Ukraine’s losses ‘in the millions’ – retired Polish general | RT


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Been a while since I took a serious look at RT, which I believe stands for Russian Times. I think the main reason I stopped looking at it much is that a lot of people think that if it comes from a Russian owned site, it can't be trusted. To which I would say that a lot of western media can't be trusted either. When it comes to the Ukraine war, I've found their reports to be far more reliable than the western media's. Furthermore, this article quotes what a retired Polish general says, and it's clear this Polish general isn't sympathetic to Russia's goals, so I thought that would even it out to some extent. Here's the introduction to the article:

Kiev does not have the resources or manpower to continue the fight against Russia, Rajmund Andrzejczak has said

Ukraine’s losses in the conflict with Russia should be counted “in the millions,” the former chief of the Polish General Staff, Rajmund Andrzejczak, has claimed. Kiev “is losing the war” and does not have the resources to sustain the fight against Moscow, he added.

In an interview with the Polsat broadcaster on Monday, the retired general described Ukraine’s battlefield situation as “very dramatic” and insisted that “there are no miracles in war.”

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s decision to replace his top general, Valery Zaluzhny, with Aleksandr Syrsky has failed to make a significant difference as the same issues remain for Kiev’s new commander-in-chief, Andrzejczak added.

According to the retired general, Ukraine is suffering deficits in equipment and manpower, with losses taking their toll on its capabilities.

“They are missing over 10 million people. I estimate that the losses should be counted in the millions, not hundreds of thousands. There are no resources in this country, there is no one to fight.”


Full article:
Ukraine’s losses ‘in the millions’ – retired Polish general | RT

I decided to look for corroborating evidence that this polish general did in fact say these things. Got an article in polish that does, though one needs to translate the article to verify this (google chrome translated it for me):
"We need to get ready." Gen. Rajmund Andrzejczak on the threat of war |

He says more there too. He thinks the solution is for Poland to get more weapons, even nuclear weapons.

Missing is any hint that diplomacy might do wonders.
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I read that Poland is building bomb shelters. You can figure out what they think Russia will do.

So long as Poland doesn't poke the bear any more than it already has, I don't see any evidence that Russia plans to do anything to Poland. The problem is that there are those in Poland who definitely want to give the bear some more pokes. Gen. Rajmund's idea that getting Poland to have nukes would be a good idea is definitely one of them.
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Someone on my grapevine said that there are about 700,000 missing AFU members....many certainly have been buried in mass graves so that their commanders can pocket their wages.
Someone on my grapevine suspects that the 31,000 dead figure Zelenski was mouthing the other week might well be the number declared dead with their families receiving benefits...the actual number dead is likely well north of 500,000.
This is a great place to mention that it is well known that the Ukrainians have well fed well armed SS style units behind the front lines, their only mission is to kill any AFU members who retreat without permission and to prevent a mass march on Kiev to dispose of the current regime.
Someone on my grapevine said that there are about 700,000 missing AFU members....many certainly have been buried in mass graves so that their commanders can pocket their wages.

Wouldn't be surprised. In reference to what Rajmund Andrzejczak, the retired Polish General said, he meant Ukrainians in general, not just the soldiers. Here's his quote in context:

He mentioned deficiencies in assembling troops, challenges related to mobilization and equipment supplies. Andrzejczak also emphasized the importance of the losses already incurred. - They are missing over 10 million people . I estimate that the losses should be counted in millions, not hundreds of thousands. There are no resources in this country, there is no one to fight, he added.

"We need to get ready." Gen. Rajmund Andrzejczak on the threat of war |

Not sure where the General is getting the 10 million people number, but the RT article suggested he was thinking of the Ukrainians that had been displaced by referencing the combination of Ukrainian soldiers it believes have been killed, as well as the U.N. number of Ukrainian refugees worldwide. The total is not quite quite 10 million, but not that far away either:

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu stated last month that Ukraine had lost more than 444,000 troops since the start of the conflict in February 2022. The hostilities have also triggered an exodus of Ukrainian refugees, with almost 6.5 million recorded worldwide, according to UN data.

Ukraine’s losses ‘in the millions’ – retired Polish general | RT
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This is a great place to mention that it is well known that the Ukrainians have well fed well armed SS style units behind the front lines, their only mission is to kill any AFU members who retreat without permission and to prevent a mass march on Kiev to dispose of the current regime.

You have any articles with that info?
Wouldn't be surprised. In reference to what Rajmund Andrzejczak, the retired Polish General said, he meant Ukrainians in general, not just the soldiers. Here's his quote in context:

He mentioned deficiencies in assembling troops, challenges related to mobilization and equipment supplies. Andrzejczak also emphasized the importance of the losses already incurred. - They are missing over 10 million people . I estimate that the losses should be counted in millions, not hundreds of thousands. There are no resources in this country, there is no one to fight, he added.

"We need to get ready." Gen. Rajmund Andrzejczak on the threat of war |

And there are many reports that foreigners who are their by choice that is not sheep dipped NATO military who are there on the orders of their nation are leaving.....this is over.....most Westerners have no interest in dying for nothing in Ukraine at this point.
And there are many reports that foreigners who are their by choice that is not sheep dipped NATO military who are there on the orders of their nation are leaving.....this is over.....most Westerners have no interest in dying for nothing in Ukraine at this point.

I suspect the most interested in keeping this going is the arms industry.
If Poland attacks Russia then Russia will rubblize Poland as they have Ukraine.

Otherwise they they have no interest.

They will not. Russia will attack as they did in Ukraine. They know what is coming. You really get off on Putin's bloodbath.
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You have any articles with that info?

No, and the vast majority of my information on the SMO comes via YouTubes starting with The Duran, Judge Nap and Ask The Inspector.....along with others. I have heard the claim of Ukrainian SS style units behind the lines long enough from enough people that I dont doubt that they exist.
I suspect the most interested in keeping this going is the arms industry.

Money is a big part of this, but also rabid hate of Russia for standing up against what the Russians call Western degeneracy and vampirism...this crowd is not used to anyone standing up against them and they certainly did not expect Russia to be able to defy them..
The West was sure that they could take Putin out and resume the rape of Russia by the West that he put an end has all gone catastrophically wrong....the children who run the West have no idea what to do now but they are raging at being defied.
Speaking of the Duran this is what I am doing just now....I have no idea of who Tarik Cyril Amar is but Alexander says he reads almost everything....which is good enough for me.

Speaking of the wet dream of renewing the rape of Russia I saw on my grapevine the other day that Russia was to be broken up into five countries....there are even maps.
That this great hate of Russia is partly driven by racism I have heard at multiple points.

Not racism. they had a track record of expansionism. They showed us again that that is who they are. They attacked a neutral country that was no threat to them. Putin is like the Russian leaders of the past. They all have blood on their hands, lots of blood.