unethical copulation


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Would you have sex with someone:
Who is morbidly obese?
50 years older than you?
Missing all their limbs?
Face burned off?
Brain damaged?
Siamese twin?

Where do you draw the line on sex?
Would you have sex with someone:
Who is morbidly obese?
50 years older than you?
Missing all their limbs?
Face burned off?
Brain damaged?
Siamese twin?

Where do you draw the line on sex?

Desperate for a date, goat?
Would you have sex with someone:
Who is morbidly obese?
50 years older than you?
Missing all their limbs?
Face burned off?
Brain damaged?
Siamese twin?

Where do you draw the line on sex?

Must be female (not a fake one), attractive or at least not repulsive and I must be able to trust her.
Some of the best women are beautiful on the inside.

If that comes with beauty on the outside then awesome. Its not just looks, personality matters too.

Maybe you could be more clear on what the point of this thread is.....I might be able to be more helpful.
If that comes with beauty on the outside then awesome. Its not just looks, personality matters too.

Maybe you could be more clear on what the point of this thread is.....I might be able to be more helpful.
Wow! 1970 called and wants their social mores returned.

It's about goat being ronery and seeking attention.
If that comes with beauty on the outside then awesome. Its not just looks, personality matters too.

Maybe you could be more clear on what the point of this thread is.....I might be able to be more helpful.
Back in the 80s, I used to go to nude beaches and end up having sex with a lot of fall-down drunks. It seemed like fun at the time but now I appreciate women for their brain, communication skills and cooking. Fall off the bed sex is still fun but I'm afraid of breaking something.
Back in the 80s, I used to go to nude beaches and end up having sex with a lot of fall-down drunks. It seemed like fun at the time but now I appreciate women for their brain, communication skills and cooking. Fall off the bed sex is still fun but I'm afraid of breaking something.

Ya, I am still not understanding where you want to go. I am a lifelong erotic adventurer....if you ever clear this up I might be able to help.
Ya, I am still not understanding where you want to go. I am a lifelong erotic adventurer....if you ever clear this up I might be able to help.
In my youth, most of my relationships were based solely on sex. I passed on a lot of intelligent women for the crazy ones and their wild sex.
In my youth, most of my relationships were based solely on sex. I passed on a lot of intelligent women for the crazy ones and their wild sex.

Boring sex is certainly an abomination. I tried to get into Tantric sex but it turns out that sex mixed with power games is what I really groove on.
50 years older than me would normally be a corpse, so no on that one, unlike Alice Cooper you won't catch me with Cold Ethel. Consent is important, they must be of age and able to consent, female, and I am attracted to intelligence... so stupid puts me right off.
50 years older than me would normally be a corpse, so no on that one, unlike Alice Cooper you won't catch me with Cold Ethel. Consent is important, they must be of age and able to consent, female, and I am attracted to intelligence... so stupid puts me right off.
I wouldn't mind trying a Siamese twin.