Twelvers - What's Really Behind Hamas and Hezbollah


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Forget all the confusing history of Israel and Gaza and the Palestinian State behind which everyone is hiding. None of it matters to any substantive degree. Really. None of it. The "why" behind it all is nothing that is discussed in the US, Western Europe, or anywhere in the West in general, so it might very well come as news. There are two main branches of Islam, i.e. Sunni and Shia. The Shia are at issue here, as is Iran, the single largest Shia population. Shia are "twelvers" which distinguishes them from other branches of Islam. They believe there were only twelve "imams" (to Shia, this term means more than just a preacher in a mosque; it means "Lieutenant of Allah" and is nothing less that a divine leader who must be OBEYED). So Shia/twelvers believe that there were twelve of these divine "imams" after Mohammed, ... but that the twelfth never died, i.e. he went into hiding until the end of times, to return, with Jesus (Muslims consider Jesus to have been a prophet of Allah) to lead the Muslim world against Satan in the same kind of Rapture story you find in Revelation.

Enter Iran.

The Ayatollah of Iran desperately wants to declare to the Muslim world that he is the twelfth imam who is now revealing himself to lead them all. The Ayatollah wants it so badly that he can taste it. His entire life's focus is on this and nothing else ... but the damn prophesy specifies that this can only happen upon the destruction of Israel. This is why Iran has been funding Hezbollah and Hamas to send rockets into Israel for decades. The previous Ayatollah likewise was obsessed with being able to declare that he is the returning imam, i.e. all hail Dorothy, the wicked Israel is dead! ... but he died never achieving the grand prize. This current matter with Hamas was just the latest attempt to get sufficient "destruction" and "billowing smoke" onto the 5-O'clock news in order to make a plausible claim that Israel has been destroyed, and for the Ayatollah to announce "The house of David is dead and oh, by the way, I'm the twelfth imam!" Israel understands exactly what is going on, and intelligently moved to nip this in the bud immediately. By very publicly "declaring war" with military maneuvers broadcast internationally on the news and in social media, Israel is making a vociferous and visibly indisputable showing that they haven't been destroyed and nope, there can be no revealing of any imams today.

The Ayatollah is driven by lust for power, and transforming into the twelfth imam seems so feasible, i.e. fund Hamas and Hezbollah and let them deliver divinity unto thee. But on top of all this, Iranians are not Arabs, and Iran has historically HATED the idea that Islam is owned by Arabs, specifically Saudi Arabia. Westerners don't readily understand this concept of a country owning a religion, but Saudi Arabia controls everything about the faith, e.g. they own Mecca and the pilgrimage, they own Medina, they control when the eids begin and end for all Muslims around the world, they control the language of the religion (i.e. relegating non-Arabic-speakers to memorizing and regurgitating the Q'ran in Arabic, even if they have no idea what any of it means), which sides Allah takes on political issues, etc. Iranians would sell their own kidneys to reverse that and make Islam more Iran/Farsi-centric. If the Ayatollah were to pull that off, he would become an immortalized hero solely on that account.

That's the long and short of what is going on, and of what has been going on. I know, I know ... you were sure that it was all about Palestine. Nope.

Forget all the confusing history of Israel and Gaza and the Palestinian State behind which everyone is hiding. None of it matters to any substantive degree. Really. None of it. The "why" behind it all is nothing that is discussed in the US, Western Europe, or anywhere in the West in general, so it might very well come as news. There are two main branches of Islam, i.e. Sunni and Shia. The Shia are at issue here, as is Iran, the single largest Shia population. Shia are "twelvers" which distinguishes them from other branches of Islam. They believe there were only twelve "imams" (to Shia, this term means more than just a preacher in a mosque; it means "Lieutenant of Allah" and is nothing less that a divine leader who must be OBEYED). So Shia/twelvers believe that there were twelve of these divine "imams" after Mohammed, ... but that the twelfth never died, i.e. he went into hiding until the end of times, to return, with Jesus (Muslims consider Jesus to have been a prophet of Allah) to lead the Muslim world against Satan in the same kind of Rapture story you find in Revelation.

Enter Iran.

The Ayatollah of Iran desperately wants to declare to the Muslim world that he is the twelfth imam who is now revealing himself to lead them all. The Ayatollah wants it so badly that he can taste it. His entire life's focus is on this and nothing else ... but the damn prophesy specifies that this can only happen upon the destruction of Israel. This is why Iran has been funding Hezbollah and Hamas to send rockets into Israel for decades. The previous Ayatollah likewise was obsessed with being able to declare that he is the returning imam, i.e. all hail Dorothy, the wicked Israel is dead! ... but he died never achieving the grand prize. This current matter with Hamas was just the latest attempt to get sufficient "destruction" and "billowing smoke" onto the 5-O'clock news in order to make a plausible claim that Israel has been destroyed, and for the Ayatollah to announce "The house of David is dead and oh, by the way, I'm the twelfth imam!" Israel understands exactly what is going on, and intelligently moved to nip this in the bud immediately. By very publicly "declaring war" with military maneuvers broadcast internationally on the news and in social media, Israel is making a vociferous and visibly indisputable showing that they haven't been destroyed and nope, there can be no revealing of any imams today.

The Ayatollah is driven by lust for power, and transforming into the twelfth imam seems so feasible, i.e. fund Hamas and Hezbollah and let them deliver divinity unto thee. But on top of all this, Iranians are not Arabs, and Iran has historically HATED the idea that Islam is owned by Arabs, specifically Saudi Arabia. Westerners don't readily understand this concept of a country owning a religion, but Saudi Arabia controls everything about the faith, e.g. they own Mecca and the pilgrimage, they own Medina, they control when the eids begin and end for all Muslims around the world, they control the language of the religion (i.e. relegating non-Arabic-speakers to memorizing and regurgitating the Q'ran in Arabic, even if they have no idea what any of it means), which sides Allah takes on political issues, etc. Iranians would sell their own kidneys to reverse that and make Islam more Iran/Farsi-centric. If the Ayatollah were to pull that off, he would become an immortalized hero solely on that account.

That's the long and short of what is going on, and of what has been going on. I know, I know ... you were sure that it was all about Palestine. Nope.


With regard to Hamas is quite simple to determine what's behind it, the annihilation of Jews from the face of the earth.
Shocker, posted all that to include a picture to tell everyone what they already knew, did you think others though Disney was behind it all
Shocker, posted all that to include a picture to tell everyone what they already knew, did you think others though Disney was behind it all

Maybe asking why their Spanish Inquisition & Italian Inquisition translations of HA MAS ! would be why "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" assassination of JFK to maintain WW II business contracts with Nazi Germany as Christain Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July Bicentennial & 9/11 "one nation under God with equal justice under law" is law of the land....
Maybe asking why their Spanish Inquisition & Italian Inquisition translations of HA MAS ! would be why "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" assassination of JFK to maintain WW II business contracts with Nazi Germany as Christain Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July Bicentennial & 9/11 "one nation under God with equal justice under law" is law of the land....

Yeah, whatever the hell that means, maybe the dingo did it
Yeah, whatever the hell that means, maybe the dingo did it

Oh, look HA MAS ! when Eisenhower said "Never Again" with that Klues Klucks duh Klans condescending arrogance of Christiananality pedophilia WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations; but then again it's Christain Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 diatribe George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam tautology for yet another "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement condescending arrogance as thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists on the steps of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" protect & serve the assassination of JFK & the Catholic Church business contracts with Islam oil for Holocaust deaths......
I tend to agree with you. Im never quite sure exactly what that poster is trying to say. I thought it might be just me but apparently not.

So just more of that Christain Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam while bungling GI Joe keeps biding his "serve the Pope or die" crusade more perfect union to Islam "death to the infidels" as HA MAS ! & Hezbolla are just doing that Rosenberg nuclear grudge Nazi economics Mengele "Angel of Death" concentration camp Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming of Israel.
Oh, look HA MAS ! when Eisenhower said "Never Again" with that Klues Klucks duh Klans condescending arrogance of Christiananality pedophilia WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations; but then again it's Christain Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 diatribe George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam tautology for yet another "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement condescending arrogance as thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists on the steps of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" protect & serve the assassination of JFK & the Catholic Church business contracts with Islam oil for Holocaust deaths......

You have the worst AI chat program in history.
You have the worst AI chat program in history.

All while history of this Christain Nation SCOTUS more perfect union with HA MAS ! & Hezbollah instead of Eisenhower's "Never Again" & Ford's historical Nixon yada yada nada....after some thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - absentee voting ballots arsonists yada yada nada.....
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Am I to ignore Christianity's role in pushing for the return of a state of Israel long after they were vanquished because they also have superstitious views of what is to come in the future?
Oh, look HA MAS ! when Eisenhower said "Never Again" with that Klues Klucks duh Klans condescending arrogance of Christiananality pedophilia WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations; but then again it's Christain Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 diatribe George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam tautology for yet another "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement condescending arrogance as thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists on the steps of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" protect & ser the assassination of JFK & the Catholic Church business contracts with Islam oil for Holocaust deaths......

I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many dangling particles nor lack of punctuation in such a short usage of space

I bet if you tried you could put that to music, with the right rhythmic pauses and stops you could assemble a rap soliloquy
All while history of this Christain Nation SCOTUS more perfect union with HA MAS ! & Hezbollah instead of Eisenhower's "Never Again" & Ford's historical Nixon yada yada nada....after some thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - absentee voting ballots arsonists yada yada nada.....

ROTFLMFAO!!!! You took the time to EDIT your gibberish? I'm speechless.
ROTFLMFAO!!!! You took the time to EDIT your gibberish? I'm speechless.

Guess will find out if the HA MAS !, Hezbollah &/or what other Islam "death to the infidels" attack the Eisenhower & Ford as West Nazi Germany Virginia attacked a Navy Hospital & those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement attacked the Pentagon for Christain Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 speechtime....
ROTFLMFAO!!!! You took the time to EDIT your gibberish? I'm speechless.

Doesn't seem to be any sickening difference from the HA MAS ! attack on the Palestinian hospital from Byrd's West Nazi Germany Virginia KKK churchstate stealing & in all probability burning more than 24 Eisenhower presented old glorys to Holocaust survivors or Christain Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 attacks...while the failed rocket launch propellant was the cause of the hospital explosion & deaths; but Islam "death to the infidels" is as "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality pedophilia.....
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Am I to ignore Christianity's role in pushing for the return of a state of Israel long after they were vanquished because they also have superstitious views of what is to come in the future?

Israel is already restored as a state. The past is not the future, dude.
Am I to ignore Christianity's role in pushing for the return of a state of Israel long after they were vanquished because they also have superstitious views of what is to come in the future?
Better question: Am I to ignore Christianity's role in pushing for the creation of the United States of America long after England had been vanquished in the Hundred Years War at the battle of Battle of Castillon? I don't think I can just ignore that easily.