TV and the Democrats edge...


Lately, while Watching the Cable News Networks in action ...especially MSNBC.. regardless of the ratings and aside from C-Span they are presenting the most well balanced discussion.... I repeat ..discussion=viewpoints... not news reporting.... if I want that I will go to the internet... and scan the Newspapers.
Anyways .. The Democrats are kicking royal ass... they have the Republicans up against the wall with their index fingers sliding up and down their lips as they attempt to speak. The issue ... of course.. it is the cluster fuck that is Iraq. The Republicans are a beaten group and they know it. There is no defense against questions as to why we went in the first place? What are we doing there now? What does Iraq have to do with terrorism? Wy are we spendng billions per day?
When Republicans try to justify they come across as out of touch.

Watching this made me think.. how the Democrats can take the Iraqi issue and aplly it towards the real top issues of the Day. Energy ..its role in Economic, Environment and World Peace. You see.. no matter how one wants to twist and rewrite the story.. the real reason for our presence in the middle east is pure and simple... World Dominance over the region that supports our addiction ...which is black gold ..... terrorism is a by product... an excuse to call to arms.., fanning the flames of religous prophecies.

So I figure if the Dems were smart... they'll take this Iraqi issue which they are winning hands down...and add some real thunder...and at the same time raise the Consciousness of the Citizenry they wish to represent... and at the same time do some real good for our future.

You see the way I figure it... the cost of this War is so astronimical is hard to justify supporting a cause for which cannot be rationally justified in the face of knowing damn well the true reasons for which we are really there. Knowing full well there are technologies inplace that could greatly ease the dependence on that which we have an addiction too.. black gold. If we take the money we have been spending on Iraq (which is money spent on something we dont really know what we are spending it for, but yet we really do) and applied it towards a fast track program to build an infrastructure that would support alternative fuels in mass transit zones ..., increase the amount of wind energy and Nuclear plants, we would effectively be killing a few birds with a few stones. We would be less dependent on a region we feel the need to dominate for a sole purpose... black gold.., and we would be improving the environment and maybe stall the eventuality of global warming, we would open up new markets and creating new economies.. Hey! Im beginning to sound like Al Gore!! And yes.. we have the abiltiy to take the world by storm and lead it into new unchated territories of Peace and Cooperation.

This is the message the Dems should use to rip the Hearts out of those who are demonstrating that they just dont get it. Tie the two together.... thats a genuine Concept that will hit home.
We have been advocating this for about 35 years now!

Republicans have painted such ideas as touchy feelly extremism.

If we had listened to the Democratic party and acted in kind we would have many fewer problems than we have today!
There is no defense against questions as to why we went in the first place? What are we doing there now? What does Iraq have to do with terrorism? Wy are we spendng billions per day?
When Republicans try to justify they come across as out of touch.

Watching this made me think.. how the Democrats can take the Iraqi issue and aplly it towards the real top issues of the Day. Energy ..its role in Economic, Environment and World Peace. You see.. no matter how one wants to twist and rewrite the story.. the real reason for our presence in the middle east is pure and simple... World Dominance over the region that supports our addiction ...which is black gold ..... terrorism is a by product... an excuse to call to arms.., fanning the flames of religous prophecies.

Klattue, Desh is right.

Going all the way back to Jimmy Carter, he tried to tie the importance of energy, conservation, and alternative directly to national security. And, he was laughed at by the Reaganites.

Kerry proposed a "apollo moon-shot" style altenative energy program, and was ignored - the media was more interested in trivia, like whether he threw medals or ribbons over the white house fence.

Other than that, you have some fine points. But, a candidate can only do so much. If the tabloid-issue obsessed media ignores it, it never gains traction.
It could gain traction NOW.

The Democratic Party should come up with an Alternative Energy plan and make it part of the National Campaign. And they should also use every resourse they have, especially the media to promote this plan. And they should also make sure that alll candidates that they support makes Alternative Energy/New National Security as one of their focusses...

This can all be done in the same breath When discussing this quagmire/War in Iraq...then give the Alternative energy plan with its astronomical goals of securing our nation! :) a positive approach after the negative cycle of war, killing, war, killing, warring for OIL Security...imo.

good post Klaatu, nice to see you focusing on this approach. It really will be the answer to PEACE....that you've been searching for imo.

It could gain traction NOW.

The Democratic Party should come up with an Alternative Energy plan and make it part of the National Campaign. And they should also use every resourse they have, especially the media to promote this plan. And they should also make sure that alll candidates that they support makes Alternative Energy/New National Security as one of their focusses...

This can all be done in the same breath When discussing this quagmire/War in Iraq...then give the Alternative energy plan with its astronomical goals of securing our nation! :) a positive approach after the negative cycle of war, killing, war, killing, warring for OIL Security...imo.

good post Klaatu, nice to see you focusing on this approach. It really will be the answer to PEACE....that you've been searching for imo.


Thank you Care .. for getting it .... bringing it to the forefront of the National Campaign .... its one thing to slide by..even Bush has done that in his State of the Union Speech ... its another to make it THE ISSUE ... ie what Im advocating... and Im glad you got it. ;)
Lately, while Watching the Cable News Networks in action ...especially MSNBC.. regardless of the ratings and aside from C-Span they are presenting the most well balanced discussion.... I repeat ..discussion=viewpoints... not news reporting.... if I want that I will go to the internet... and scan the Newspapers.
Anyways .. The Democrats are kicking royal ass... they have the Republicans up against the wall with their index fingers sliding up and down their lips as they attempt to speak. The issue ... of course.. it is the cluster fuck that is Iraq. The Republicans are a beaten group and they know it. There is no defense against questions as to why we went in the first place? What are we doing there now? What does Iraq have to do with terrorism? Wy are we spendng billions per day?
When Republicans try to justify they come across as out of touch.

Watching this made me think.. how the Democrats can take the Iraqi issue and aplly it towards the real top issues of the Day. Energy ..its role in Economic, Environment and World Peace. You see.. no matter how one wants to twist and rewrite the story.. the real reason for our presence in the middle east is pure and simple... World Dominance over the region that supports our addiction ...which is black gold ..... terrorism is a by product... an excuse to call to arms.., fanning the flames of religous prophecies.

So I figure if the Dems were smart... they'll take this Iraqi issue which they are winning hands down...and add some real thunder...and at the same time raise the Consciousness of the Citizenry they wish to represent... and at the same time do some real good for our future.

You see the way I figure it... the cost of this War is so astronimical is hard to justify supporting a cause for which cannot be rationally justified in the face of knowing damn well the true reasons for which we are really there. Knowing full well there are technologies inplace that could greatly ease the dependence on that which we have an addiction too.. black gold. If we take the money we have been spending on Iraq (which is money spent on something we dont really know what we are spending it for, but yet we really do) and applied it towards a fast track program to build an infrastructure that would support alternative fuels in mass transit zones ..., increase the amount of wind energy and Nuclear plants, we would effectively be killing a few birds with a few stones. We would be less dependent on a region we feel the need to dominate for a sole purpose... black gold.., and we would be improving the environment and maybe stall the eventuality of global warming, we would open up new markets and creating new economies.. Hey! Im beginning to sound like Al Gore!! And yes.. we have the abiltiy to take the world by storm and lead it into new unchated territories of Peace and Cooperation.

This is the message the Dems should use to rip the Hearts out of those who are demonstrating that they just dont get it. Tie the two together.... thats a genuine Concept that will hit home.

watching your journey of discovery has been a very uplifting experience. You are achieving wisdom and enlightenment. Really. Congratulations.
Well maineman... Thank you for the kind words! First one has to accept why we really are a major presence in that particular region of the world. Oil or terrorism or both.... leaning much more heavier towards oil .. while fighting off terrorism to maintain the winning edge .. aka National Secuirty. With that in mind ... it boggles the mind knowing we have the Science in place to move away from the "Black Gold" thus reduce our dependence which in turn would decrease the neccessity of being such an intrusive force in the middle east. Now Iraq.. I maintain is a power play.. nothing more.., nothing less. That said.., Is or was it worth the loss of life? And for what or who's purpose? Accepting the fact that this is all about regional dominance aka controlling the worlds Oil farms, it then becomes a Corporate issue.. did our young men and women lose their lives fighting for Corporate Dominance?

It gets ugly ... especially when one accepts the reality of the situation at hand.