Uh Oh, Wright


Not So Junior Member
When you've lost Sullivan, you have a problem, there are links embedded at site:


I guess I am late to the party, am I not? I didn't watch Jeremiah Wright's National Press Club performance live this morning, as every other blogger seemed to. Wright is not on the ticket of any major party, he is not Barack Obama, and I'm not going to be baited into making this campaign about him, or the boomer cultural racial obsessions that so many want this vital election to be about.

But then I actually read what he said.

I knew he was an exhibitionist; many of his sermons at Trinity, read in their entirety, do fall within the tradition of some prophetic teaching; I can forgive occasional outbursts from fiery preachers; he has done much good in his own neighborhood and his interview with Bill Moyers struck me as defensible; parts of his address at the Press Club were completely uncontroversial and even contained some important truths.

But what he said today extemporaneously, the way in which he said it, the unrepentant manner in which he reiterated some of his most absurd and offensive views, his attempt to equate everything he believes with the black church as a whole, and his open public embrace of Farrakhan and hostility to the existence of Israel Zionism, make any further defense of him impossible. This was a calculated, ugly, repulsive, vile display of arrogance, egotism, and self-regard:

His claim that the September 11 attacks mean "America's chickens are coming home to roost"?

Wright defended it: "Jesus said, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' You cannot do terrorism on other people and expect it never to come back on you. Those are biblical principles, not Jeremiah Wright bombastic divisive principles."

His views on Farrakhan and Israel? "Louis said 20 years ago that Zionism, not Judaism, was a gutter religion. He was talking about the same thing United Nations resolutions say, the same thing now that President Carter's being vilified for and Bishop Tutu's being vilified for. And everybody wants to paint me as if I'm anti-Semitic because of what Louis Farrakhan said 20 years ago. He is one of the most important voices in the 20th and 21st century; that's what I think about him. . . . Louis Farrakhan is not my enemy. He did not put me in chains, he did not put me in slavery, and he didn't make me this color."

He denounced those who "can worship God on Sunday morning, wearing a black clergy robe, and kill others on Sunday evening, wearing a white Klan robe." He praised the communist Sandinista regime of Nicaragua. He renewed his belief that the government created AIDS as a means of genocide against people of color ("I believe our government is capable of doing anything").​

This is an outright attack on the stated beliefs and policies and values of Barack Obama in a secular setting.

I can well understand why Obama has not disowned the man who helped bring him to Christ. God knows I have had some spiritual mentors whose views I cannot accept in their entirety or some allies in the struggle for gay equality who are not my ideological confreres in many other ways. I have been in a movement where many others - most others - hold views very alien to my own. Obama is a decent human being, and cutting off someone who has nurtured and sustained his faith and been a father figure to him is not in his character. If I believed for one second that Obama shared any of this bile, I couldn't begin to support him. But Wright's cooptation of Obama for his own agenda - his assertion that Obama's distancing from him is insincere - requires, in fact demands a response from Obama.

Obama needs not just to distance himself from Wright's views; he needs to disown him at this point. Wright himself, it seems to me, has become part of what Obama is fighting against: the boomer, Vietnam era's obsession with its red-blue, white-black, pro and anti-America fixations. That is not what this election needs to be about; and Wright's massive, racially divisive and, yes, bitter provocation requires a proportionate response.

We need a speech or statement from Obama in which he utterly repudiates this poison, however personally difficult that may be, however damaging the impact will be. The statement today will not do it. This is no longer about cynics trying to associate one man's politics with another. It is now about Wright attempting to associate himself and some of his noxious, stupid, rancid views with the likely Democratic nominee. Wright has given Obama no choice - and he has also given him another opportunity. He needs to seize it.
I still don't quite get why the media is pretending that Jeremiah Wright is running for President on the Democratic ticket.

If this does end up scuttling Obama, I'm done. When we're sitting in a recession, after having just nuked Iran, with Washington more divided than ever, maybe I'll write a "letter to the editor" reminding Americans that they decided to make this election about a pastor.
Only in a racist, white america, would hand wringers and diaper poopers consider those comments to be so offensive as to make one swoon.

I saw that speech. I wasn't offended, frightened, or shocked. He was talking about the historical context and roots of the black churches.

For much of this country's history, white preachers did don their preacher clothes sunday morning, and their klan garb on sunday night. While blacks had to hide their worship services in the woods, in the middle of the night. FACT.

Killing and bombing other people around the world, and supporting authoritarian dictators DOES cause blow back. Ron Paul and the CIA have both concluded this.

I don't know what the fuck Farrakhan said 20 years ago. All I know is that wingnuts have clung to a 20 year old quote for two decades to incite fear of the black man. While white preachers have condoned torture, assassination, and the oppression of gay americans - as recently as last Sunday, most likely. Wright said he didn't agree with everything Farakhan has ever said. That's the part Andrew Sullivan neglected to mention. And whether white america wants to accept it or not, Farakhan has been very influential, and not always in negative ways. Hello? Million man march?
Respond on Sullivan's site. For sugar he's a racist and right winger!

Hey Sugar. I think that like most right wingers you have a very shallow knowledge of most subjects, and zero knowledge of some.

Firstly, are you under the impression that Rev. Wright is running for President? What is it you are claiming he has "lost" here? He is not running for office. Perhaps they all look the same to you, hmm?

Secondly, you are apparently laboring under the mental delusion that Andrew Sullivan is a leftist. Perhaps this is because you discovered he likes it up the ass, and much like "they all look alike" to you, you immediately assumed a homosexual must be a left winger?

Unfortuntely, Andrew Sullivan is a war supporter who claimed that the left on both coasts were "mounting a fifth column" because they did not support the war. He calls himself a Reaganite and a Thatcherite.

In other words stupid, he's one of you, only unlike yourself, he got embarrassed once it became public knowledge that the war was a lie, and he then turned against bush.

In no way does this make him a lefty or someone the democrats "can't afford to lose". Nor does anyone but righties give a crap what he has to say, K?
I still don't quite get why the media is pretending that Jeremiah Wright is running for President on the Democratic ticket.

If this does end up scuttling Obama, I'm done. When we're sitting in a recession, after having just nuked Iran, with Washington more divided than ever, maybe I'll write a "letter to the editor" reminding Americans that they decided to make this election about a pastor.

It isn't over yet. Don't let the spiteful bigots get you down. He has not yet mounted his response, and he will.
lets see if any democrat voters are put off by this, I think some of it is slightly comical.
But if I represented millions of brothers wrongfully jailed I'd say far worse.
Obama's not losing any votes and Da Rev is selling books.
Wright is awesome. Obama does better the more wright is heard and the more the jackbooted zionist nazis attack him.

Only jew brainwashed idiots like kathianne find his remarks "repulsive".
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Just imagine what America could achieve if it separated politics and religion. It could even be like the rest of the civilised world.
This is not about religion. It's about americans rejecting the racial double standards jews have foisted onto our society, including the exclusivity of righteous indignation and anger which they feel is theirs alone. "Never again".
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Respond on Sullivan's site. For sugar he's a racist and right winger!

why should I respond on sullivan's site. You posted it here. Don't pretend your not one of those people who gleefully engages and promotes race baiting, and then stands back to innocently claim that you're just reporting whats out there.

Sullivan ain't a lefty. And the fact that you, like many other rightwingers, are praying that this election comes down to sound bites and images of a black preacher, makes it pretty evident to me what you want this election to be about. And you don't want it to be about iraq, health care, the economy, or foreign policy. The fact that you want it to be about race baiting, and about skewed and misleading images of "black anger" says a lot about you.
Who the fck cares?!

Why are lemmings still dwelling on this anyway? I'm drawing a line in the sand:

If you think Wrights subsequent speeches are in anyway shape or form attributable to Obama, you're a fcking tool. Period. Hillary and the right wing media has you wrapped around their little fingers and focused on something so insignificant and ridiculous.

I'm sorry but its getting to the point where I can't even respect people that bother posting this bull$hit and that take anything written about it seriously, while Hillary gets a free pass on "obliterating Iraq", McCain has essentially said he has no solution for healthcare, food shortages are causing riots worldwide, and not mention McCain's pastor is wackjob christofacist and Hillary's former churchleader is a pedi phile. Get over and move on, its hypocritical to harp on it, Obama's explicitely denounced him, the other candidates pastors have questionable beliefs and pasts, yet this one fascinates you the most?
why should I respond on sullivan's site. You posted it here. Don't pretend your not one of those people who gleefully engages and promotes race baiting, and then stands back to innocently claim that you're just reporting whats out there.

Sullivan ain't a lefty. And the fact that you, like many other rightwingers, are praying that this election comes down to sound bites and images of a black preacher, makes it pretty evident to me what you want this election to be about. And you don't want it to be about iraq, health care, the economy, or foreign policy. The fact that you want it to be about race baiting, and about skewed and misleading images of "black anger" says a lot about you.

He's a self described conservative.
Who the fck cares?!

Why are lemmings still dwelling on this anyway? I'm drawing a line in the sand:

If you think Wrights subsequent speeches are in anyway shape or form attributable to Obama, you're a fcking tool. Period. Hillary and the right wing media has you wrapped around their little fingers and focused on something so insignificant and ridiculous.

I'm sorry but its getting to the point where I can't even respect people that bother posting this bull$hit and that take anything written about it seriously, while Hillary gets a free pass on "obliterating Iraq", McCain has essentially said he has no solution for healthcare, food shortages are causing riots worldwide, and not mention McCain's pastor is wackjob christofacist and Hillary's former churchleader is a pedi phile. Get over and move on, its hypocritical to harp on it, Obama's explicitely denounced him, the other candidates pastors have questionable beliefs and pasts, yet this one fascinates you the most?

Wow. Thank you. I was trying to think of a way to say all of that. Very well put, and mega-ditto's.
Obama's explicitely denounced him,

This is the part your side should focus on, rather than the attempt to excuse you should replay the words of Obama. It would pretty much end all of this.

Imagine if every one of y'all said the same thing. "Yeah, Obama agrees with you..."
Who the fck cares?!

Why are lemmings still dwelling on this anyway? I'm drawing a line in the sand:

If you think Wrights subsequent speeches are in anyway shape or form attributable to Obama, you're a fcking tool. Period. Hillary and the right wing media has you wrapped around their little fingers and focused on something so insignificant and ridiculous.

I'm sorry but its getting to the point where I can't even respect people that bother posting this bull$hit and that take anything written about it seriously, while Hillary gets a free pass on "obliterating Iraq", McCain has essentially said he has no solution for healthcare, food shortages are causing riots worldwide, and not mention McCain's pastor is wackjob christofacist and Hillary's former churchleader is a pedi phile. Get over and move on, its hypocritical to harp on it, Obama's explicitely denounced him, the other candidates pastors have questionable beliefs and pasts, yet this one fascinates you the most?


Unfortunately, its going to continue through november. They're going to use race baiting to take obama out. It's all they have.

Who the fck cares?!

Why are lemmings still dwelling on this anyway? I'm drawing a line in the sand:

If you think Wrights subsequent speeches are in anyway shape or form attributable to Obama, you're a fcking tool. Period. Hillary and the right wing media has you wrapped around their little fingers and focused on something so insignificant and ridiculous.

I'm sorry but its getting to the point where I can't even respect people that bother posting this bull$hit and that take anything written about it seriously, while Hillary gets a free pass on "obliterating Iraq", McCain has essentially said he has no solution for healthcare, food shortages are causing riots worldwide, and not mention McCain's pastor is wackjob christofacist and Hillary's former churchleader is a pedi phile. Get over and move on, its hypocritical to harp on it, Obama's explicitely denounced him, the other candidates pastors have questionable beliefs and pasts, yet this one fascinates you the most?
Why aren't they running Hagee's comments on a 24/7 loop .. I wonder?

Andrew Sullivan is a fraud of the highest order and completely not needed.