Trumptard doubles down again

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

Trump insisted on Sunday he was "100 percent right" when he said he saw thousands of Muslims in Jersey City, New Jersey, cheering the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, even though fact-checkers have debunked his assertion.

Trump said he has heard from "hundreds of people that agree" that there were televised Muslim celebrations of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, which he used as evidence to show his remarks were true.

"I saw it. So many people saw it," said Trump. "So, why would I take it back? I'm not going to take it back."

When NBC anchor Chuck Todd suggested the people Trump heard from are supporters and might want to agree with him, Trump interrupted to note the "huge Muslim population" New Jersey has.

"Why wouldn't it have taken place?" he said. "I've had hundreds of people call in and tweet in on Twitter, saying that they saw it and I was 100 percent right."

Trump came under fire last week after saying at a rally and on television that he had seen thousands of people in Jersey City cheer the collapse of the twin towers in Manhattan.

His remarks have since been disputed by public officials and fellow Republican candidate New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who said: "I think if it had happened, I would remember it."

"It did happen in New Jersey," Trump said.

"I have a very good memory, I'll tell you," he said. "I saw it somewhere on television many years ago. And I never forgot it."
His supporters don't even care if it was a lie. They are more impressed by his ability to stonewall the facts and never walk it back. That's the mentality we are dealing with in Trump supporters. Lol
His supporters don't even care if it was a lie. They are more impressed by his ability to stonewall the facts and never walk it back. That's the mentality we are dealing with in Trump supporters. Lol

They also believe something happened if they see it on social media, don't they?

If they're proven wrong, they shout "Lamestream media", followed by "Hillary!" :rofl2:
Yes. "Special" in the short bus sense.


Trump is insisting he was right that thousands of Muslim-Americans in New Jersey celebrated 9/11, despite being confronted with evidence he's incorrect.

For the second weekend, the Republican presidential front-runner repeated his assertion, despite city leaders and law enforcement officials saying large-scale public celebrations never happened,
JPP conservatives don't mind Trumps lies or his unwillingness to acknowledge when his memory is clearly wrong.
They just shout "but Hillary". Lol
Trump triples down:

Trump was asked whether he thinks there’s a chance he’s remembering video of Palestianians cheering 9/11 attacks rather than New Jersey Muslims, as he’s claimed.

“No, I don’t. I saw it on television. I have received hundreds of calls saying they saw it”

Trump says someone will find video to support his claim, “but don’t forget, 14, 15 years ago it wasn’t like it is today where you press a button and you play a video. 14, 15 years ago they don’t even put it in files. They destroy half of the stuff.”