Two more right wing blowhards taken to task


Shaken, not stirred!
Here's NY Daily News columnist Pete Hamill telling it like it is regarding Rumsfeld and Giuliani:

Rudy Giuliani and Donald Rumsfeld are on weak grounds when they criticize Bill de Blasio and President Obama
The former New York City mayor and the former defense secretary are two of the biggest hypocrites in modern politics
Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 11:09 PM

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Here's NY Daily News columnist Pete Hamill telling it like it is regarding Rumsfeld and Giuliani:

Rudy Giuliani and Donald Rumsfeld are on weak grounds when they criticize Bill de Blasio and President Obama
The former New York City mayor and the former defense secretary are two of the biggest hypocrites in modern politics
Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 11:09 PM

Read more:

The arrogance of this thread attacking Guiliani and Rumsfeld is RIDICULOUS especially when we have a demented TAICHEEDLieberrhoidal who is a hopelessly delusional follower of the MONUMENTAL FRAUD, RACIST, and a WANNABE COMMIE doing so.


Obummer had a Commie Father, a falling down drunk adulterer who discarded Obumsky's deranged off-the-wall Commie Mommie who hated her own race. His dedicated Commie Grandfather got him the Commie mentor Frank Marshall Davis, a notorious Commie poet and pornographer. And we also have his Cousin/Friendo Raila Odinga known throughout Africa, as the African Stalin.

Odinga is the leader of the Kenyan Muslim/Commie Organization: "The Orange Democratic Party", who at that time, Obummer visited him shortly before Obummer's Presidential Campaign, our State Dept reported that Odinga "Ethnically Cleansed" thousands of his fellow Kenyans. The slaughter included women & children.

Yet Obumsky was photo-oped at Odinga's rally, arm-in-arm, smiling. With basically the same photo-op later at Odinga and Obummer's ALL FAMILY MUSLIM/COMMIE Gathering whence came the world-wide photo-op of the Obummerrhoid decked out in African Garb, sporting a turban 5 sizes too large, and wearing a silly grin on his putrescent physiognamy. This photo-op also made headline news in America by Obumsky's very own Lap-Dog National Media.

The Obummerrhoid is a PROVEN Black Racist Swine having a TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob Jeremiah "GODDAMN AMERICA" Wright's Cathedral of Hate. And, in Obumsky's own words the PSYCHO Wright is his:"Pastor, Friend, and Mentor."

The Obummerrhoid was the colleague and bosom buddy of Bill Ayers at ACORN, a Criminal Enterprise indicted by the FBI in 13+ States. ACORN was abolished later on by the Congress of the United States of America. Bill Ayers is the UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL, COMMIE/TERRORIST who bombed a Police HQ and the Pentagon. With respect to that, Bill Ayers announced on National TV that he was "sorry he wasn't more successful". Yet, Obumsky kicked off his Senatorial Career from Ayers' home. BTW, Ayer's wife is Bernadine Dorne, a convicted Commie Terrorist and now, understandedly, a Prof at a Prestigious Lieberrhoidal College.

It is enough to state that Bill de Blasio is an ardent Obummerrhoidal arselicker who follows Obumster's MONUMENTAL FRAUDULENT, WANNABE COMMIE, and BLACK RACIST AGENDA as the new New York City Mayor.
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the absurdity of liberals still attacking the chickenhawks of the GOP while their Democrat leaders are pursuing stronger policies of their formers is unreal.
the absurdity of liberals still attacking the chickenhawks of the GOP while their Democrat leaders are pursuing stronger policies of their formers is unreal.


No truer words were spoken when you, basically stated, that the Democrat leaders are getting worse than ever before.

This is especially egregious when Bill de Blasio by following the DISASTROUS Agenda of his idol, the MONUMENTAL FRAUD, WANNABE COMMIE & BLACK RACIST Obumsky,as Mayor of New York, is BLATANTLY undoing the BRILLIANT WORK of Rudy Giuliani, one of the most successful Mayors of that troubled city.
The arrogance of this thread attacking Guiliani and Rumsfeld is RIDICULOUS especially when we have a demented TAICHEEDLieberrhoidal who is a hopelessly delusional follower of the MONUMENTAL FRAUD, RACIST, and a WANNABE COMMIE doing so.


Obummer had a Commie Father, a falling down drunk adulterer who discarded Obumsky's deranged off-the-wall Mommie who hated her own race. His dedicated Commie Grandfather got him the Commie mentor Frank Marshall Davis, a notorious Commie poet and pornographer. And we also have his Cousin/Friendo Raila Odinga known throughout Africa, as the African Stalin.

Odinga is the leader of the Kenyan Muslim/Commie Organization: "The Orange Democratic Party", who at that time, Obummer visited him shortly before Obummer's Presidential Campaign, our State Dept reported that Odinga "Ethnically Cleansed" thousands of his fellow Kenyans. The slaughter included women & children.

Yet Obumsky was photo-oped at Odinga's rally, arm-in-arm, smiling. With basically the same photo-op later at Odinga and Obummer's ALL FAMILY MUSLIM/COMMIE Gathering whence came the world-wide photo-op of the Obummerrhoid decked out in African Garb, sporting a turban 5 sizes too large, and wearing a silly grin on his putrescent physiognamy. This photo-op also made headline news in America by Obumsky's very own Lap-Dog National Media.

The Obummerrhoid is a PROVEN Black Racist Swine having a TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob Jeremiah "GODDAMN AMERICA" Wright's Cathedral of Hate. And, in Obumsky's own words the PSYCHO Wright is his:"Pastor, Friend, and Mentor."

The Obummerrhoid was the colleague and bosom buddy of Bill Ayers at ACORN, a Criminal Enterprise indicted by the FBI in 13+ States. ACORN was abolished later on by the Congress of the United States of America. Bill Ayers is the UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL, COMMIE/TERRORIST who bombed a Police HQ and the Pentagon. With respect to that, Bill Ayers announced on National TV that he was "sorry he wasn't more successful". Yet, Obumsky kicked off his Senatorial Career from Ayers' home. BTW, Ayer's wife is Bernadine Dorne, a convicted Commie Terrorist and now, understandedly, a Prof at a Prestigious Lieberrhoidal College.

It is enough to state that Bill de Blasio is an ardent Obummerrhoidal arselicker who follows Obumster's MONUMENTAL FRAUDULENT, WANNABE COMMIE, and BLACK RACIST AGENDA as the new New York City Mayor.

Raptor is a neocon/teabagger crank of limited intelligence and full intellectual cowardice. That means he ignores the content of the article presented in favor of a near-hysterical anti-Obama rant that regurgitates all the FAILED blathering of the GOP's 2008 and 2012 campaigns.

Just ignore Raptor from now on, folks.....saves you time and space.
the absurdity of liberals still attacking the chickenhawks of the GOP while their Democrat leaders are pursuing stronger policies of their formers is unreal.

So in true libertarian lunkhead fashion, you AVOID and IGNORE the content of the article to try an maintain this faux attitude of political/social objectivity.

Grow a pair and just answer this question: Can you logically or factually refute ANYTHING that Hamill wrote on Rumsfeld and Giuliani?
So in true libertarian lunkhead fashion, you AVOID and IGNORE the content of the article to try an maintain this faux attitude of political/social objectivity.

Grow a pair and just answer this question: Can you logically or factually refute ANYTHING that Hamill wrote on Rumsfeld and Giuliani?

in true idiot fashion, you AVOID and IGNORE the FACT that I condemn ALL of them, especially the likes of you, for their fingerpointing at the other side for doing the same damned thing that they are doing.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So in true libertarian lunkhead fashion, you AVOID and IGNORE the content of the article to try an maintain this faux attitude of political/social objectivity.

Grow a pair and just answer this question: Can you logically or factually refute ANYTHING that Hamill wrote on Rumsfeld and Giuliani?

in true idiot fashion, you AVOID and IGNORE the FACT that I condemn ALL of them, especially the likes of you, for their fingerpointing at the other side for doing the same damned thing that they are doing.

If that is indeed the case, then why not just say in no uncertain terms that you AGREE with the content of the Hamill article?

Spare us all this libertarian lunkhead litany, because when all is said and done you and your ilk are lock step with the rest of the fringe conservative and ultra right wing just think if you phrase it differently, no one will notice.

You're an oather, threeper, libertarian joke....and jokers like you are indeed everywhere....just like the GOP wants you to be, because you sure as hell don't vote democratic, liberal or independent, nor do you advocate such.

So again, do you agree with the Hamill article? If not, why? Can you disprove anything of what he writes.

That is the issue at hand. If you don't have the intellectual courage or honesty to debate that, then I won't waste time responding to you further.
Here's NY Daily News columnist Pete Hamill telling it like it is regarding Rumsfeld and Giuliani:

Rudy Giuliani and Donald Rumsfeld are on weak grounds when they criticize Bill de Blasio and President Obama
The former New York City mayor and the former defense secretary are two of the biggest hypocrites in modern politics
Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 11:09 PM

Read more:

No shocker that you would find a partisan hit piece filled with strawmen and fabrications to be a reliable source of information.

And brain dead twits like you lampoon Fox viewers; I'm sure the irony is light years above your empty head.
the absurdity of liberals still attacking the chickenhawks of the GOP while their Democrat leaders are pursuing stronger policies of their formers is unreal.

Obama as followed in the footsteps of the Bush foreign policy since he was elected and now that a new issue has turned up with Putin, hes totally lost in how
the handle it.....
If that is indeed the case, then why not just say in no uncertain terms that you AGREE with the content of the Hamill article?
because you NEED to have your craptastic partisan hackery and hypocrisy exposed. all you are doing is ignoring Obamas obvious continuation of the policies this article is vilifying while laying all the blame on the two war criminals that helped start it.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Here's NY Daily News columnist Pete Hamill telling it like it is regarding Rumsfeld and Giuliani:

Rudy Giuliani and Donald Rumsfeld are on weak grounds when they criticize Bill de Blasio and President Obama
The former New York City mayor and the former defense secretary are two of the biggest hypocrites in modern politics
Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 11:09 PM

Read more:

No shocker that you would find a partisan hit piece filled with strawmen and fabrications to be a reliable source of information.

And brain dead twits like you lampoon Fox viewers; I'm sure the irony is light years above your empty head.

Spare us all the smoke screen, bunky. Do you agree with the Hamill article? If not, why? Can you disprove anything of what he writes?

That is the issue at hand. If you don't have the intellectual courage or honesty to debate that, then like your like minded libertarian compadre, I won't waste time responding to you further.
Obama as followed in the footsteps of the Bush foreign policy since he was elected and now that a new issue has turned up with Putin, hes totally lost in how
the handle it.....

Spare us all the smoke screen, bunky. Do you agree with the Hamill article? If not, why? Can you disprove anything of what he writes?

That is the issue at hand. If you don't have the intellectual courage or honesty to debate that, then like your like minded neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkhead compadres, I won't waste time responding to you further.
If that is indeed the case, then why not just say in no uncertain terms that you AGREE with the content of the Hamill article?
And the rest was as follows:
So again, do you agree with the Hamill article? If not, why? Can you disprove anything of what he writes.

That is the issue at hand. If you don't have the intellectual courage or honesty to debate that, then I won't waste time responding to you further.
because you NEED to have your craptastic partisan hackery and hypocrisy exposed. all you are doing is ignoring Obamas obvious continuation of the policies this article is vilifying while laying all the blame on the two war criminals that helped start it.

See folks, the libertarian lunkhead is indeed the intellectually dishonest coward I said he was. He IGNORES the content of the article because it is an accurate indictment of two of the teabagger/neocon icons sheer hypocrisy in criticizing Obama.

If our resident neocon/teabagger in libertarian clothing had READ the article, he would have noted that was not about "laying all the blame" on Rumsfeld and Giuliani.....just setting the record straight on THEIR recent public statements as if they are pristine in the recent history regarding Iraq, Afghanistan.

Attacking me isn't answering the question, you braying jackass. So since you can't grow a pair, I'll leave you to that last pathetic retort.
The arrogance of this thread attacking Guiliani and Rumsfeld is RIDICULOUS especially when we have a demented TAICHEEDLieberrhoidal who is a hopelessly delusional follower of the MONUMENTAL FRAUD, RACIST, and a WANNABE COMMIE doing so.


Obummer had a Commie Father, a falling down drunk adulterer who discarded Obumsky's deranged off-the-wall Commie Mommie who hated her own race. His dedicated Commie Grandfather got him the Commie mentor Frank Marshall Davis, a notorious Commie poet and pornographer. And we also have his Cousin/Friendo Raila Odinga known throughout Africa, as the African Stalin.

Odinga is the leader of the Kenyan Muslim/Commie Organization: "The Orange Democratic Party", who at that time, Obummer visited him shortly before Obummer's Presidential Campaign, our State Dept reported that Odinga "Ethnically Cleansed" thousands of his fellow Kenyans. The slaughter included women & children.

Yet Obumsky was photo-oped at Odinga's rally, arm-in-arm, smiling. With basically the same photo-op later at Odinga and Obummer's ALL FAMILY MUSLIM/COMMIE Gathering whence came the world-wide photo-op of the Obummerrhoid decked out in African Garb, sporting a turban 5 sizes too large, and wearing a silly grin on his putrescent physiognamy. This photo-op also made headline news in America by Obumsky's very own Lap-Dog National Media.

The Obummerrhoid is a PROVEN Black Racist Swine having a TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob Jeremiah "GODDAMN AMERICA" Wright's Cathedral of Hate. And, in Obumsky's own words the PSYCHO Wright is his:"Pastor, Friend, and Mentor."

The Obummerrhoid was the colleague and bosom buddy of Bill Ayers at ACORN, a Criminal Enterprise indicted by the FBI in 13+ States. ACORN was abolished later on by the Congress of the United States of America. Bill Ayers is the UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL, COMMIE/TERRORIST who bombed a Police HQ and the Pentagon. With respect to that, Bill Ayers announced on National TV that he was "sorry he wasn't more successful". Yet, Obumsky kicked off his Senatorial Career from Ayers' home. BTW, Ayer's wife is Bernadine Dorne, a convicted Commie Terrorist and now, understandedly, a Prof at a Prestigious Lieberrhoidal College.

It is enough to state that Bill de Blasio is an ardent Obummerrhoidal arselicker who follows Obumster's MONUMENTAL FRAUDULENT, WANNABE COMMIE, and BLACK RACIST AGENDA as the new New York City Mayor.

What a great summary of Barrack Hinsane Obama's career as an America hater, and if someone likes him they hate America too in my mind!
See folks, the libertarian lunkhead is indeed the intellectually dishonest coward I said he was. He IGNORES the content of the article because it is an accurate indictment of two of the teabagger/neocon icons sheer hypocrisy in criticizing Obama.

If our resident neocon/teabagger in libertarian clothing had READ the article, he would have noted that was not about "laying all the blame" on Rumsfeld and Giuliani.....just setting the record straight on THEIR recent public statements as if they are pristine in the recent history regarding Iraq, Afghanistan.

Attacking me isn't answering the question, you braying jackass. So since you can't grow a pair, I'll leave you to that last pathetic retort.

while steadfastly IGNORING the continuation of those policies by democrats. yes, I can see how you wish to continue pointing at me as the intellectually dishonest one ROFL
The arrogance of this thread attacking Guiliani and Rumsfeld is RIDICULOUS especially when we have a demented TAICHEEDLieberrhoidal who is a hopelessly delusional follower of the MONUMENTAL FRAUD, RACIST, and a WANNABE COMMIE doing so.


Obummer had a Commie Father, a falling down drunk adulterer who discarded Obumsky's deranged off-the-wall Commie Mommie who hated her own race. His dedicated Commie Grandfather got him the Commie mentor Frank Marshall Davis, a notorious Commie poet and pornographer. And we also have his Cousin/Friendo Raila Odinga known throughout Africa, as the African Stalin.

Odinga is the leader of the Kenyan Muslim/Commie Organization: "The Orange Democratic Party", who at that time, Obummer visited him shortly before Obummer's Presidential Campaign, our State Dept reported that Odinga "Ethnically Cleansed" thousands of his fellow Kenyans. The slaughter included women & children.

Yet Obumsky was photo-oped at Odinga's rally, arm-in-arm, smiling. With basically the same photo-op later at Odinga and Obummer's ALL FAMILY MUSLIM/COMMIE Gathering whence came the world-wide photo-op of the Obummerrhoid decked out in African Garb, sporting a turban 5 sizes too large, and wearing a silly grin on his putrescent physiognamy. This photo-op also made headline news in America by Obumsky's very own Lap-Dog National Media.

The Obummerrhoid is a PROVEN Black Racist Swine having a TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob Jeremiah "GODDAMN AMERICA" Wright's Cathedral of Hate. And, in Obumsky's own words the PSYCHO Wright is his:"Pastor, Friend, and Mentor."

The Obummerrhoid was the colleague and bosom buddy of Bill Ayers at ACORN, a Criminal Enterprise indicted by the FBI in 13+ States. ACORN was abolished later on by the Congress of the United States of America. Bill Ayers is the UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL, COMMIE/TERRORIST who bombed a Police HQ and the Pentagon. With respect to that, Bill Ayers announced on National TV that he was "sorry he wasn't more successful". Yet, Obumsky kicked off his Senatorial Career from Ayers' home. BTW, Ayer's wife is Bernadine Dorne, a convicted Commie Terrorist and now, understandedly, a Prof at a Prestigious Lieberrhoidal College.

It is enough to state that Bill de Blasio is an ardent Obummerrhoidal arselicker who follows Obumster's MONUMENTAL FRAUDULENT, WANNABE COMMIE, and BLACK RACIST AGENDA as the new New York City Mayor.
