Uh, Kamala, there's more states out here besides the big 7


Verified User

One thing about Obama that I appreciated and loved....although he didn't have a chance in hell to win my overly disgusting red state, he came anyways. I know Harris is late to the game, I understand her need to win over these key states, but by ignoring the rest of us, is leaving a real sour taste in our mouths. Bottom line, voters are all dug in, spending all this time and money trying to bring a few Trump voters over to the blue, in my opinion is just waste of time, cause the polls still have both tied, so why alienate the rest of the country focusing on voters who should know by now who's the better candidate? Obama, came to my city, gave the best speech and made us all feel special and appreciated. Hillary show up just for a fund raiser and sent some washed up black rap artist to woo us for our votes and fucked a lot of Dem's on the down ticket.​
