Turks Cut and Run!


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Turks cut and run!

After 8 Days, Turkey Pulls Its Troops Out of Iraq

Thank God George Bush is our president. This shameful display by the Turks demonstrates the wisdom of George Bush's Iraq occupation strategy.

Turkey invaded Iraq to hit terrorist sanctuaries, and now they're cutting and running after only 8 days of occupation! And yet, PKK terrorists still roam free in Iraqi kurdistan. LOL Turkish Cowards! Clearly, this only emboldens the terrorists.

Don't the turks know that limited, surgical strikes against terrorists are for sissy girls? Don't the Turks understand that "you have to fight them over there", or the terrorists will follow you home? Don't the Turks know that, in order to deny safe havens to terrrorist groups, you have to invade and occupy the sovereign host countries for years on end, at unlimited cost in blood and treasure? This cutting and running crap, and relying on surgical strikes as neccessary and appropriate sounds like something Barack Hussein Obama would do. I'm sure our armchair generals, like superfreak, WRL, Damo, and cawacko would agree: until Iraq is sanitized of every last insurgent and terrorist, we can't cut and run.... like the pathetic turks.
It was mindblowing watching Bush tell the Turks that any occupation of Iraq "must be brief in nature". Telling them to go in and get the job done and get out.

Where the fuck was that four years ago?
Yeah, bush's mind is clearly blown.

I wonder why the Turks left though ? Did we promise to give em some weapons or money ?
It was mindblowing watching Bush tell the Turks that any occupation of Iraq "must be brief in nature". Telling them to go in and get the job done and get out.

Bush is a laughing stock. I'm sure turkish government officials in Ankara got a good belly laugh when bush lectured them on the length of an occupation.

I don't think the turks are stupid enough to invade and occupy iraqi kurdistan for years on end.