Turkish Mouthpiece Says Jews Want to ‘Kill JC Again’, Warns Jews Control the World

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
File under f/u goyim talking points 🤪

In the name of cheez its

A newspaper that serves as a mouthpiece for the Turkish government has published an article claiming that Jews control the world, and have “killed” the Christian man-god twice.

According to the Daily Sabah, “The Jews have killed Je–s twice, by first causing his death and now by besieging all Christian countries, states, intellectuals, media organizations and governments.”

“The global Christian population, numbering in the billions, is dominated by the much smaller Jewish population of about 50 million globally,” Aktash writes. “Christians today seem helpless against Judaism and Zionism, appearing to have completely surrendered. It’s conceivable that they might even abandon Christianity en masse in favor of Judaism.”

But the antisemitic tropes cited in this article takes even Erdogan’s animosity towards Israel to a new level, and the cleverly couched lies expressed by the writer with hysterical paranoia are clearly geared towards inspiring Christian fear, if not outright hate, against Jews.