Unintended Consequences


"Cypress you motherfucking whore!"
Kurdish rebel groups based in Northern Iraq, have been raiding Turkey and Iran. They've killed dozens of turkish soldiers and citizens. Question: Using the Israeli response to Hezbollah guerillas based in Lebanon as a model, is Turkey or Iran justified in sending their military into northern iraq to controll a problem that the Iraqi central government is unable to control itself?

from: the Guardian-UK

"Turkey and Iran have dispatched tanks, artillery and thousands of troops to their frontiers with Iraq during the past few weeks in what appears to be a coordinated effort to disrupt the activities of Kurdish rebel bases."

Scores of Kurds have fled their homes in the northern frontier region after four days of shelling by the Iranian army. Local officials said Turkey had also fired a number of shells into Iraqi territory.


Frustrated by the reluctance of the US and the government in Baghdad to crack down on the PKK bases inside Iraq, Turkish generals have hinted they are considering a large-scale military operation across the border. They are said to be sharing intelligence about Kurdish rebel movements with their Iranian counterparts.

This is exactly what, back in 2002, Turkey and Iran expressed concern over should Saddam be overthrown by outside force. They absolutely do not want an independent Kurdistan, dedicated to -- from their perspective -- the destruction of their nations.

On a serious note I would say that Turkey is certainly justified in going into Iraqi territory to destroy Kurdish raiders. However I would prefer they not use Israel's tactics.

This was inevitable by the way. Expect a movement to form a Kurdistan out of Iraq and Tureky.

On a serious note I would say that Turkey is certainly justified in going into Iraqi territory to destroy Kurdish raiders. However I would prefer they not use Israel's tactics.

This was inevitable by the way. Expect a movement to form a Kurdistan out of Iraq and Tureky.

If the turkish military invades northern kurdistan to eliminate kurdish rebels that the iraqi government is unwilling or unable to control, I can't imagine what bush could possibly say - since he cheerled the israeli invasion of southern lebanon for exactly the same reasons.

BTW- I support israel's right to self defense. I just don't think their tactics of blowing the whole country up was prudent.
Bush isn't too afraid to look like a hypocrite. However I expect the state department to pull out all the stops to try to squelch that behind the scenes.