Trying to "Gore" Hillbillary?


Staff member


"I helped to bring peace to Northern Ireland," Clinton said on CNN's American Morning on Wednesday. Video Watch more of Clinton's comments on the race »

A Washington Post blogger accused Clinton in January of exaggerating her involvement in Northern Ireland.

But former Democratic Senate majority leader George Mitchell, who was a U.S. special envoy to Northern Ireland, told CNN that while Clinton was not directly involved in negotiations, she did play a helpful role in bringing in women's groups that made a difference.

Mitchell is a Democratic superdelegate and has not publicly endorsed Clinton or Obama.

Rep. Peter King, a Republican from New York, was also involved in the process. He recalls one late-night meeting with former President Bill Clinton, Sen. Clinton and Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams.

"There was a discussion of how the IRA would decommission its weapons. And I know that Sen. Clinton was part of that meeting," King said.


More at link.
Don't mock.

Those paramilitary women's groups were some of the most ruthless around. I'm surprised she wasn't given the Nobel Peace Prize along with John Hulme and David Trimble.
Don't mock.

Those paramilitary women's groups were some of the most ruthless around. I'm surprised she wasn't given the Nobel Peace Prize along with John Hulme and David Trimble.
Mocking? I was simply noticing how they attempt to say she "exaggerates" and reminiscing...
Mocking? I was simply noticing how they attempt to say she "exaggerates" and reminiscing...

Well, that's alright then.

I don't think people realise the impact that wonderful woman had in solving the troubles in Northern Ireland.

Amongst Ulster's Catholic communities Hillary Clinton's profile has been adopted as the face of choice for the Virgin Mary in many newly commissioned church frescos.

Beatification can't be too far off now.