Two ways to shield yourself from a violent attack


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You know when I think of crazy fucks like Adam LooneyToons, STY and I'm Stupid American I can't help but thinking of this old "Far Side" cartoon.

Do not touch.jpg
Send this to the two sets of parents who buried their kids today. I'm sure it will make them feel better.

Inbred asshole.

Why do you want to victimize the parents? You are a sick individual.

How will violating my Constitutional rights make feel better or bring back their children.

You are vile. You should be praying for the families but instead you make a mockery of their loss
Send this to the two sets of parents who buried their kids today. I'm sure it will make them feel better.

Inbred asshole.

Go make your comments in front of those same parents, you fuckwit, and see what response you get.
You buttfucked wanker.
You forgot the one where you swing a desk at the shooter.


I don't know what the dumb broad looks like. But the visual of some dumb broad trying to swing a desk to stop an armed assailant is down right ludicrous.

I keep wishing that instead of cowering in fear one of those teachers stood off to the side of the door with a .38 and put one right in Lanzas left temple as he burst through the door. My guess is he would not have had the situational awareness to check before going in and would have been a sitting duck.

Kids would have been scarred watching his psycho brains exiting the right side of his skull, but they would still be alive.
I think if you want to keep your home safe, you'd surround it with swimming pools. I hear they're way more deadly than guns, and it seems like they'd be a better deterrent.
Send this to the two sets of parents who buried their kids today. I'm sure it will make them feel better.

Inbred asshole.
maybe you should create a petition to have those 'no guns allowed' signs fired or arrested. it seems they were clearly incompetent at doing their job.

I have asked this question before but never really had an answer. If the US is such a paradise and free an' all, why do so many people feel the need to have guns to protect themselves? During WW2, millions of British servicemen used weapons yet after the war they handed them all back.
I have asked this question before but never really had an answer. If the US is such a paradise and free an' all, why do so many people feel the need to have guns to protect themselves? During WW2, millions of British servicemen used weapons yet after the war they handed them all back.

False equivalency. It's a totally different part of our national culture than it is of yours.
I have asked this question before but never really had an answer. If the US is such a paradise and free an' all, why do so many people feel the need to have guns to protect themselves? During WW2, millions of British servicemen used weapons yet after the war they handed them all back.

it's a paradise for the very reason that we DO have guns. We love freedom in america. We love being able to say controversial things and not be thrown in jail over it. We love not having surveillance cameras on every corner like they are in the U.K. We love our bill of rights... we love knowing that our country was birthed in REVOLUTION and that we came into existence giving the greatest military power in the world the middle finger.

You on the other hand are just a euro pussy subservient to your government. Of course you don't understand. You are a willing prole, go kiss your queens feet.