Turning over a new leaf


After a bit of self reflection, I have decided that I have allowed myself to become something on this board that I am not in real life. So with that, I am turning over a new leaf and will no longer call names or insult. However, I will continue to use my thread ban discretion on certain individuals who I find to be lower than low.

To those I have offended in the past, I sincerely apologize.

Good day.
For the record, I never said I was going to be a Monk. I should have clarified. I will be refraining from using the caustic language for which I had become accustomed. For those who think I was going to never be cynical, snarky or sarcastic you were fooling yourself. I should have known I should have written it like a legal document for some. But, oh well. Those with maturity levels above the age of 10 know what I was talking about. I guess some didn't.