Under Bush, US Exports to Iran Surge


Villified User
Under Bush, US Exports to Iran Surge
Posted: Tuesday 07/08/08 12:57 PM EDT
Filed Under: Politics News, World News

U.S. exports to Iran are up more than tenfold since President Bush took office, despite the administration's accusations that Iran helps terrorists and harbors nuclear ambitions


darned Noahides!
I saw the article, it says bras and bull semen were high on the export list.
Bull Semen seems to be one of those things that would be a good export thing. It's not like you want a lot of that hanging around and building up in the fridge...
Trading with a terroroist nation increasing. Just seems a bit of speaking out of both sides of the mouth to me on the right.

Sanctions are intended in part to frustrate Iran's efforts to build its military, but the U.S. government's own figures show at least $148,000 worth of unspecified weapons and other military gear were exported from the United States to Iran during Bush's time in office. That includes $106,635 in military rifles and $8,760 in rifle parts and accessories shipped in 2004, the data shows.

Also shipped to Iran were at least $13,000 in "aircraft launching gear and/or deck arrestors," equipment needed to launch jets from aircraft carriers, according to U.S. records. Iran's navy is not believed to own or operate any carriers.
