Trump’s Raised Fist Will Make History — And Define His Candidacy

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The guy is a lion.
Grandson in college has already ordered a dozen tee shirts with this pic for his fraternity brothers. I sent him a $100 to get some more. All three of my daughters boys sit just right of Attila the Hun. She raised them well.
Bonus points, they are organizing their own early voting plan by going into nursing homes and learning the Democrats art of ballot harvesting.
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It wasn't just the fist pumps, but he also gestured the Sieg Heil Salute, as he was carried down the stairs of the stage he was shot on.

Go back and watch the film clip!

I remember watching some very rare historical video clips on the HISTORY CHANNEL, of them pulling Hitler out of the rubble, after the first asasssination attempt on him failed.

A very small explosive in a briefcase was supposed to be plced near Hitler at a round table with his officers, but, was accidently moved a few feet away, and when it went off, it killed the wrong, man. Hitler's trousers were singed by the blast, and he suffered a perforated EARdrum and conjunctivitis, but was otherwise unharmed.

And, as Hitler (Like Trump) was helped up and back on his feet and being carried to safety, Hitler was also fist pumping and gesturing the Sieg Heil Salute to those around him- JUST LIKE TRUMP DID!


Amazing how Trump and Hitler are almost the same man!
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