Trumpty Dumpty says pathological Parson Carson, child molester "no cure"

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

Trump delivered a 95-minute rant that included attacks on Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina as well as Carson.

While casting doubt on Carson’s claims that incidents of childhood violence led him to a religious awakening, Trump did pick up on his rival’s statement that he once had a pathological temper when young.

“If you’re pathological, there’s no cure for that,” Trump said in Fort Dodge, Iowa. “If you’re a child molester, there’s no cure. They can’t stop you.”

Trump also mocked Carson — and by extension his supporters — for the doctor’s claim that he once tried to stab someone but the blade was blocked by the person’s belt buckle. Trump played with his own belt buckle to dispute the likelihood of such an incident.

“Give me a break,” Trump said. “How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe that crap?”

Trump also referred to opponent Fiorina as “Carly whatever-the-hell-her-name-is” and called Rubio “weak like a baby.”
He appears to be ready to drop out if he's going off the deep end on insults into child molester land...
You keep saying that he'll drop out.

Do you think the Hildebeast will be the next president if he does?

No. I still think that her supposedly "nothing" email scandal will reach a point where she'll drop out citing "more time with family and health reasons".
It's like a reflex, isn't it?

When I try to discuss their plans to eliminate Social Security, Medicare, and Obamacare, they blurt "Hillary".

When I start a thread about Trumps' bizarre behavior, they shout "Hillary".

First the black guy and now a woman. Their power is slipping away and their heads are exploding.
I noticed that only one JPP conservative bothered to address Trumps' comparison of Carson to a child molester.

Maybe the GOP isn't ready to nominate a black candidate after all.

They aren't. Carson is just something they can point to when their racism is pointed out. When push comes to shove they can not bring themselves to vote for a black man.