UK Update From Canada: Under The Guise Of The Online Harms Act Libs Attempt To Silenc

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
UK Update From Canada: Under The Guise Of The Online Harms Act Libs Attempt To Silence Any Opposition

I warned the officials of Canada that passing the NDP interim leader Tom Mulcair proposed 2017 amendment to Bill C-16 would lead down a road of preventing opposition from undoing the harm caused by the radicals infiltrating office.

When haters force lies through legislation and then legislation is passed to prevent you from removing those lies from legislation or even speaking out against the liars (which they refer to as protected groups conspired by the WEF to push their LGBT hate groups, social terrorist warriors they call justice warriors and other woke groups multiple divide and conquer agenda upon several countries simultaneously of which is factual evidence of conspiracy unfolding on international levels), the lies and the lies forced through legislation then you know that someone is conspiring with your so called officials to force oppression upon you and is a clear indication of tyranny and treason committed by all those who assist forcing such rubbish upon the public.

The NDP are at it again with the radical Charlie Angus trying to silence people for stating facts which reveal the rubbish Charlie Angus, the NDP and their radical Liberal counter parts are currently still attempting to force on the public regarding reliable energy like oil for example.

I warned you as they set the shady precedent with the 2017 amendment to Bill C-16, when a liar wants to get his or her own way these days when it comes to forcing their pathetic lies upon the public, they and others willing to stab Canadians in the back force through such lies in legislation, then force protection of those lies through legislation in attempt to silence opposition or be punished for sharing facts that expose their sick and filthy lies and deceptions thus punished for opposing their sick behavior to force lies upon the public in the first place thus attempting to ensure such sick and filthy lies always remain in legislation.

From the so called online harms act of which I have been reading is the following quote just under 2 (1)

"content that foments hatred means content that expresses detestation or vilification of an individual or group of individuals on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination, within the meaning of the Canadian Human Rights Act, and that, given the context in which it is communicated, is likely to foment detestation or vilification of an individual or group of individuals on the basis of such a prohibited ground.* (contenu fomentant la haine)"

So basically if someone defecates on you with lies or steals from you like Justin Trudeau and his lgbt counterparts and you express your dislike (detestation) well the liberals want to make a criminal out of you by labelling you the hater for being appalled about being lied too or stolen from and call you out as committing a hate crime. If you claim that the liar and / or the thief / thieves belongs in prison well the liberals want to make you out to be committing the hate crime for not wanting someone on the loose who steals from you and takes advantage of you with lies. Oh and let's not forget if a religious group wants to divide and conquer you and you speak out against it if it is on Trudeau's prohibited grounds of discrimination groups / protected groups list then you get made out to be committing the hate crime even if your head is about to be chopped off or if you are being starved to death while your country is being loaded with more people than homes etc. I suspect that white people are not on his list and how does that make sense when Canada is suppose to be democratic and white people are the majority?! Oh right the WEF wants white people in western civs to be targets for divide and conquer and all others of other racial variations that get dragged down with us are simply casualties of war likely to be depopulated anyway but apparently they feel white people are their greatest threat to put an end to their rubbish.

Liars crumble on a level playing field so here they are attempting to further remove the other team from the field (turn it into a one team dictatorship) so that their intellectual soy boy team can act like they win every game by making criminals out of the opposing teams for being way better than they are. Imagine a football game with only one crummy performing team acting like they are the best because they forced policies dictating no other team has the right to play the game.

I see the transparency that the liberals and other radicals don't want Canadians to have anything near a genuine definition of justice, they want full dictatorship without opposition and like I have been sharing for close to a decade now they are attempting to make criminals out of decent Canadians for the most infuriating of reasons as I find the intent is to gaslight Canadians to become violent with such disgusting filth in legislation so they can fine you to pay for their sick and radical agenda or throw you in prison for revealing their sick behavior so they can continue to get away with the sick behavior they exemplify.

Detestation is not hatred. Vilification is not hatred and I do not appreciate a bunch of radical head cases attempting to dictate their sick and pathetic lies as what hate is or a hate crime is especially when such appears to primarily allow themselves to continue to defecate on Canadians with lies and deceptions while making a criminal out of those who openly oppose such rubbish that they represent. It's pathetic and infuriating cringe under the guise of the so called Online harms act while conspiring with WEF to divide and conquer you.

Again, how do you remove disgusting filth from legislation if people are stupid enough to respect legislation that deems you a criminal for wanting to remove their disgusting filth (lies and deceptions) from legislation. Most of what Trudeau and his NDP counterparts have done to Canada over the years while conspiring with WEF needs to be undone asap. Such garbage isn't worth respect.

Now I just quickly pulled something out of there that sent red flags pretty much right away. You can go there yourself to see for yourself here:

Oh I care about protecting children (as well as the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet) which is why I fight to protect their future, which is why I played a key role in initiating the first coalition against online child exploitation and rape announced between Canada and the United Kingdom in August of 2008 of which by 2012 fifty countries were following example in coalition and by 2015 almost a hundred countries in coalition of which is when things started to get crazy as the Syrian crisis was used as a guise to flood western civs with illegal invasion etc.. as they launched all kinds of WEF conspired attacks in the form of lies (xenophobe), deceptions (trying to pass a man off as a woman) and forced oppression like the lgbt flag symbol is proof of oppression being forced upon society and more specifically on western civilizations while slandering decent people as being haters for not lying for a group of sickos. If anyone is the hater it is those forcing such rubbish as lies and deceptions upon western civilizations as they likely sit back and watch as the chaos they deliberately create unfolds. I do not appreciate them forcing harm like abusive lies upon Canadians while trying to make Canadians not willing to lie for them out to be the haters or committing a hate crime. And I certainly do not like to see them trying to come off as protecting children which is obviously a guise to hide their real intent as I am sure you will find by reading the proposed so called bill.

This so called Online Harms Act needs to be shut down, Charlie Angus's rubbish proposed bill to do with energy shut down and the garbage that started this sick behavior / tactic, the 2017 amendment to Bill C-16 removed.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!