Tucker Carlson Out as MSNBC host...


New member
Tucker Carlson replaced on MSNBC
Network adding David Gregory show to respond to heavy political interest

MSNBC News Services
updated 1 hour, 57 minutes ago
NEW YORK - The bow tie is out at MNSBC. David Gregory is replacing Tucker Carlson as host of a one-hour show each evening.

The news network is making a handful of changes to respond to heavy political interest. Gregory’s new show is called “Race for the White House” and will be on each weekday at 6 p.m. starting next Monday.

“Viewers are incredibly engaged this election season, with a real appetite for political news,” said Phil Griffin, Senior Vice President, NBC News and Executive in Charge of MSNBC. “As NBC News' Chief White House Correspondent, David is the perfect person to lead this key hour of our election coverage. Tucker is one of the top political minds inside the Beltway, and we look forward to continuing to feature his insightful analysis.”

Carlson has been at MSNBC for nearly three years. He will remain with the network as MSNBC Senior Campaign Correspondent and will appear regularly throughout MSNBC's program lineup.

MSNBC also says that Andrea Mitchell will anchor an hour each afternoon. Keith Olbermann’s popular “Countdown” program will rerun every night at 10.

Actually that kind of sucks...Tucker was actually one of the few conservatives I dont dislike. He seems like a swell guy....rape charge notwithstanding :gives:

Oh God though that bitch Andrea Mitchell...aka Greenspan's Mistress is getting her own show...she is a horrible conservative hack....

Tucker at least doesnt sound obnoxious like Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, Savage, etc....

I've never heard of the term but apparently hardcore conservatives call him a "MSNBC conservative".... i guess thats a name for a moderate conservative....

Hes a lying piece of shit.

In the lead up to the war he was on all the channels touting the invasion and then wrote a piece that said Saddam did not have weapons or AQ ties to cover his ass in the future.

I hate the little weasel.
Hes a lying piece of shit.

In the lead up to the war he was on all the channels touting the invasion and then wrote a piece that said Saddam did not have weapons or AQ ties to cover his ass in the future.

I hate the little weasel.

You mean he said the same things that Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Madeline Albright, Teddy Kennedy, and John Kerry were saying???



(can the board leftists possibly get any sillier?)
I dont recall seeing any of those people you mention on the news and talk shows beating the drums for war to Iraq.
I didn't mind Tucker at all. If you want a smug jackass who puts the conservative spin on things, then watch Hannity's America.
B'Bye token Republican dorkbot... They must have found one that looks even more like a clown and has even more trouble speaking.
B'Bye token Republican dorkbot... They must have found one that looks even more like a clown and has even more trouble speaking.
Hey Joe Scarborough is on MSNBC and he is a good conservative republican, So is Pat Buchanan for that matter. Tucker was not the token Republican.
Hey Joe Scarborough is on MSNBC and he is a good conservative republican, So is Pat Buchanan for that matter. Tucker was not the token Republican.
He was one of a few tokens. Like Fox hiring a D who looks like a clown and can't argue and having a few like that scratchy-voiced woman who ran a Presidential campaign for somebody who lost.
When you dont get ratings you get dumped. Except if you are a liberal when they are trying to start a war like Donahue.
The media stuff is getting out of hand , I even saw fierro (sp?) the other day on a talking heads show. I did not know she was even still alive.
Tucker Carlson is a Little Lord Fauntleroy whose father married a Swanson, and whose childhood was spent being spanked by his nanny which gave him erections, thus engraining in him the mixed reaction of fear and excitement when he comes across a woman in a positon of authority and he feels the need to "cross his legs". (in his own words).

He crosses his legs both to hide his erection at the thought of another spanking, and as an involuntary reaction to fear of castration.

I am very happy not to have to look upon his manless, smirking face again.

Hopefully, MSNBC will replace Fucker Carlson, with Rachel Maddow. She rocks! :clink:

Maddow would be great. But I read that MSNBC is going to really shake things up with a bold, unexpected choice.

They are going with a white male!

I should have told people to sit down first. Sorry.

David Gregory.

Well, I for one will be thrilled with the opportunity to get the white male perspective on a historic race which includes a black man and a woman. I often find myself channel surfing through one black and female pundit and show host after the other, searching, often in vain, for a white male. "But what do the white guys think about this?" I wonder.

And now I'll know.
Maddow would be great. But I read that MSNBC is going to really shake things up with a bold, unexpected choice.

They are going with a white male!

I should have told people to sit down first. Sorry.

David Gregory.

Well, I for one will be thrilled with the opportunity to get the white male perspective on a historic race which includes a black man and a woman. I often find myself channel surfing through one black and female pundit and show host after the other, searching, often in vain, for a white male. "But what do the white guys think about this?" I wonder.

And now I'll know.

You're a disgusting sexist sow.