
Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

Last week marked a milestone.

Donald Trump passed the 1,237 threshold of committed delegates that gives him a lock on the Republican Party presidential nomination.

The white "working class" is upset about losing its privileged position and sees Trump as the ticket to setting things right.

Trump’s strongest support comes from white men without college degrees.

The privilege that these "working class" whites are looking to defend is middle class factory jobs paying between $15 and $30 an hour.

These jobs generally came with decent health care benefits and often a traditional defined benefit pension, although that has become increasingly rare over the last two decades.

This is certainly a privileged position compared to billions of people in the developing world who would be happy to make $15 a day.

It is also privileged compared to women, whose pay still averages less than 80 percent of their male counterparts.

It is privileged compared to the situation of African Americans, Hispanics, and other racial and ethnic minorities who have frequently been trapped in the least desirable and lowest paying jobs.

There is no excuse for supporting a racist, sexist, xenophobic buffoon like Trump.
wait a minute. Is huffpo advocating that americans are privileged because they are demanding higher wages than africa , asia, and other countries?

This is from the same people calling for a 15$ minimum wage yes?
wait a minute. Is huffpo advocating that americans are privileged because they are demanding higher wages than africa , asia, and other countries? This is from the same people calling for a 15$ minimum wage yes?

Think so?