Trump's long litany of lies

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

As a foundational document, the first newspaper account of Donald Trump’s life (1976) by New York Times reporter Judy Klemesrud is a classic example of the hype that would keep him in the public eye for decades to come.

Most of the grand projects trumpeted in the article never came to pass.

The $200 million fortune Trump claimed was actually built by his father.

The slinky fashion models were never named.

Klemesrud let Trump say he was of Swedish descent, when his family actually came from Germany.

Trump’s connections to powerful politicians, observed as he dined at the swanky restaurant 21, were in fact the product of his father’s efforts.

It led to a TV appearance where the host declared the unaccomplished Trump a rising young “mogul.”

A torrent of articles and broadcast reports followed and became, as they accumulated, proof that Donald was a very important person.

Most of his grandiose proposals including plans for the world’s tallest building, a huge convention center, and a football stadium, never got off the drawing board.

Trump got away with some whoppers.

He presented his first wife Ivana as an athlete who had competed in the Sapporo Olympics as a member of the Czech ski team. Apparently no one in the press discovered that Czechoslovakia hadn’t sent a team to the games.

The deception remains on the public record to this day.

Next came Trump’s use of fake personas—"John Baron" and "John Miller"—who told reporters things he couldn’t say himself.

It was "Baron" who defended Trump against complaints over the destruction of artwork when he demolished an old department store.

It was "Miller" who shared the "news" that a "many famous and beautiful women were interested in dating him".
Report: Trump's Dad Was Arrested In 1927 Ku Klux Klan Brawl With Police

ByCATHERINE THOMPSONPublishedSEPTEMBER 9, 2015, 2:07 PM EDT 44937 Views
A newly surfaced report from a 1927 edition of the New York Times suggests Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump's late father may have had a connection to the Ku Klux Klan.

A man named Fred Trump was among those arrested in a massive brawl between KKK members and police at a 1927 Memorial Day parade in New York City, according to a contemporaneous Times article surfaced Wednesday by the blog Boing Boing.

The Times article listed the arrestee's address as 175-24 Devonshire Road in Jamaica Estates, Queens. Past local news reports noted that the Republican presidential frontrunner's father lived at that address. Donald Trump's German immigrant grandfather, who anglicized his own name to Fred Trump.
All seven of the men who were arrested were represented by the same team of two lawyers, according to the Times report.

The Times reported that police said the brawl broke out because the Klan reneged on an agreement not to wear any of their symbols to the parade. The Klan members, for their part, accused the police of exceeding their authority in trying to keep them out of the parade, according to the report.

The elder Trump was born in 1905, which would put him in his early '20s when The New York Times covered the brawl. His wife, Mary Anne, didn't give birth to the couple's son Donald until 1946.

Donald Trump's presidential campaign did not immediately return Boing Boing's request for comment. Similarly, the campaign did not immediately return TPM's request for comment.

It's unclear to what extent, if any, Fred Trump was involved with the group, based on the New York Times report. As the incident happened nearly 20 years before Donald Trump was born, it's also unclear whether the real estate mogul knew anything of his father's youthful arrest.

As TPM has reported, many self-styled white nationalists have voiced their support in recents weeks for Donald Trump, particularly his hardline immigration platform. Their support does not make Trump himself a white supremacist. The billionaire's former adviser, Roger Stone, also told TPM in a recent interview that he would disavow the support of white supremacists.
Several members of a group of prominent African American ministers scheduled to meet with Donald Trump Monday are making clear that they have made no commitments to endorse the real estate magnate.

Their public declarations of non-endorsement come after a press release from the Trump campaign announced a coalition of 100 African American religious leaders will appear with the real estate mogul shortly after the meeting "to endorse him".

Bishop Clarence McClendon, a Los Angeles-based minister who was invited to the Monday meeting with clergy, posted to Facebook after the Trump campaign announced the coming endorsements.

“I am not officially endorsing ANY candidate and when I do you will NOT need to hear it from court jesters who suffer from intellectual and spiritual myopia,” he wrote.

“I was asked 2 meet with Mr Trump too but I refused because until he learns how to respect people you can’t represent me thru my endorsement,” Bishop Paul Morton, a prominent pastor in Atlanta tweeted on Friday.

The Trump camp’s own announcement that 100 black ministers will endorse Trump has been greeted in the black faith community with a combination of confusion and anger, particularly after a week in which Trump has mocked a New York Times reporter with a disability, suggested that a black protester who was kicked and punched at a Trump rally in Alabama “deserved it,” and when Trump himself has suggested Muslims be surveilled at certain mosques.

The Trump campaign did not respond to questions.

Trump has cancelled a press conference in which his campaign said he would be endorsed by as many as 100 black evangelical religious leaders.

Many of those invited to the event say they had no intention of endorsing the billionaire businessman and former reality television star.
Trump denied that the voice of "John Miller" on a 25-year-old recording is, in fact, his own.

Appearing on NBC's "Today" show, the Republican disputed a report that he posed as his own spokesman under a fake name during a 1991 telephone interview with a reporter - something he did habitually for years, according to reporters and people who knew the man during that time, often going as "John Barron" as well.

That's not exactly what Trump said under oath in 1990.

During testimony in a lawsuit that dealt with his employment of undocumented migrant workers from Poland on the Trump Tower project, the real estate mogul was asked if he had ever used the name "John Barron."

"I believe on occasion I used that name," Trump replied.

Trump acknowledged in court that he and "John Barron" (sometimes spelled "Baron") were one and the same.

A former Trump executive has acknowledged in court papers that he had used the same alias in connection with the Trump Tower project. An attorney representing the Polish workers has charged that someone using the name "John Baron" had called and said Trump might sue him for $100 million.

Trump testified he used the name only "years later." Afterward, he told reporters, "Lots of people use pen names. Ernest Hemingway used one."
John Miller could not be reached for comment. :rofl2:

Trump denied romantically pursuing Princess Diana in an interview that aired Tuesday, despite previously claiming he would have slept with the late royal "without even hesitation."

Trump told radio host Howard Stern in 2000 that Diana was "a great beauty," before adding that "she was crazy, but these are minor details."

When Stern asked: "Would you have slept with her?" Trump replied: "Without even hesitation."

In a separate interview just months after Diana's death in 1997, Stern asked Trump whether he could have had sex with her.

"You could have gotten her, right? You could have nailed her?" the shock jock asked.

Trump replied: "I think I could have."

The two interviews were unearthed in February.

However on Tuesday, the Republican gave a seemingly different account.

"There was a flurry of stories recently that you'd had a little frisson for Princess Diana," Piers Morgan said.

Trump said this was "totally false."

Trump had bombarded Diana with massive bouquets of flowers after her divorce with Prince Charles in 1996.

Scott — who knew Diana and was sent to cover Trump in 1994 — recalled that the princess said Trump gave her "the creeps."

Throughout the Republican presidential primary, Donald Trump laid waste to a crowded field of rising stars and sitting governors by portraying himself as the only candidate who could shake up Washington, because he was the only one not taking large campaign donations.

"I can actually straighten out the country without having people come—special interests and everything else come—and say, 'No, no, no, you can't do that because so-and-so supported you,'" Trump said in September.

Citing his own past political contributions, he depicted campaign donors as "people that are putting it up because they want something and they're going to get something." He identified campaign cash as the root cause of politicians making "really dumb deals." He said Senator Marco Rubio was "controlled by special interests, 100 percent." His proof? That Rubio wasn't self-funding like him.

"I'm not going to take any money," Trump said last month when asked at news conference if he'd continue to self-finance beyond the primary race.

But now, that core promise of his campaign—that he would repel the influence peddlers by refusing their contributions—is put at risk after Trump, on his first day as the party's presumptive nominee, announced that he will start soliciting donations to fund his general election campaign.

As Donald Trump makes his bid for the White House, he’s also talked up his new hotel opening this fall on Pennsylvania Avenue in the District of Columbia, bragging that the hotel will open its doors two years ahead of schedule.

The accelerated schedule has been picked up by several outlets. It’s standard bravado from the presumptive Republican nominee, meant to add to the mythology that he is a successful executive who can get things done efficiently when his business record actually includes a number of failures.

But Trump’s boasts about his hotel opening ahead of schedule simply aren’t true.

A June 2013 press release posted on the Trump Organization’s website announced that the redevelopment of the old post office was “expected to start in 2014 with the hotel opening scheduled in 2016.”

A few months later, the Trump Organization announced the expected grand opening of the hotel would happen at the end of 2015.

The Trump Organization said in a third statement in 2013 the hotel had completion was expected in late 2015.

In 2014, the Trump Organization went back to announcing the hotel would open in mid-2016.

In February, in the midst of Trump’s presidential campaign, the organization shifted and announced the hotel was planned to open in September, “almost two years ahead of schedule, which is unheard of for a project of this size and complexity,” Ivanka Trump is quoted as saying.

And during a March visit to the site, Donald Trump said, “We’re two years ahead of schedule. We’re going to be opening in September.”

Asked for clarification on the different opening dates, Allie Huddleston, a spokeswoman for the hotel, maintained it is ahead of schedule.

“The hotel is opening more than one year in advance this September,” she said.
John Miller could not be reached for comment. :rofl2:
Trump had bombarded Diana with massive bouquets of flowers after her divorce with Prince Charles in 1996.

Scott — who knew Diana and was sent to cover Trump in 1994 — recalled that the princess said Trump gave her "the creeps."

The Princess was correct. Trump is a creep.
A federal judge has ordered the release of internal Trump University documents in an ongoing lawsuit against the company, including “playbooks” that advised sales personnel how to market high-priced courses on getting rich through real estate.

The ruling was a setback for Trump, whose attorneys argued that the documents contained trade secrets.

Curiel’s order came the same day that Trump railed against the judge at a boisterous San Diego rally for his handling of the case, in which students have alleged they were misled and defrauded. The trial is set for November.

Trump, who previously questioned whether Curiel’s Hispanic heritage made him biased due to Trump’s support for building a wall on the Mexican border, said Friday that Curiel “happens to be, we believe, Mexican.” Trump called the judge a “hater of Donald Trump” who had “railroaded” him in the case.

Trump University was started in 2004 to offer courses in entre*pre*neur*ship under the Trump brand. Trump gave his blessing, according to court documents, becoming a 93 percent owner of the new enterprise.

Teflon Don Trump took several verbal jabs at Republican New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez after she declined to attend his rally in Albuquerque.

But his criticism of her effort to keep Syrian refugees out of New Mexico was way off base.

Teflon Don Trump wrongly claimed that “Syrian refugees are being relocated in large numbers to New Mexico.”

Only 10 Syrian refugees have been relocated to New Mexico while Martinez has served as governor.

Teflon Don Trump also missed the mark when he boasted that “if I was governor” the resettlement of Syrian refugees in New Mexico “wouldn’t be happening.”

Governors have no legal authority to bar refugees from relocation to their state, as those who have tried found out. The resettlement process is guided by federal law.

Teflon Don Trump, May. 24: "Now here’s a beauty that you’re gonna all love. Syrian refugees are being relocated in large numbers to New Mexico. If I was governor, that wouldn’t be happening. I couldn’t care less. They say the governors have no choice. If I’m governor, I have a choice, OK? Believe me."