UN Security Council refers Full Palestinian Statehood to committee.


Satire for Sanity
139 countries already recognize the State of Palestine on the pre-1967 borders.
None of Israel's ' annexations ' or ' occupations ' are legal. They are all unrecognized except in the sick minds of Christain Zionists and Desperate Don.
It should be very clear now to all but genocidal Jewish fanatics that there is NEVER going to be a ' Greater Israel '. All of their plans to ' disappear ' the indigenous Palestians have come to nothing. Palestine is already an Observer State with sovereign rights at the UN. Full statehood will entail all illegal Jews in Palestine to leave- or request Palestinian permission to stay.


139 countries already recognize the State of Palestine on the pre-1967 borders.
None of Israel's ' annexations ' or ' occupations ' are legal. They are all unrecognized except in the sick minds of Christain Zionists and Desperate Don.
It should be very clear now to all but genocidal Jewish fanatics that there is NEVER going to be a ' Greater Israel '. All of their plans to ' disappear ' the indigenous Palestians have come to nothing. Palestine is already an Observer State with sovereign rights at the UN. Full statehood will entail all illegal Jews in Palestine to leave- or request Palestinian permission to stay.



Will we then be free of having to listen to you anti semitic useful idiots whine whenever "innocent" civilians are killed by Israel?
Will we then be free of having to listen to you anti semitic useful idiots whine whenever "innocent" civilians are killed by Israel?

You myopic prosemites are out of date. The genocidal Jews have popularized Righteous Antisemitism.
You're quite right in that the Judeo-Christian US will veto full Palestinian membership. It will do this while supporting the scurrilous claims of the genocidal Jews of Israel who have betrayed the principles of the UN Charter for decades.
Israel has turned America into a duplicitous shadow of what it once was. Americans have exchanged their courageous sense of justice and humanitarian progress for the spurious comforts of watching the grotesque quadrennial burlesque of presidential elections.
Just take a look at the majority of threads in this forum.
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When more Americans support Palestine than support genocidal Jews the back of American white Evangelism will be broken.

No more American Vetoes of Shame .

Watch and see, sisters and brothers.
I would actually like a two state solution... Some day. But the reaction to a severe terrorist attack should not be statehood. Palestinians need to prove they deserve a state by proving they can be peaceful.
Israel is aggressively fighting a war, against the attempted genocide of millions of innocent Jews.

The war will continue until the terrorist and backer organizations surrender, release all hostages and declare peace forever more.

War is brutal. Moral of the story- don’t start wars you can’t win.
Barbados recognizes Palestine. That's 144 out of 193.

Zionists must feel their collars tightening.