U.S. acknowledges use of waterboarding


Villified User
U.S. acknowledges use of waterboarding
Associated Press Writer

Senate Democrats demanded a criminal investigation into waterboarding by government interrogators Tuesday after the Bush administration acknowledged for the first time that the tactic was used on three terror suspects.

In congressional testimony Tuesday, CIA Director Michael Hayden became the first administration official to publicly acknowledge the agency used waterboarding on detainees following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Waterboarding involves strapping a suspect down and pouring water over his cloth-covered face to create the sensation of drowning. It has been traced back hundreds of years, to the Spanish Inquisition, and is condemned by nations around the world.

usc, why do you love the terrorists so much? Don't you know that 9-11 changed everything. So though we prosecuted Japanese officers after WWII for waterboarding, 9-11 has changed our ethical imperative. NOW the ends justifies the means. You should try to love the US more and the terrorists less.
I am curious to see how McCain will address this. I thought he was against Waterboarding, but will he risk alienating the hard line righties, aka continuing bush supporters.
Well now you know that the US does not believe Waterboarding is torture anymore. Like I said we prosecuted the Japanese for doing it to US soldiers in WWII but that was before the war on terra. 9-11 changed everthing, including the United States' moral outlook.
So when things changed after 911 it means the America I was told I lived in all my life Died?

We are now just like the enemy?

So when things changed after 911 it means the America I was told I lived in all my life Died?

We are now just like the enemy?

You are the enemy...you posted a bash on GW using a Arabic site out of country...this site is tied to al Qaeda...ya are a moron desh!
Hmm viewing an islamic site makes one the enemy....

Desh you thought criminal you!

Now I am implicated and the black helos will come and get me!
Hmm viewing an islamic site makes one the enemy....

Desh you thought criminal you!

Now I am implicated and the black helos will come and get me!
It is the "You are either with us or against us" "America, Love it or Leave it" mentality. You can't love your country and hate the acts carried out by your government in your name. People have seemed to forget that the people we elect work for US. We are the final arbiters of the rightness or wrongness of their actions.
There is no law against linking to a foreign website, even if it was tied to al-Qaeda.

This isn't a Brave New World. We still pay lip-service to the idea of free speech and free thought.
Yes you can. This is simply false.
YOu need to re-read my post. I know you can. But the "beat you over the head with their patriotism" people in this country believe that criticizing the Bush administration is tantamount to treason. YOu and I can both agree on this point. Sometimes the greatest love of country comes from criticizing it's government.
It is the "You are either with us or against us" "America, Love it or Leave it" mentality. You can't love your country and hate the acts carried out by your government in your name. People have seemed to forget that the people we elect work for US. We are the final arbiters of the rightness or wrongness of their actions.
