Two winners of GOP debates?


Loyal to the end
First, there's Michele Bachmann.

From the start, Bachmann came off as a fresh voice . . . more remarkable perhaps because she was the only woman on the panel.

Bachmann also looked fantastic. And she offered the substance conservative voters are looking for. In fact, she gave it to them in spades.

She has real "street cred," as they say, as a genuine tea party conservative. She heads the Tea Party Caucus in Congress and reminded viewers that she has fought against her own party when principle demands it. For example, she opposed TARP and raising the debt ceiling when the GOP leadership in Congress supported it.

Conservatives love this stuff. Bachmann tapped into the anger among GOP primary voters, some of whom are angry with her own party. But she did it without being angry herself. Bachmann's performance was Reaganesque.

If Republican primary voters want a candidate who represents them, Bachmann grabbed the night.

If, however, voters were looking for a Republican candidate who can win the general election in a close race against President Barack Obama, Mitt Romney was the winner.
Michele Bachmann stepped out of the shadow of Sarah Palin in the Republican presidential contenders debate in New Hampshire, wooing Republican primary voters with a mix of populism and sharp attack.

It was Bachmann's first outing as a candidate, and she dramatically chose her first statement in the debate to announce she had filed official paperwork to run for the presidency.

But it was Bachmann's steely assertion of conservative values, including her fostering of 23 children as well as having five of her own, that won her a warm reception.
So now you think the Bach-to-mom is your frontrunner?

Better get your web-wives in to agree with you, quick.


You left out the biggest winner of last night's Seven Dwarves he is.

bach to mom as in Octomom

I give up Legion is the King of tag line

he did not come up with has been floating around since mid 2010....something about her numerous kids and foster kids

you give way to much credit to a troll how lives to COPY others.
Bachmann did way better than I thought she would, and Mitt's, "If he's going to give me credit he should have actually asked for my opinion." answer was great.
Bach to Mom is a lawyer and is dumping it down to appeal to the teabaggers

She might tone it down as time passes
Dumb Yankee is right in the thread title, he just picked the wrong 2 winners.

Here are the actual winners of the GOP debate:
