Truth is the neocon's wooden stake

and Obamacare is it's vampire.....I guess that makes Touchie one of those creepy butlers who wipes the batshit off the windowsill while the master sleeps the day away......
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and Obamacare is it's vampire.....I guess that makes Touchie one of those creepy butlers who wipes the batshit off the windowsill while the master sleeps the day away......

And there you have it folks.....another lame ass, babbling retort by a neocon parrot who can't handle Weiner's excellent shot that punctured the Party of No's hot air balloon.
truth is the stake for all democrats and republicans. It's the height of arrogance to think that either side is beholden to it.

Ahhh, but all Republicans are not "neocons", as many on these threads and GOP official's have publically stated. Remember, Weiner did revise his statement to Republicans he has met.
It must be nice to have a fictitious bogeyman that you can blame everything on. :palm:

Translation: this intellectual coward does not DARE address the points Weiner makes......Southie once again demonstrates the dishonest tactics of the new conservative (aka "neocon"), which is to avoid any discussion of FACTS that discredit their ideology.

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Truth is the neocon's wooden stake[/ame]
Of course the Republicon party is bought and sold by big business. Always has been. This is nothing new. They have always been against any social program, always. Govt social programs cuts into their profits. If someone haven't realized that by now that person needs another drink.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Translation: this intellectual coward does not DARE address the points Weiner makes......Southie once again demonstrates the dishonest tactics of the new conservative (aka "neocon"), which is to avoid any discussion of FACTS that discredit their ideology.

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Truth is the neocon's wooden stake

You've used this neocon thing since you started posting here and I still have not met one. I don't think they're real.

The first 3 words of your second sentence says it all about you.

You're still avoiding the subject title post....goes to show what an intellectually dishonest clown you are on these boards.
The first 3 words of your second sentence says it all about you.

You're still avoiding the subject title post....goes to show what an intellectually dishonest clown you are on these boards.
You're the dishonest one, Libby, for inventing this boogy man that you insist we all are. It is quite comical though.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The first 3 words of your second sentence says it all about you.

You're still avoiding the subject title post....goes to show what an intellectually dishonest clown you are on these boards.

You're the dishonest one, Libby, for inventing this boogy man that you insist we all are. It is quite comical though.

Spout all the BS you want, Southie....the thread shows you for the neocon BS artist that you don't even have the stones (or the brains) to address what Weiner said beyond the automatic gain saying that is so common of the Party of No.
As soon as I saw the thread title, I knew it was Winny.

Which prompted you to do the usual...say nothing yet talk loud. As the Loyal End to anyone who has an axe to grind with me, you just show up to hump their leg for approval....small wonder why I call you the Loyal End. You don't have the brains or the stones to address what Weiner said. Carry on.
Of course the Republicon party is bought and sold by big business. Always has been. This is nothing new. They have always been against any social program, always. Govt social programs cuts into their profits. If someone haven't realized that by now that person needs another drink.

We're proud of our committment to the businesses of America.

"The chief business of America is business." -President Calvin Coolidge
Thankfully "neocon" is a rare breed and it is already endangered.

Really? Because last time I checked, the Teabaggers are getting all the hype coverage from Fox Noise, the WND, NewsMax, Michelle Malkin, Crowley, Hannity, etc. And dead eye Dick Cheney and Gingrich are still running around like they have credibility.
We're proud of our committment to the businesses of America.

"The chief business of America is business." -President Calvin Coolidge

Since when is the business of America to protect corporations from accountability when they screw over the public?