U.S. Accuses Russian TV Network of Conducting Covert Intelligence Acts


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The United States, Canada and Britain on Friday accused Russia’s global television network, RT, of acting as an arm of that country’s intelligence agencies, announcing new sanctions meant to cut off international financing for disinformation operations around the world.

The action came days after the Justice Department indicted two employees of the network for funneling at least $9.7 million to bankroll American podcasters on Tenet Media, a video-streaming site in Tennessee, in hopes of pushing the Kremlin’s propaganda and undermining the American democratic political process.
The problem for the Evil American Empire is of course that this comes after so many lies have been told about Russia, and as the the Regime rubs out the First Amendment at home.
The Regime now routinely lobs charges at Russians knowing full well that the cases will never see a court.....they can say whatever they want...and do.