UK polls point to 'electoral extinction' for Prime Minister Sunak's Conservatives

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
LONDON (Reuters) - Three British opinion polls released late on Saturday presented a grim picture for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party, and one pollster warned that the party faced "electoral extinction" in July 4's election.

The polls come just over halfway through the election campaign, after a week in which both the Conservatives and Labour set out their manifestos, and shortly before voters begin to receive postal ballots.

Sunak surprised many in his own party by announcing an early election on May 22, against widespread expectations that he would wait until later in the year to allow more time for living standards to recover after the highest inflation in 40 years.

I am shocked of course.

Remember the broad rumor when Sunak called for elections that the reason he did it is that he wants out as the children of Washington drive relentlessly for WW3.