two growing segments of the voting population

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
people like me that do not 'do' polls

and people without land lines (mostly younger voters) they use cell phones only

so pollsters cannot reach these people or they refuse to respond

i wonder if there are enough of these people to skew poll results
Good question. I suspect a slight skewing at this point. They just poll from the list they have.

I hate polls as well. I lie to them.
There is an undercount of young voters who are going to vote Obama in record numbers.

Its one of the reason I think tehy can not cheat enough to win this election.
I honestly believe the polls are favoring Obama. The young voters have cell phones argument is way overplayed. Look how much good it did RP. He was predicted at around 10% in NH, got 8%.
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There is an undercount of young voters who are going to vote Obama in record numbers.

Its one of the reason I think tehy can not cheat enough to win this election.

old age and treachery will win out over youth and skill

never underestimate cheating, especially well funded and organized anyone