Two Opposing Philosophies


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Talking about the economy is my least favorite subject. Whenever government ‘experts’ talk about the economy they never mention the XVI Amendment.


To me, it is ludicrous for government economists to preach the latest fix for the economy when they refuse to fix the XVI Amendment by repealing it. I always thought it was ridiculous to talk economics as long as the Income Tax Amendment is still on the books.

NOTE: A Nobel Prize was created for economics:

If the prize for literature is a political joke the prize for economics is five acts of vaudeville.

The first Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded in 1969. In other words it was invented. Alfred Nobel never heard of it. The joke is that the award for the Nobel Prize in Economics is paid by the Sveriges Riksbank.

The Sveriges Riksbank pays the Nobel Foundation for the use of the name. The reason is obvious. Nobel Prize for Economics sounds better than Sveriges Riksbank Prize for Economics. It is like Betty Crocker paying a fee to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences so they can call a baking award an Oscar. A prize awarded by a European bank is more obscene than the propaganda prizes for “peace” and literature.

Parenthetically, economists always remind me of priests. The only significant difference between the two is that religious missionaries preach to the masses while economists preach to those who control the masses.

William Murray’s great piece addresses the economy in relation to shortages and unemployment:

The coming epidemic of shortages
By William Murray
Published May 8, 2020 at 7:15pm

Murray’s article prompted me to swallow my pride and waste time and effort on economics.

Murray did not mention FDR; so I will begin with FDR.

While people around the world were starving during the Great Depression FDR’s Administration plowed millions of acres of produce under the ground so the government could control food prices. In simple terms it was a war between two opposing philosophies. Overabundance versus reduced production.

Note that William Murray pointed out that:

The Soviet people were not poor, as depicted in Western media at the time. They actually had plenty of money because there simply was nothing available to buy with their earnings!

Overabundance guaranteed lower prices at the retail level. In short: Affordable food is anathema to every government economist.

The government controlling production guaranties escalating prices ad infinitum. In Short: Produce less —— charge more —— became the governing philosophy of every form of government in the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century.

Naturally, totalitarians always choose government control over freedom. That is why every phase of our unique, original Constitutional Republic must be abolished forever.

Obviously, individual liberties must wiped out as soon as possible. American Socialists/Communists understood the threat freedom posed as far back as the late 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century. They began the process of enslaving a free people on the day they acquired political power in the Great Depression.

Should another Great Depression be in the cards, parasites living on the public teat will be the only ones with a secure income. Shrinking tax revenues caused by huge private sector unemployment will not be enough for elected parasites to maintain welfare state programs.

NOTE: Climbing out of the Great Depression was not burdened with tens of millions of illegal aliens accompanied by a growing number of United Nations economic refugees.

Today’s Socialists/Communists fear that the next Great Depression will not play out the same way as did the first Great Depression. The parasite class has to fear a first. The next revolution will be fought to overthrow Communists rather then put them in power. Communists, more than anyone, understand that no amount of government police power can stop a violent revolution. Think well-armed American people and the Russian Revolutions where the people had no guns,

The public fell for the promise FDR made —— ‘My policies will eliminate economic boom & bust cycles.’

FDR’s promise was as false as every other promise Communists in government ever made. Contrary to the NY bum’s Town Hall pep talks about the economy, Americans are going through the worst economic bust since the Great Depression, while the government is propping up the people who caused the bust; i.e., absentee owners. The next bust will be a hundred times worse than this one for four reasons:

1. There are powerful forces controlling America’s institutions of influence, (government, television, education) working to destroy this country. Today’s machinery of destruction did not exist during the Great Depression.

2. Executive orders and mandates overriding the Constitution.

3. Population increases in this country.

4. United Nations control over our immigration policies.

The 2020 population would be 30 million higher if all of today’s illegals are counted in this year’s census.

1930 - 123,202,6241940 - 132,164,569
1950 - 151,325,798
1960 - 179,323,175
1970 - 203,302,031
1980 - 226,542,199
1990 - 248,709,873
2000 - 281,421,906
2010 - 307,745,538


In late June, the Supreme Court put a block on the idea of a "citizenship question" in the 2020 census. But concerns about this question have remained on social media.

VERIFY: No, the 'citizenship question' won't be on the census

God only knows what the population will be in 2024 when after the next wave of fence-jumpers join forces with the current hoard of illegals aliens.

Finally, FDR’s version of Socialism/Communism appeared successful for one reason —— THE XVI AMENDMENT. Every program American Communists initiated during the Great Depression was paid for by the income tax. All of the garbage Trump is financing to get a second term is paid for by income taxes.

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how many philosophies exist around any given talking point where life is reproductions timed apart now as numbers occupying space from now on? How it arrived, what it is while here, future always developing from now on for everything being tallied against itself as a whole within one species creating the chaos in a naturally balancing displacement.

Imagine separate of church and state is just reverse psychology means, motives, methods to keep people from paying attention to occupying space as timed apart now. Life really that compondingly simple? Nobody debates that and anyone that does is removed from the arena of ideas directing outcomes from now on.
Now we got a video and several edited copy and pastes, again, who in the hell is going to read/watch all that bullshit on a forum as this?

Just shows the poster has nothing to offer, just pushing attempted points he himself can't even defend, waste of time
