever witnessed.

Let me know when you have something substantial that proves Biden is lying!

Have you read the 5300 lies the left has come up with against Trump?

It’s far worse but I imagine you don’t care
Here is one they count as a lie

JAN. 21 “A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.” (Trump was on the cover 11 times and Nixon appeared 55 times.) JAN

Now you will notice how he says I think meaning he doesn’t know yet the left counts that as a lie which it clearly isn’t
One note... And, this has nothing to do directly with the thread but rather an aside that points out something:

The claim "Best-selling author" is a bullshit marketing term today. All it means is that this guy's book was printed in some large volume and then distributed to book sellers in large volume. It doesn't mean anybody actually bought it at retail and it might very well be on the bargain book table right now because the retailers are dumping it for not selling.

So, when that claim is made, my suggestion is you ignore it as irrelevant marketing propaganda.
Have you read the 5300 lies the left has come up with against Trump?

It’s far worse but I imagine you don’t care

Yes, but Trump has been a liar all of his life. Trump even cheats on his golf scores and everyone knows it and expects it. He just refuses to ever tell the truth about anything really. Even when he don't have to lie.

Trump uses lies and deceptions as a political strategy and personal strategy.

And everyone has known this about Trump. It's just that some people, and a whole lot of them, don't care if he does or not!

In fact, his cult base thinks it's funny and loves every minute of it.

I am sick of it, and so are a lot of other people! Because we all know lying is just wrong!
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Yes, but Trump has been a liar all of his life. Trump even cheats on his golf scores and everyone knows it and expects it. He just refuses to ever tell the truth about anything really. Even when he don't have to lie.

Trump uses lies and deceptions as a political strategy and personal strategy.

And everyone has known this about Trump. It's just that some people, and a whole lot of them, don't care if he does or not!

In fact, his cult base thinks it's funny and loves every minute of it.

I am sick of it, and so are a lot of other people! Because we all know lying is just wrong!

All presidents lie and why do I care if they lie, I care about the job they do for me and the nation.

I am not voting for a morality leader.
All presidents lie and why do I care if they lie, I care about the job they do for me and the nation.

I am not voting for a morality leader.

I never vote for anyone immoral! Immoral people are not good leaders.

All immoral people do is lead you down into the sewer!
