U.S. Vetoes Palestinian Bid for Recognition as Full U.N. Member State


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U.S. Vetoes Palestinian Bid for Recognition as Full U.N. Member State

The move blocked a resolution to support a status that Palestinians had long sought at the United Nations, where it is considered a “nonmember observer state.”

The United Nations Security Council met in New York on Thursday to address issues in the Middle East, including the Palestinian bid for statehood.
Credit...Angela Weiss/Agence France-Presse —

By Yonette Joseph Published April 18, 2024Updated April 19, 2024, 12:45 a.m. ET The United States blocked the U.N. Security Council on Thursday from moving forward on a Palestinian bid to be recognized as a full member state at the United Nations, quashing an effort by Palestinian allies to get the world body to back the effort. The vote was 12 in favor of the resolution and one — the United States — opposed, with abstentions from Britain and Switzerland. The Palestinian envoy to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, had described the bid for full-member status as an effort “to take our rightful place among the community of nations.” After the vote, Mr. Mansour, visibly upset, delivered a passionate address asserting the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination.

“Our right to self determination is a natural right — a historical right — to live in our homeland Palestine as an independent state that is free and that is sovereign,” he said.

Israel’s foreign minister, Israel Katz, said after the vote: “The shameful proposal was rejected. Terrorism will not be rewarded.
The Palestinians chose a terrorist group to represent them.

They deserve condemnation, not membership.
Hamas, which is on the State Dept. terrorist list was on full display in NY screaming death to America, death to Israel.

And they want to be a full UN member state.

I don't think so.
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The so called Palestinians are a gutter society who prefers a terrorist group, Hamas, to represent them.

Hamas…”death to America, death to Israel.”
The Ukraine war, the Middle East on fire, open borders, crime, inflation, Hamas demonstrators in NY screaming death to America, death to Israel, fentanyl coming from China into America through the Biden open borders killing hundreds of thousands of Americans…what more has to happen to America before these far left Democratic Socialist loons are voted out of office?
if Biden died and we had a President Harris would she direct our UN ambassador to veto a UN bill taking away Israel's status as a member state?.......